About Norwegian Capacity

NORCAP is part of the Norwegian Refugee Council. Our vision is a world where rights are respected and people protected. NORCAP’s mission is to improve aid to better protect and empower people affected by crises and climate change. We do this by: Supporting initiatives that protect and empower people Improving impact at the global and local level through joint projects with partners and stakeholders Providing expertise and developing capacity that enable partners to meet the needs of people in fragile situations and crises Strengthening the humanitarian, development and peacebuilding system by supporting leadership, coordination and policy development Building bridges between the humanitarian, development and peacebuilding sectors

Jobs by Norwegian Capacity

      Innovative Finance Lead (NORCAP Green Shift Team)
      Policy Adviser: Social Policy and Employment
      Roving Information Management Officer UNHCR
      Senior Roving Cluster Coordinator Global UNHCR
      Analysis Hub Team Leader ACAPS Ukraine
      NADABAS Consultant, AU, P3, Tunis, NORCAP
      CashCap is recruiting Cash and Markets Experts for multiple opportunities in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, the Americas, the Middle East and Europe
      Blue Economy Expert, AU, P2, Addis Ababa, NORCAP
      Human Rights Officer, AU, P2, N'Djamena, NORCAP
      Decarbonising Humanitarian Energy (DHE) National Energy Expert(s)
      Monitoring and Evaluation Coordination Officer to the Ministry of Education
      Regional Roving Energy Expert West Africa
      Interagency CVA for Health Expert WHO Ukraine CashCap
      Regional Emergency GBV Adviser (REGA) UNFPA Bangkok
      Expert Democracy and Elections
      Expert Governance AU Addis Ababa
      Consultancy to produce a participatory documentary on Women-led Civil Society Networks in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe States in Northeast Nigeria
      HRIS administrator African Union
      Human Resources Project Manager African Union
      NORCAP Green Shift Project – Female Accelerator Programme 2023
      NORCAP Green Shift Project - Talent Pool
      Climate Security Advisor
      CashCap is recruiting French-speaking Cash and Markets Experts
      Senior Gender and Capacity Building Specialist UN Women, Niamey, P4, NORCAP
      Senior PCRD Officer AU, Bangui
      Expert Constitutionalism and Rule of Law AU, Addis Ababa
      Expert Decentralization and Local Governance AU, Addis Ababa
      Global Roving Expert on Capacity Building for Environmental Screening
      REGA Team Lead UNFPA ASRO Bangkok P5
      Energy Expert UNDP Burkina Faso
      Energy and Environment Specialist
      Accelerator Program 2022 - NORCAP Green Shift Project
      Controller ACAPS NORCAP
      CashCap is recruiting Cash and Markets Experts for placements across multiple regions/geographies