SOS Children’s Village Eastern and Southern Africa Region would like to hire consultant to Develop Content for E-Learning Course (Readvertised)

SOS Children's Villages International

1 Introduction

The purpose of this Terms of Reference (ToR) is to outline the requirements and expectations for hiring a consultant to develop course content for an E-learning course on alternative care, reintegration, and leaving care. The course aims to provide comprehensive knowledge and skills to professionals working in the field of child protection and welfare.

The project falls under the ESAF Regional Reintegration Project category and is aligned with Strategic Initiative 1, which aims to innovate alternative childcare, and Strategic Initiative 3, which focuses on empowering young people.

The project directly links to several priorities, including Priority 1, which emphasizes the implementation of a professional gatekeeping process in all programs. Priority 2 aims to enhance the local relevance and sustainability of alternative care and family strengthening services. Additionally, Priority 4 seeks to increase learning and development opportunities and improve working conditions for child and youth care professionals.

2 Objective

The primary objective of this consultancy is to develop high-quality, engaging, and interactive course content that covers the following topics:

  1. Understanding alternative care options, including foster care, kinship care, and residential care.
  2. Gatekeeping and case management processes
  3. Best practices in reintegration of children into family and community settings.
  4. Support mechanisms and strategies for young people leaving care.
  5. Legal frameworks and policies related to alternative care, reintegration, and leaving care.
  6. Psychosocial and emotional well-being of children and young people in alternative care and
    during the reintegration process.

3 Scope

The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Conduct a comprehensive review and analysis of internal and external policies on alternative care, reintegration, and leaving care, focusing on current trends, best practices, and challenges.
  • Develop a detailed course outline, including modules, learning objectives, and key topics to be covered.
  • Create engaging and interactive course content, including text-based materials, multimedia elements (videos, audio recordings, infographics), case studies, quizzes, and assignments.
  • Ensure the course content is culturally sensitive, inclusive, and applicable to African audience.
  • Provide clear guidelines and instructions for course facilitators or trainers.
  • Develop assessment tools, such as quizzes or exams, to measure learners’ understanding and knowledge retention.
  • Collaborate with the project team and incorporate feedback during the course development process.
  • Revise and finalize the course content based on feedback received from the project team.

4 Deliverables

The consultant will be expected to deliver the following:

  1. Course outline and detailed module descriptions.
  2. Course content for each module, including text-based materials, multimedia elements, case studies, quizzes, and assignments.
  3. Assessment tools and guidelines for course facilitators.
  4. Finalized course content incorporating feedback received.

5 Time frame

The estimated timeline for this consultancy is 40 days, starting from the contract signing date.

6 Qualifications and Experience

The ideal consultant should possess the following qualifications and experience:

  1. A strong background in child protection, social work, pedagogical science, or related fields.
  2. Extensive experience in developing dadictic E-learning courses or educational materials on child
    protection or related topics.
  3. In-depth knowledge of alternative care, reintegration, and leaving care issues.
  4. Familiarity with international standards, guidelines, and best practices in child protection.
  5. Excellent research, writing, and communication skills.
  6. Ability to work independently and meet deadlines.

7 Reporting and Communication

The consultant will report to Tesfatsion Abraham/Eyob Berhanu, who will provide guidance, feedback, and support throughout the course development process. Regular communication will be maintained via email or phone as agreed upon.

8 Budget

The budget allocated for this consultancy is found in the reintegration project. The consultant should provide a breakdown of the budget, including fees, travel, and any other costs associated with the assignment.

9 Proposal Submission

Interested consultants should submit the following documents:

  1. Curriculum vitae highlighting relevant experience.
  2. A brief outline of the proposed approach and methodology.
  3. Samples of previous work related to E-learning course development.
  4. Financial proposal, including a breakdown of costs.

10 Intellectual Property Rights

All course content developed during this consultancy will be the property of SOS Children’s Villages International ESAF Office. The consultant will be required to sign an agreement transferring all intellectual property rights upon completion of the assignment.

11 Confidentiality

The consultant shall treat all project-related information as confidential and shall not disclose any such information without the prior written consent of SOS Children’s Villages International ESAF Office.

12 Amendment and Termination

This consultancy may be amended or terminated by either party in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the agreement.

13 Governing Law

This consultancy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with a service agreement to be signed upon determining the bid winner.

13 TOR

ToR for Hiring a consultant to develop e-learning course content.pdf

How to apply

  1. Applications from applicants must include:
  • Copy of renewed legal registration document
  • Tax identification number
  • Company profile detailing major accomplishments, number of full time regularly tax paying employees, number of years since establishment and others – (Maximum 10 pages)
  • Technical Proposal (Ms Word)
    • Understanding and interpretation of the TOR
    • Methodology to be used in undertaking the assignment
    • Time and activity schedule
  • Financial Proposal (Ms Excel – password protected)
    • Professional fees indaily rate in USD also showingsummed total
    • Other related justifiable admin costs
    • Total cost should be clearly indicated.
  • Curriculum Vitae/Resume (Ms Word /PDF) of the lead consultant and all others to be involved.
  • Copies of highest degree/diploma attained for lead consultant and all others to be involved.
  • Soft copies of sample document/s on child rights policies and/or programmes previously produced particularly in the areas child rights policies, programmes, monitoring, and evaluation focusing on children without parental care (verification will be conducted)
  • Contact details of references (from notable organizations) for whom relevant tasks are previously performed.
  • Fully completed bid application and declaration form signed with blue pen (Annex-1 below)
    1. GeneralInformation for application

Note: Applicants not meeting the minimum requirements need NOTapply or will be disqualified. Failure to include any of the above required information or documents may also result in disqualification.

  • Applicants must submit all the above required documents andinformation.
  • Proposals must be submitted in English.
  • All costs must be quoted in US Dollars
  • Technical proposals should be submitted in Microsoft Word format.
  • Financial proposals must submitted in Microsoft Excel document. The Excel document with the financial proposal should be password protected. The password MUST NOT be submitted with the bid application. If the Ms Excel document is not password protected or the bidder submits the password along with the proposal documents, then the bidder will be disqualified. The bidder must submit to SOS Children Villages only when requested.
  • The financial proposal should indicate professional fees inclusive of all related costs in daily rates. The total number of days and the sum total of all fees and costs should also be clearly indicated inUSD.
  • All required documents must be zippedinto one folder when submitted.
  • If attachments are larger than 10 MB, please upload to Google Drive and share the linkwith full access rights in the applicationemail
  • Subject line of the bid application e-mail must be: “Bid for the development of a monitoring tool on childrenwithout parental care inAfrica”
  • Taxes and payments: As per the regulation:
    • All fees for consultants will be paid through bank transfer.
    • All applicable tax laws at the base country of SOS Children Villages (Ethiopia or Kenya) will be applied.
    • Payment will be made in three phases based on the deliverables. Details will be communicated in the contracts for winning bidders.

For further information or clarification:

Please contact [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]

Applicants must submit in a zipped folder all the above required documents to:

14.9. Deadline for applications:

Applications must be submitted by 23 July 2024 – 13:00 Hrs GMT / 5:00 PM East Africa Time (EAT). Submissions after the deadline will not be considered.

If you are interested in applying, please find the Terms of Reference (TOR) at the following link:

Note: If you applied in the first round, please do not apply again.

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