About Ground Truth Solutions

Ground Truth Solutions is an international, non-governmental organisation that helps people affected by crisis influence the design and implementation of humanitarian aid. We work to ensure the priorities of people affected by crisis are systematically considered in humanitarian action, from individual projects and organisations to complex responses and system-wide humanitarian reform.

Jobs by Ground Truth Solutions

      Call for proposals for research, analysis, and advocacy to strengthen humanitarian systems’ accountability in oPt
      Director of Policy and Engagement
      Terms of Reference: Quantitative perception survey in Northwest Syria
      Étude qualitative - Redevabilité & Engagement communautaire
      Ground Truth Solutions | Piloting a participatory, evidence-based project planning approach in Kismayo | Kismayo Somalia
      Project Advisor (local): Community perspectives on sexual exploitation and abuse, Ukraine
      Director of Programmes
      Prestataire indépendant - Service de collection de données - République démocratique du Congo
      Data collection firm / consultant(s) (Ukraine)
      Qualitative researcher (Ukraine)
      Analyst (Francophone)
      Programme Manager – cash and vouchers
      Research consultant
      Renforcer la redevabilité envers des personnes affectées par la crise au Burkina Faso
      Consultancy to communicate back research findings to earthquake-affected communities
      Appel d’offres - Renforcer la redevabilité envers des personnes affectées par la crise au Burkina Faso