About BBC Media Action

BBC Media Action was founded in 1999 by the BBC as its international development charity. We apply the editorial standards of the BBC, build on its values and often work closely with the BBC World Service and other BBC departments. However, we are legally and financially independent and work to a distinct mission. Originally known as BBC World Service Trust, we changed our name to BBC Media Action in December 2011. As an independent charity, we are not funded by the UK TV Licence Fee. Our work is made possible thanks to the support of our generous donors – governments, foundations, corporations and individuals.

Jobs by BBC Media Action

      Senior Advisor, Media Development (six month fixed contract)
      Senior Project Manager
      Senior Project Manager
      Senior Project Manager
      Project Officer
      Research Officer
      Research Manager, Risk Communication for Early Action (RiCA), Barbados (consultant/freelance)
      Project Lead, Risk Communication for Early Action, (RiCA) – Barbados (consultant/freelance)
      Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration consultant for newsroom operations
      Country Director, Ethiopia - BBC Media Action
      Radio Production Mentor
      Country Director pool
      Disaster risk communication specialist
      فتح باب الترشحات لبرنامج "تمكين قدرات الصحفيات الليبيات " من بي بي سي ميديا أكشن
      Finance Officer (subject to funding)
      Application for the BBC Media Action – Canadian project. طلب تقديم لمشروع بي ي سي ميديا أكشن الكندي
      فرصة عمل لمؤلف محتوى نصّي ومحرر فيديو رقمي مستقل للعمل في منصة "الكل" الليبية
      فرصة عمل لمنتج محتوى رقمي مستقل من الكفرة، مرزق، والقطرون للعمل في منصة "الكل" الليبية
      Terms of reference for a conflict and gender analysis consultant for Somalia
      Country Director Afghanistan
      Senior Projects Manager, South Sudan
      Country Director, Sierra Leone - BBC Media Action
      Project Manager, Eastern Europe and Central Asia
      دعوة للتعاقد مع مجموعة من صحفيي/ات الفيديو المستقلين/ات المقيمين/ات في ليبيا
      Freelance visual artist/Cartoonist designer
      Senior Project Manager
      Senior Project Manager
      Project Manager, BBC Media Action
      Senior Project Manager
      CEO, BBC Media Action
      Team Assistant (projects)
      Project Manager (Training), Eastern Europe and Central Asia
      Assistant Programme Manager - BBC Media Action
      Country Research Manager (Eastern Europe & Central Asia)
      Country Research Manager (Digital)
      Request for Proposal (RFP) for: Design of training module and adapting inoculation video content to Tunisian & Libyan context
      Pool of trainers
      Local Coordinator
      Learning Management System Specialist (LMS Implementation)
      Country Director, Ethiopia
      Senior Project Manager, Humanitarian
      Country Director
      Research Officer
      Country Director - Nigeria
      Senior Project Manager (Accountability to Affected Populations / Communication & Community Engagement)