About Christian Aid

Our groundbreaking work began in 1945, when we were founded by British and Irish churches to help refugees following the Second World War. For more than 75 years, we have provided humanitarian relief and long-term development support for poor communities worldwide, while highlighting suffering, tackling injustice and championing people’s rights.

Jobs by Christian Aid

      Locally Led Anticipatory Action and sclr - Consultancy
      Pan Africa Senior Advocacy Advisor
      Head of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB)
      Head of Programmes Unit
      Senior Finance & Grants Officer - Consultant
      TOR - Technical Report Reviewer
      TOR - Data Analyst
      Executive Assistant to International Director
      Gender Based Violence and Protection Global Advisor
      Consultancy opportunity: An assessment of global economic policy formulation in relation to care economies, women’s rights and gender equality between
      Project Finance Officer
      Programme Officer
      Programme Officer
      Programme Manager
      End-term evaluation of ACT Horn and East Africa Drought Appeal response (HEA 221) in Marsabit, Kenya
      Crisis Context Lead
      Programme Officer - ICSP Project
      Private Sector Engagement Manager
      Global MEL Advisor
      Senior Project Coordinator - Syria
      Ukraine Security Consultant
      Community-led response Programme Coordinator – Ukraine Crisis
      Country Director, Burkina Faso
      Finance Manager - Ukraine Response
      Terms of Reference (ToR) For Impact Evaluation of the ZRBF-BRACT Project in Mutoko & Mudzi Districts
      Knowledge Management Officer
      HR & Administration Manager
      TOR Endline Survey Consultancy for Irish Aid Program Grand II (IAPG) in Zimbabwe.
      Multisectoral assessment of Nutrition, WASH, Protection and Livelihood gaps in selected states in Northeast and Northwest Nigeria
      Review of GBV Programme Practice
      Programme Advisor - Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention
      Consultancy Opportunity
      TOR For The Recruitment of a Consultancy Firm/Individual Consultant - Documents Interpretation Services
      Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal Consultant
      Knowledge Engagement and Research Communications Advisor
      Research Funding Manager
      Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal Consultant
      Evaluation of Christian Aid’s Cyclone Idai Response
      Ukraine Country Response Manager
      Programme Manager (Ukraine)
      Africa Advocacy Advisor- Country Advisor
      International Communications Advisor- Country Support
      MEL Advisor - Ukraine
      Safeguarding and Accountability Adviser – Ukraine
      Cash & Protection Adviser - Ukraine
      HR & Administration Officer
      Country Director, Zimbabwe
      Country Director, Kenya
      Country Director, DRC
      Programme Communications Intern
      Programme MEAL Intern
      Global Humanitarian Manager- Middle East
      Head of Programmes- Zimbabwe Accountability Programme
      Team Leader - Zimbabwe Accountability Programme
      Finance Officer- Ethiopia
      Finance Officer
      Financial Controller
      Terms of Reference - Consultancy for Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) for People’s Recovery in Kenya.
      Programme Officer- Emergency
      Complaint and Feedback Mechanism Assistant (Project Support)
      Programme Development and Funding Manager (3 year fixed term)
      Programme Development and Funding Officer (3 year fixed term)
      Humanitarian Programmes Officer
      Human Resource Intern
      Programme Officer - From Violence to Peace (South Sudanese National)
      Country Director, Christian Aid Kenya.
      Country Director, Christian Aid DRC
      Social Media Manager & Content Creator – Freelance
      Terms of Reference for Research Enumerators
      Global Security Advisor
      Senior Internal Auditor - Africa
      Evidence and Impact Advisor
      Responsible Data Officer
      Regional HR Officer (Africa)
      Head of Programme Policy, Research & Learning
      HR Manager
      HR Manager