About Internews

At Internews, we believe everyone deserves trustworthy news and information to make informed decisions about their lives and hold power to account. We train journalists and digital rights activists, tackle disinformation, and offer business expertise to help media outlets become financially sustainable. We do all of this in partnership with local communities – who are the people best placed to know what works. We support independent media in 100+ countries, from radio stations in refugee camps, to hyper-local news outlets, to individual activists and reporters. We’ve helped our partners reach millions of people with quality, local information that saves lives, improves livelihoods, and holds institutions accountable. Internews is an international nonprofit with 30 offices around the world, including headquarters in California, Washington DC, London and Paris, and regional hubs in Bangkok, Kyiv, and Nairobi. Internews is registered as a 501(c)3 nonprofit in California as EIN 94-3027961. Internews was established in France in 1999 as Non-Profit Association SIRET no. 425 132 347 000 13 and in the United Kingdom in 2013 as Charity no. 1148404 (England) and Company no. 7891107 (Wales).

Jobs by Internews

      Project Manager, Sudan
      Chief of Party, West Africa
      Asia Pacific: Regional Research & Evaluation Manager
      External Evaluator - Horriyat Taabir
      Senior MERL Associate, South America
      Program Officer, Listening Post Collective
      Project Director
      Indo-Pacific: Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
      Tunisia: Project Manager
      Final Report Writer- TACTICAL
      Program Manager, Central America and Mexico
      MERL Officer, Central America Regional Media Project
      Final Evaluator- SUSTAIN
      Physical Security Trainer and Support Consultant - West Bank
      Central America and Mexico: Gender, Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Specialist
      Project Coordinator, Sudan
      Program Officer, Caribbean Programs
      Senior Director, Global Internet & Technology Initiatives
      Latin America: Subgrants & Financial Manager
      Data Engineering Specialist
      Back-End Web Development Specialist
      Front-End Web Development Specialist
      Open-Source Software Documentation Expert
      Tunisia: Project Manager
      Latin America: MERL Coordinator
      Gender and Marginalized Groups Advisor - Civic Defenders
      Hungary: Finance and Accounting Manager
      MERL Officer, MENA
      West Bank: Project Coordinator
      West Bank: Project Manager
      Central America and Mexico: Monitoring and Evaluation Associate
      Central America: Project Associate
      Ecosystem Assessment Specialist
      Psychosocial Support Consultant - West Bank
      Project Associate, the Americas
      Deputy Chief of Party, Civic DEFENDERS
      Regional Programs Manager - The Americas
      Kenya: Subgrants Officer
      Regional Programs Manager - MENA
      Final Evaluator- RAPTOR
      Project Manager, MENA
      Project Manager, MENA
      Content Specialist- Signpost
      Program Associate, the Americas
      Fiji: Project Officer for the Pacific
      Final Evaluator
      Tunisia: Project Coordinator
      Senior Talent Development Associate
      Liberia: Capacity Development Officer
      Liberia: Media Business Officer
      West Africa: Chief of Party
      Thailand: Senior Grants Associate
      MERL Coordinator (Remote in Latin America) - Remote
      Hiring and Contracting Specialist
      Program Associate, MENA
      Content Specialist- Signpost
      Senior Community Liaison
      Social Media Community Liaison- Signpost
      Web Manager- Signpost
      Short-Term Evaluator
      Communications Officer, MVA Forward
      Subgrants Officer, MVA Forward
      CAMEX: Program Officer
      Mid-Term External Evaluator
      Senior Business Development Associate, Private Sector
      Jordan: Human Resources Manager
      Jordan: Operations Officer
      Researcher, Rooted in Trust Sudan
      Central African Republic- Security Coordinator
      Director of Communications
      Bosnia and Herzegovina: Chief of Party, Media Engagement Activity
      Manager, Digital Threat Solutions for Programs
      Program Officer for Afghanistan
      Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Senior Associate- Greater Internet Freedom
      MENA: Regional Technical Support Specialist
      Senior Data Associate, Humanitarian Programs
      Scenario-Based Training Experts
      Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
      Digital Security Specialist- Marginalized Communities
      Central African Republic- Accountant
      Chief of Party, Central Europe (CE) Independent Media Program
      Southeast Asia: Senior Finance Analyst - IIM
      Senior Business Development Specialist
      Central African Republic- HR, Administration and Logistics Manager
      Central African Republic- HR, Administration and Logistics Manager
      Central African Republic- HR, Administration and Logistics Manager
      Central African Republic- HR, Administration and Logistics Manager
      Program Associate- Africa
      Program Associate- Africa
      Program Associate- Africa
      Program Associate- Africa
      Georgia: Deputy Chief of Party
      Georgia: Deputy Chief of Party
      Finance Reporting Manager
      Indonesia: Data Analyst for Clean Air Catalyst
      Indonesia: Community Correspondent for Clean Air Catalyst
      Indonesia: Information Manager for Clean Air Catalyst
      Indonesia: Data Analyst for Clean Air Catalyst
      Indonesia: Community Correspondent for Clean Air Catalyst
      India: Community Correspondent for Clean Air Catalyst
      India: Community Correspondent for Clean Air Catalyst
      India: Information Manager for Clean Air Catalyst
      India: Data Analyst for Clean Air Catalyst
      Georgia: Chief of Party
      Georgia: Chief of Party