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Accounting System

Plan International

Financial system

Terms of Reference

Title: Financial system

Location: Jordan


Under the terms of our agreement with JNCW, we will supply them with various digital tools to enhance their capabilities, including the provision of an Accounting Software.

The Organization

Plan International is an independent child rights and humanitarian organization committed to ensuring children live a life free of poverty, violence and injustice. We actively unite children, communities and other people who share our mission to make positive lasting changes in children’s and young people’s lives. We support children in gaining the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to claim their rights to a fulfilling life, today and in the future. We place a specific focus on girls and women, who are most often left behind. We have been building powerful partnerships for children for more than 80 years, and are now active in more than 70 countries. Plan International Jordan was established in 2016 and has programmed throughout the country on education, youth empowerment, and protection (CP, GBV, SRHR) in various governorates across Jordan. Plan’s Global Gender Equality and Inclusion policy states that the core objectives of Plan International’s work are to achieve gender equality, promoting gender justice, realizing girls’ rights and fostering an inclusive society. This commitment is reflected in our five-year country strategy, our Values and Behaviors Framework, and our Theory of Change.

We aim to:

  • confront and challenge discrimination and human rights violations based on gender. This includes gender-based violence and other forms of exclusion.
  • challenge stereotypes and unequal power relations between women, men, boys, and girls to promote gender equality, girls’ rights, and inclusion.
  • foster an organizational culture that embraces and exemplifies our commitment to gender equality, girls’ rights and inclusion, while supporting staff to adopt good practices, positive attitudes and the principles of gender equality and inclusion.

Background about the project

The She Leads project is designed to contribute to the institutionalization of meaningful participation with the influence of the Girls and Young Women (GYW) in both formal and informal institutions. With this project, the aim is to realize the development goals and the gender- focused commitments of Jordan, including UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 5: “achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls.” Therefore, through the She Leads project, Plan International’s work is focused on an inclusive setting offering all people from the GYW to participate in a diverse environment regardless of their (religion, nationality, ethnicity, color,

etc.). this 5-year this project, aims to: 1) promote positive social norms in Jordan to unlock girls’ and young women’s potential, 2) enable the civil society in Jordan to implement gender-sensitive programming and promote meaningful participation of GYW, and 3) the ambition is for the national legislative environment to adopt a gender-sensitive approach by 2025. through the She Lead project, Plan International’s efforts are aligned with Jordan’s commitments to reforming the public sector and integrating equal opportunities based on non-discrimination principles. Additionally, efforts will be coordinated along with the existing projects of the Dutch Embassy, specifically those related to gender questions and women’s rights, ensuring the maximum level of connection and synergy. The She Leads program is a strategic partnership (consortium) that includes INGOs, national institutions, and civil society organizations and is part of a global/regional program that advocates for girls’ and young women’s rights.

In Jordan, the She Led project will principally target the following groups:

  • Adolescent girls and boys aged 10 – 17 (including vulnerable Jordanians as well as refugees)
  • Young women and men aged 18 – 35 (including vulnerable Jordanians as well as refugees)
  • Early married girls and young women
  • Girls and young women with disabilities
  • Girls going to schools and girls that have dropped out of the school for various reasons
  • GYW in universities


  • Plan wishes to adopt a system for our partner “JNCW” that allows it to facilitate the full financial transactions, reduce papers work and reduce the time in JNCW office, the system will help JNCW office to manage, control, and monitor all financial transactions in systemization way.


  • Financial Modules: Implementation of specialized modules for comprehensive financial management.
  • Project Modules: Implementation of modules tailored for project management, ensuring seamless integration with accounting processes.
  1. The system will cover the following basic functionalities:
  • Have secure, unique log in credentials for each user
  • System with dual language support (AR – EN LTR – RTL)
  • Have different classes of users (Super User, limited User)
  • Support document upload and retention
  • Allow creating reports.
  • The developer shall also be responsible for the following:
  • System maintenance.
  • All design works for the user interface
  • Hosting and Domain Part
    1. Requirement Gathering

JNCW will cover the hosting and domain part on their servers.

supplier should support JNCW team with needed hardware specs, Operating system, backup process which will be suitable and compatible to achieve the system high performance and high availability.


All documents, project designs, drawings, technical data and other information shall remain the property of the JNCW and shall be treated as confidential by the consultant(s) at all times. They shall not be made available to any third party whatsoever, in any form, without the prior written approval of a properly authorized employee of JNCW. The utilization of all proposals, plans and reports and other information provided by the consultant(s) to JNCW is the property of JNCW and the use thereof is solely at the discretion of JNCW. All documents and other papers, whether in soft or hard copy and whether containing data or other information, provided by JNCW shall be returned complete to JNCW upon completion of the assignment. All documentation and reports written during and/or as a result of this system, or otherwise related to it in any way, shall remain the property of JNCW and no part shall be reproduced or quoted, or otherwise used in any way except with the prior, express and specific written permission of authorized employee of JNCW.


PLAN and JNCW will review the dynamic of the system to ensure that it will address all needed requirements. Upon successful negotiation, PLAN and JNCW envisions the below as an initial implementation methodology

1. JNCW will provide suppliers with a set of data that will facilitate creating the different pages needed by JNCW.

2. The system developers will use the data to create all the needed pages with all the details needed by JNCW.

3. The system administrators will begin training the JNCW staff on using the system in a Train-the-Trainer approach to ensure future sustainability. JNCW will determine internal trainers who will have intensive training sessions with the system developers.

The below summarizes the party responsible for each of the implementation steps.

  1. Analysis
  2. Design
  3. Implementation
  4. Testing
  5. Go-live

Time line

The following table presents the summary of envisaged scope of service with an indicative duration for completion of the respective tasks. However, it shall be noted that durations provided are only indicative, hence lump sum rates to be provided for respective tasks shall cover full completion of the scope of services irrespective of indicated durations.

The indicated timeframe is critical to ensure timely implementation of the works.

1 – Conception meeting 15 March 2023

2- Submit prototype 15 April 2023

3- Submit final product 15 May 2023

Thing to note: The timeframe is tentative and subject to project updates, the selected agency/consultant will be notified of the precise dates two weeks ahead of schedule

Technical expertise, skills and knowledge

Academic and Professional Background:

  • Strong professional background in providing similar systems
  • Strong professional background in creating easy to use and intuitive UI.

Evaluation criteria

All proposals prepared by bidders should include two separate sections titled “Technical Proposal” & “Financial Proposal”.

Technical Proposal 65%:

-Type of Technology 20%

-Timeframe and Proposed Implementation Plan 15%

-Proposed SLA 10%

-Demo 10%


Gender Responsive Procurement5%

Financial Proposal30%:

-Overall Cost 20%

-Change request Cost 5%

-Annual Maintenance Contract Cost 5%

How to apply

Application method and deadline

Intrested candidate to submit their financial and technical proposals in separate envelopes by hand to our offices located at:

Building #2, Dawoud Al Sajastani St. 3rd , 4th and 5th floors– Shmeisani | Amman, Jordan.

Plan International Jordan welcomes a response to these Terms of Reference, with CVs and short written statement.

Info session will be conducted via MS teams on 15/02/2024 from 11:00AM to 12:00PM, so please make sure to fill in your email address in the provided link to receive the meeting link.

We are exclusively seeking collaboration with registered companies.

Deadline for receiving proposals is 20/02/2024

Plan International defines a gender-responsive business as one that meets criteria for integrating gender equality and women’s empowerment principles in its policies and practices, and which is aligned to international norms and standards. This could be:

  • The business is headed up by a woman e.g., there is a female CEO
  • The woman-owned business meets the eligibility criteria according to UN guidelines i.e., “a business [which is] owned in whole, or at least more than half, by one or more women”
  • Women occupy more than 35% of management positions in the organisation
  • At least 55% of the workforce are women
  • There are robust gender equality initiatives in place, e.g., a gender equality procurement policy, women empowerment principles are implemented in the organisational policies, etc.

Deadline: 20 Feb 2024

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