Norwegian Capacity
Since 2013 NORCAP has worked in partnership with the African Union Commission Peace and Security Department (PSD) to meet their growing demand for qualified and specialised civilian experts. NORCAP have supported Peace and Security initiatives specifically in the area of Peace Support Operations, Conflict Prevention, and Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development.
Description for Internal Candidates
In November 2021, the African Union Peace and Security Council (PSC) acknowledged the wide-ranging risks of climate change, as a threat multiplier, to the peace and security landscape in the continent. Including on food and water insecurity, loss of livelihoods, failure of management of natural resources, the scarcity of water resources, climate-induced displacements, and possibly aggravating existing vulnerabilities, tensions and conflicts. The PSC also underlined the importance of adopting a climate-sensitive planning dimension in peacekeeping and post-conflict reconstruction and development efforts to prevent any relapse to armed conflicts in fragile communities, while ensuring its incorporation in national and continental early-warning activities.
Therefore, we are looking for a Climate Security Advisor, to support and advise the Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department and drive the climate security agenda within the African Union Commission.
The successful candidate must also have a minimum of 7 years of professional experience in Law, Political Science, International Relations or a relevant Social Science.
This is an English-speaking role and to be eligible to apply, you must be fluent in English (written and verbal).
The position is located in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia and has a duration of at least 1 year.
To be able to apply, it is mandatory to have citizenship from member states of African Union.
Responsibilities for Internal Candidates
- To monitor and report on wider global and regional trends and developments relevant to the effective positioning and efficient functioning of the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) offer on Climate, Environment, Peace and Security, in support of the implementation of the UNDP Strategic Plan;
- To provide strategic policy advice analysis and guidance on Climate security to the PAPS.
- To design policy initiatives for different contexts on key emerging policy agendas, in collaboration with other AUC Stakeholders including AUC Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture;
- To guide the quality assurance of policy services and foster policy innovation in the specific thematic area to enhance programme delivery;
- To develop guidance and provide oversight on mainstreaming climate security and environmental approaches into AU Peace Operations strategy and planning processes;
- To lead strategic analysis, think pieces, briefs and reporting on matters pertaining to AU’s policy and strategic priorities, work plans and working methods in collaboration with other AUC stackeholders;
- To coordinate the PAPS Climate and Security efforts through ensuring routine engagement of Member States on climate security issues;
- To develops PAPS work-plan on climate security including activities, engagements and products;
- To facilitate the development of policy documents on development solutions to addressing climate security risks in Africa;
- To establish consensus on AUC common position on Climate change, Peace and Security through the completion of a study on the topic (as requested by the AU PSC in May 2018), including transforming the study into a whole-Commission policy document to ensure a foundation for the AUC’s response to climate security threats;
- To support the development of a Climate Security risks methodology assessments as a basis for implementing Climate Security early warning and early response and financing;
- To support engagement of AU Member States, RECs/RMs, UN agencies, and AUC partners to effectively collaborate on issues of climate security, including joint analysis, response, and capacity building;
- To support resource mobilization for the AU’s engagement on climate security;
- To develop climate security-related products to inform AUC leadership on climate security risks facing the continent.
- To enhance reporting capacity for early warning systems and RECs early warning functions on climate security risks.
Qualifications for Internal Candidates
- A Master’s degree in Law, Political Science, International Relations, Political Economy or Social Science;
- Minimum 7 years’ experience in law, political science, international relations, climate change, natural resource management, environmental assessments, disarmament, peace and security, development management, conflict resolution or related areas is required.
- Experience of Conflict Prevention Programmes at the regional, national and/or global levels required;
- Experience in Conflict and Political Analysis, and Strategy Development required;
- Knowledge and/or experience of working with AU programmes would be an added value
- Must have excellent presentation and drafting skills;
- Must be familiar to reportings and briefings and meeting tight deadlines
Skills and Competencies Required
- Ability to work within a small field office in difficult circumstances, take initiative and be a team player; Computer literacy including in word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software;
- Ability to make new and useful ideas work and persuade others to follow;
- Ability to listen, adapt, persuade and transform.
- Ability to use methods and tools to monitor conflict triggers and determine impact of various dynamics in conflict-prone situations.
- Ability to engage with other parties and forge productive working relationships.
- Ability to efficiently handle and share information and knowledge.
- Ability to manage complex relationships through pathways of knowledge exchange, capacity development, funding relationships and strategic engagement.
What we offer :
- Rewarding work for a renowned global organisation
- Access to a network of humanitarian, peace, and development professionals
- Join NORCAP’s team of experts
- A dedicated Staff Care Unit
How to apply
- When submitting your application, kindly register in English your full employment history and education. Please include your full name as written in your passport. Uploaded CVs alone will not be reviewed.
- NORCAP values diversity, equity and inclusion. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates.
- NORCAP reserves the right to conduct a full background check on shortlisted candidates
- Approved Health Certificate will be required prior to contract commencement and assignment
- Feedback will be given to all applicants within four weeks after the closing of this advertisement.
- Apply before 31 december 2022, 11:45 PM (Oslo time, Norway)
How to apply
How to apply
Follow the link :
- When submitting your application, kindly register in English your full employment history and education. Please include your full name as written in your passport. Uploaded CVs alone will not be reviewed.
- NORCAP values diversity, equity and inclusion. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates.
- NORCAP reserves the right to conduct a full background check on shortlisted candidates
- Approved Health Certificate will be required prior to contract commencement and assignment
- Feedback will be given to all applicants within four weeks after the closing of this advertisement.
- Apply before 31 december 2022, 11:45 PM (Oslo time, Norway)