About World Concern

World Concern is about extremes. We go to the end of the road to serve people in extreme need because we have an extreme calling—to be the hands and feet of Jesus to a broken world. We follow Him to the thirsty. The hungry. Exploited. Traumatized. Forgotten. We Listen. Walk alongside. Equip and train. We see transformation in communities as families move beyond survival. The thirsty drink clean water, the hungry have food, children learn, the enslaved are free, the hopeless find peace with God. Our work is never a quick fix; transformation takes time. When a community is thriving on its own and can envision its future transformed, we know our work is finished.

Jobs by World Concern

      Human Resources Intern
      Data Management and Communications Intern
      South Sudan Country Director
      Final Evaluation of the NABuRRS Project
      Country Program Representative