About Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Jobs by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

      83466889 Consultancy for CDC CEU Points Program Framework
      83466889 Consultancy for CDC CEU Points Program Framework
      83464388 Africawide outreach of African Climate Summit Results to conduct public sensitization and media advocacy on the Nairobi declaration and ACS
      Civil Peace Service (CPS) Advisor (m/f/d) for transcultural trauma therapy
      National Staff Salary Survey Report for St. Lucia Country including Similar Organizations as GIZ.
      83462189 Consultancy Service for Impact Reporting on the AU Bingwa
      83462363_consultancy service on Africa CDC's G20 Engagement
      Assistant·e technique dans le projet Promotion d’une Politique Foncière Responsable au Cameroun pour l'appui du Ministère camerounais des Domaines
      Assistant·e technique dans le projet Promotion d’une Politique Foncière Responsable au Cameroun pour l'appui du Ministère camerounais des Domaines
      Assistant·e technique dans le projet Promotion d’une Politique Foncière Responsable au Cameroun pour l'appui du Ministère camerounais des Domaines
      83461792 Technical Consultancy for an online self-assessment in Cameroon
      Administrative Specialist
      83462014_Senior consultant for the development of the Africa CDC diagnostics manufacturing strategy and Implementation plan
      83461660_Senior Consultant on pharmaceuticals Strategy development
      83461660_Senior Consultant on pharmaceuticals Strategy development
      Consultancy to support the OECS Commission and MS in advancing the implementation of the COM:ES 2030 roadmap in line with the Euroclima Programme.
      Consultancy to support the OECS Commission and MS in advancing the implementation of the COM:ES 2030 roadmap in line with the Euroclima Programme.
      Consultancy for development of an incentive programme to increase the enrolment of women and representatives of marginalized groups on TVET programme.
      Consultancy for situational study and baseline report to develop regional guidelines for the digitalization of TVET Delivery in the Caricom Region.
      83461047_ Consultancy to support Strengthening of Cooperation between Africa CDC and Regional Economic Communities (RECs)
      83461228 Senior Expert, Support to the AfCFTA Secretariat Trade in Services Division
      83460426 Consultancy service to provide technical expertise to develop the African CDC CSO Engagement Framework
      83460388_Technical Consultancy: Online Self-Assessment Tool
      Advisor for Integrated Water Resources Management and Environmental and Social Safeguards
      Call for Expressions of Interest – Hosting of CSO Network on Anti-Human Trafficking in the Horn of Africa
      Call for Expressions of Interest – Hosting of CSO Network on Anti-Human Trafficking in the Horn of Africa
      Call for Expressions of Interest – Hosting of CSO Network on Anti-Human Trafficking in the Horn of Africa
      83457582 - Senior Learning & Development Expert for the AfCFTA Secretariat
      83456927 - Consultant – Junior Trade Professional: Market Access under the Protocol Trade in Goods
      83456403_ Junior Legal Consultant Professional Market Access under the Protocol Trade in Goods
      Assistant technique (H/F/D) co-gestion des ressources naturelles Cameroon
      To establish Knowledge Management (KM) Policies and Guidelines
      83437777_ a short-term expert consultancy for the evaluation of ACPMD.
      Security Risk Management Advisor
      83438183_Consultancy services for the African Union Department of Economic Development, Trade, Tourism, Industry, and Minerals (ETTIM) on Industrial
      Development Worker (m/f/d) in the field of Forest Environment and Climate in Cameroon
      83439504_ Consultancy service for a Rapid assessment on the state of labour market information system in Cameroon
      Assistant technique en tant que conseiller (m/f/d) pour l’amélioration de la qualité des services publics
      83432640 - Individual Consultancy for financial study, IGAD Migration Programme and IGAD Climate Prediction and application Center (ICPAC) Training
      Caribbean Advisor (m/f/d) for the German contribution to the EU programme Green Transition in Latin America and the Caribbean (EUROCLIMA)
      83429427- Consultancy Firm to Support the AU Commision For The Mid Term Assessment of the 2018 MPFA
      Junior-Systemadministrator*in Linux für SAP
      83426671_Consultancy service for a feasibility study
      Advisor for Climate & Outreach
      Development worker (m/f/d) for the administration of the laboratory department of civil engineering
      Assistant technique en tant que conseiller (m/f/d) pour l’amélioration de la qualité des services publics
      Technical Advisor
      Consultancy Service for Financing Study, IGAD Migration Programme and IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC).
      Civil Peace Service (CPS) Advisor (m/f/d) for Peacebuilding in the Context of Forced Internal Displacement in Mindanao
      Accounting & Administrative Assistant
      83423275_Consultancy services for Coordination of services for Institutional strengthening of the AfCFTA framework
      Energy and Transport Policy Advisor
      Electric Mobility Advisor
      Development Worker (f/m/d) OneHealth
      Development worker (m/f/d) for protected area, district and provincial administrative cooperation
      83417230 _ Short-term consultancy to support media, communication and PR related activities
      83420195 Long-term consultancy service for advisory support, provision of expertise, coaching and mentorship on labour migration to pilot Member State
      Civil Peace Service (CPS) Advisor (m/f/d) for the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum
      83419371 - The consultant is to build the ability of the Moyale Ethiopia and Kenya public administration’s and education service provision offices.
      Project Advisor
      Operations Room Assistant (Shift)
      Civil Peace Service (CPS) Advisor (m/f/d) for psychosocial support and mental wellbeing in the context of conflict
      Development Worker (f/m/d) OneHealth
      83418112_Consultancy to develop country profiles on small-scale farming
      83417301 _ coaching and mentorship on labour migration
      Consultancy services for Coordination of phase II negotiations on investment
      83415474 -Identify, elaborate basic delivery service challenges related to cross-boarder mobility, migration or displacement and recommend capacity...
      Civil Peace Service (CPS) Advisor (m/f/d) for Conflict Transformation in the Context of Resource Conflicts in North Eastern Mindanao
      83414152 Publishing, maintaining, polishing, and promoting the AGPSA Serious Game
      83413069_Short-term consultant in support of communication and PR on free movement in Africa
      Senior Knowledge Management Advisor - One Health, AFROHUN (Ref No: GIZ-OH-AFROHUN/KMA/0722036)
      Support to the AfCFTA Secretariat in the area of Trade in Services
      Advisor (m/f/d) Policy and Capacity Development for the Multi-Donor-Action Capacity for Nutrition
      Civil Peace Service (CPS) Advisor (m/f/d) on conflict sensitive land governance
      83408019 _Support to the AUC on building capacities of AU MS and RECs on Migration and Health Mainstreaming
      83409970 Second Review of the Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa (AIDA) strategy and plan of action
      Technical Advisor for Disaster Risk Management (DRM)