Three national Consultants – ITC-ILO Certified Gender Audit Facilitators to Conduct the Participatory Gender Audit

United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (HQ)

UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.
UN Women in Georgia supports state and non-state partners towards the achievement of substantive gender equality in Georgia. In line with national and international commitments, UN Women works on the levels of policies and legislation, institutions, and grassroots, in order to achieve transformative results for increased gender equality and greater protection of the rights of women and girls.
In May 2021 UN Women Georgia Country Office (CO) with the generous support of the Government of Norway launched WEE component of a project “Good Governance for Gender Equality in Georgia” (GG4GEG). The GG4GEG project WEE component aims to strengthen governance systems for gender equality in Georgia via institutionalizing gender mainstreaming and developing gender mainstreaming capacity at the national and local levels. One of the methodologies to achieve this goal is Participatory Gender Audit (PGA).
PGA is a gender mainstreaming tool used by organizations to reflect and analyze their own gender capacity, challenges and good practices. It is as well a process that promotes organizational learning on gender equality and gender mainstreaming through a participative methodology. The PGA methodology has been elaborated by ILO in the beginning of the 2000s. UN Women in collaboration with International Labor Organization (ILO) introduced a methodology of PGA to Georgia in 2012. Since then, UN Women has supported PGAs in a number of ministries/state agencies and has developed and gradually expanded a pool of national experts who have received training and certification of PGA facilitators in the international training Center (ITC) of ILO, Turin, Italy.
Within the framework of the GG4GEG project, UN Women plans to expand its work on PGA and intends to support the Georgian National Tourism Administration (GNTA) and National Agency of Public Registry (NAPR) in undergoing PGA. The institutions have expressed goodwill to undergo such audits that is a decisive factor for successful PGA outcomes. The PGA will look whether in GNTA���������s and NAPR���������s internal practices and related support systems for gender mainstreaming are in place and effective and reinforce each other; it will monitor and assess the relative progress made in gender mainstreaming in the organization; will identify the critical gaps and challenges, in terms of effective gender mainstreaming and recommend ways for addressing them; and finally, document good practices towards the achievement of gender equality.
As per the key principles of the ILO PGA approach and to support GNTA and NAPR in undertaking PGA, UN Women intends to hire a ee (3) national consultants from the roster of ITC-ILO certified group of facilitators of Participatory Gender Audit to perform PGA of two agencies as per work spelled out in the section below.
Duties and Responsibilities
The duties and responsibilities of the National Consultant are:
Elaborate and submit the work plan and specific methodology on PGA of the agencies including key activities, and timeframe of the assignment in close cooperation with the UN Women team. Conduct participatory gender audits in line with the finalized and agreed methodology according to the revised ILO manual and procedures on Participatory Gender Audit (2012) (—dgreports/—dcomm/—publ/documents/publication/wcms_093425.pdf). Ensure that audited entity institution undergo full-fledged PGA cycle: Conduct initial desk review of documents prior to audit meetings. Coordinate and conduct meetings and individual interviews in the agency. Conduct and facilitate participatory joint workshops and discuss findings from interviews and desk reviews. Draft PGA reports including process, findings of the study and final recommendations in Georgian. Organize presentation of the findings of the PGAs with the related recommendations for the key staff of the agency. Finalize, write up and submit the final reports in Georgian with the relevant recommendations.
Deliverables (per consultant/per agency encompassing PGA work):
Inception Report: Work plan and specific methodology for the PGA of the GNTA and NAPR, including key activities and timeframe of the assignment developed in English and submitted to UN Women by 28 February 2022 (2 working days in total per agency); Desk review report: Desk review report of all the relevant documents of the audited entities completed in Georgian by 15 March 2022 (3 working days in total per agency); Interviews of the staff of the agency: At least 15 individual interviews and meetings conducted for gender audit with key staff of the agencies by 8 April 2022 (5 working days in total per agency); Workshop for the staff: two two-day participatory joint workshops conducted with the staff to discuss the findings from interviews and desk review by 25 April 2022 (3 working days in total per agency); Draft of the preliminary report: draft of the preliminary report developed including process, findings of the study and final recommendations in Georgian by 16 May 2022 (4 working days in total per agency); Presentation of the preliminary findings: presentation on the preliminary findings of the audited entity delivered by 25 May 2022 (1 working day in total per agency);
Final PGA report completed: participatory gender audit report, including process and final recommendations completed and presented in Georgian to UN Women by 15 June 2022 (2 working days in total per agency).
Core Values:
Respect for Diversity Integrity Professionalism
Core Competencies:
Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues Accountability Effective Communication Creative Problem Solving Inclusive Collaboration Stakeholder Engagement Leading by Example
Required Skills and Experience
At least BA degree in social sciences, humanities or related field. Valid ITC-ILO certificate for Gender Audit Facilitators. Certification process should include all three modules: on-line learning phase (pre-ToF Module), a Residential Training of Facilitators (ToF) and examinations (intermediate + final two-fold examination with a written test including a multiple-choice exam, a scenario analysis, practical exercise and simulations)
Experience and competencies:
At least three years of relevant professional experience in the field of gender equality and women���������s rights Good understanding and proved knowledge of gender mainstreaming principles Good writing s.ills with demonstrated ability to plan and undertake participatory gender audit, collect and analyze data
Fluency in Georgian and good knowledge of En

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