About Search for Common Ground

We began our work in the USA at the height of the Cold War with only a handful of employees, a minuscule budget, and a huge mission: to transform the way the world deals with conflict. Our founder, John Marks, realized that changing the world by tearing down the old system left us in shambles. So, he started building a new one. Instead of approaching conflict from a win-lose perspective, John founded Search for Common Ground to introduce a new concept: we all ‘win’ when the focus is on what we want to achieve—not what divides us. The Cold War ended, but we kept going. Under John and his wife Susan’s leadership we grew and diversified. In 1994, we opened the European Center for Common Ground at the heart of Europe. Our Belgium entity – later to be renamed “Search for Common Ground” – was key to enable our growth. By the end of the decade, we had country offices across four continents and by 2010, we had offices in more than 30 conflict-affected countries. John and Susan raised up a new generation of leaders across the world, leaders who saw firsthand how practical and possible peace is. With Shamil Idriss at the helm, we embarked on a new era of conflict transformation in 2014. Using everything from traditional diplomacy and mediation to video games and virtual exchange, we work one step at a time to change the nature of conflict – from a destructive force to a constructive one.

Jobs by Search for Common Ground

      People & Culture and Administration Officer
      Mid-term evaluation Search-IPIS joint DGD programme (Belgium, Burundi, DRC, Tanzania)
      Facilitator Collaboration Lab - Strategy Paper on Enhancing Climate Change Policy through Democratic Institutions
      Specialist, Programs, MENA
      Senior Manager, Collaboration Lead
      Dirección, Líder de Colaboración
      Baseline Study - Rights Advance: Improving Fundamental Freedoms and Human Rights in Iraq.
      Facilitator - Thematic Roundtable
      Women,Youth, Peace and Security(WYPS) - Men Engagement: CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING CONSULTANT
      Consultancy: ConnexUs Platform Maintenance & Upgrade
      Officer, Marketing Content Writer
      Director, Business Development
      Policy and Coordination Officer - African Union/Youth, Peace and Security (YPS)
      Associate, Program Development
      Project Manager
      Senior Project Officer
      Team Leader
      Conflict Sensitivity Specialist (Re-Advertised)
      Global Policy Fellow
      Call for Proposal Development Consultants (Junior, Mid-Level, Senior)
      Program Manager, Resilient States
      Associate, Program Development - MENA and Asia
      Senior Specialist, Major Gifts (East Coast)
      Manager, Program Development - Middle East
      Manager, Program Development - Asia
      State Program Officer for Pennsylvania
      Country Director - Niger
      Regional Director - West Africa
      Country Director, Sudan
      Global Program Development Internship
      Associate, Development
      Country Director, Yemen
      Final Evaluation Study - Voices of Hope: Aswat al Amal
      Coordinnateur (rice)régional de projets Bénin - Burkina
      Program and Social Media Monitoring & Evaluation Officer (SM M&E-Officer) - REPUBLICATION
      Coordinnateur (rice)régional de projets Bénin - Burkina (REOUVERTURE)
      Associate, Programs
      Program and Social Media Monitoring & Evaluation Officer (SM M&E-Officer)
      Officer, Institutional Learning
      Final Evaluation Study Empowering Civil Society Programme
      Campaign Developer
      Specialist, Children & Youth (5-Month Interim Assignment)
      Terms of Reference for Strategy Development Expert
      Assistant, Strategy Alignment
      Senior Manager, Strategy Alignment
      Design Monitoring Evaluation & Learning Specialist
      Senior Manager, Accounting
      Team Leader, CSSF - Tanzania and Mozambique
      Program Associate
      Officer, Program Development
      Final Evaluation Study - Promoting Women’s Inclusion in Peacebuilding
      Design Monitoring Evaluation & Learning Specialist
      Internship: Asia Programs
      Program Director
      Finance and Operations Manager
      Call for Proposal: Monitoring and Evaluation of Advancing Inclusive Peace and Security in the Levant and Yemen
      Internship: Track II Mediation
      Regional Program Manager, Program Implementation
      Policy Intern
      Global Program Development Intern
      Regional Director-Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
      Senior Program Manager, State Resilience
      Program Assistant, Institutional Learning Team
      Global Human Resources Specialist
      Internship: Safeguarding
      Associate, Program Development Africa
      Associate, Human Resources and Administration
      Consultant Writer
      Central & East Africa Grants Management Intern
      “Promoting Women’s Inclusion in Peacebuilding” & “Empowering Civil Society” - Participatory Community Stakeholder Mapping & Conflict Scan Consultant
      HR Officer
      Legal Representative