Music artist

Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion

BACKGROUND About Humanity & Inclusion (Handicap International)

Handicap International runs its program under the operating name Humanity & Inclusion (HI). HI is an independent and impartial non-profit aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. HI works alongside persons with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and their fundamental rights. HI is currently implementing projects in more than 60 countries worldwide, including Thailand.

About Humanity & Inclusion in Thailand

  • Explosive Ordnance Risk Education: conducted towards the overall community, with a focus on at-high-risk groups including refugees willing to return to Myanmar implemented across all 9 temporary shelters in Tak, Mae Hong Son, Kanchanaburi, and Ratchaburi provinces;

HI started working in Thailand in 1982 and first focused its actions on the delivery of mobility and assistive devices to Cambodian and Burmese landmine victims, most of whom needed lower limb prostheses. Since 1998, the scope of projects broadened, and HI started providing physical rehabilitation services to persons with disabilities.

In Thailand, HI currently implements 3 projects:

  • Disability and Social Inclusion (DSI): Inclusion of disability into a mainstream livelihood, vocational training and protection services providers, support of Self-Help Groups of persons with disabilities, and physical accessibility across all 9 temporary shelters; in Tak, Mae Hong Son, Kanchanaburi, and Ratchaburi provinces;
  • Physical rehabilitation: Physiotherapy and occupational therapy-based services and provision of assistive technology; implemented across all 9 temporary shelters in Tak, Mae Hong Son, Kanchanaburi, and Ratchaburi provinces;

Context in which the project takes places

HI Thailand currently runs a project focusing on providing risk education in nine refugee camps. Additionally, the EORE team under HI, is engaged in emergency response for newly displaced families (post-coup) along the Thai-Burma border. The proposed music project will serve as an innovative approach to help the targeted population of youth, adolescents, and music lovers by delivering important messages to stay safe and informed in areas affected by landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO).

By using the universal appeal of music, this project aims to engage youth, adolescents, and music lovers, delivering important safety messages in a fun and engaging way. This approach is especially valuable in areas heavily affected by landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO), where traditional communication methods may not work as well.



The main goal of the Intellectual Service/Music Audio Album (Freelance/Company) is to use music as a communication tool to educate and inform youth, adolescents, and music lovers about the risks associated with explosive ordnances, including landmines, unexploded ordnances, and other remnants of conflict. This will help them develop safe behaviours and minimize the likelihood of injury and danger caused by these dangers.

Specific objectives:

  • Provide clear and accurate information about explosive ordnances, including landmines, unexploded ordnances, and other remnants of conflict thereby the target groups will understand the risks associated with these hazards.
  • Equip beneficiaries with knowledge and skills to recognize and avoid potentially hazardous situations involving explosive ordnances, promoting safer behaviours and reducing the likelihood of accidents and injuries.
  • Promote safe behaviours and attitudes towards explosive ordnances, encouraging individuals to take proactive measures to protect themselves and their communities from the dangers posed by these devices.
  • Provide psychosocial support and resilience for individuals affected by the trauma of conflict using music as a therapeutic tool for healing and coping.
  • create strong emotional connections among youngsters, a sense of unity as music has ability to evoke emotions. It will prompt listeners to reflect on the issue and take necessary actions.


  • The target group of young people, teens, and music enthusiasts will become aware of the dangers of explosive ordnances (EO). Using music as a means of communication will help people understand these risks better, especially in areas affected by conflict. By listening to music and participating in activities, people will learn how to stay safe from these dangerous devices. The project also aims to encourage communities to work together to address the problem. We believe that using music will help improve emotional well-being, especially for those who have experienced the hardships of war. Ultimately, the project seeks to inspire everyone involved to advocate for peace and work towards making their communities safer.

The scope

Desk phase, during which the Intellectual Service/Music Artists will:

Attend Briefing Sessions and participate in sessions to understand the project’s objectives, target audience, and key messages and acquire knowledge about explosive ordnances and the project’s significance.

The methodology will be participatory, incorporating diverse opinions. The Intellectual Service/Music Artists will develop the lyrics, instrumentals, and song genre. The song’s lyrics must adhere to HI’s criteria and will be evaluated under the supervision of the EORE project manager.

  • Collaborate with project team members to develop the initial concept for the song and select the most effective music style for engaging the target audience and conveying EORE messages.
  • Work alongside lyricists to craft meaningful lyrics that communicate key EORE messages to ensure lyrics are culturally appropriate for the target audience.
  • Collaborate with composers and musicians to create instrumental arrangements that enhance the lyrics.
  • Review translated lyrics for accuracy and cultural relevance.
  • Present developed lyrics and compositions to the project manager
  • Make necessary adjustments based on feedback to align with educational goals.
  • Schedule and participate in professional recording sessions.
  • Collaborate with the project team to finalize the recorded song, incorporating all feedback and revisions.


  • Detailed briefing document outlining the project’s objectives, target audience, and key messages.
  • Completed lyrics in the original version (local Karen Version) and translated version (English).
  • Documentation of feedback received and revisions made during the desk phase
  • Produce a music album with High-quality recordings of the songs in the local Karen language including the final edit.
  • Provide the final product in hardcopy (CDs, USBs) and soft copy formats for online upload.
  • Present a detailed explanation of the methodology used, work time frame, and recommendations.


The project should start by 8th August 2024. The final deadline for submission is 14th September 2024.


The Explosive Ordnance Risk Education EORE Educational Music Project can be carried out by an individual or a team with the following skills, experience, and knowledge:

  • Proven experience in music production with a portfolio available for review.
  • Knowledge of English/Karen/Burmese is an asset.
  • Comprehensive services include lyrics writing, singing, instrumentals, recording, and production.
  • Availability for communication via mobile, email, and social media channels.
  • Ability to complete the project by by September 14, 2024.
  • Location in Thailand, with a base in Mae Sot, is an asset.

How to apply


Proposals from interested in the Intellectual Service: Music artist (Freelance / company), should include:

  1. Letter of expression of interests (compulsory)
  2. Technical proposal (compulsory) including the design and methodology, work time frame, (suggested timeline attached) considering contextual limitations (see enclosed below);
  3. Financial proposal (compulsory) All costs related to the production without exceptions should be figured into the financial plan or quotation plan
  4. Curriculum vitae (compulsory) detailing an Intellectual Service/Animation creator (Freelance / company)’s preparedness, reference of previous assignment done or sample of work accomplished;
  5. References if available
  6. A list of relevant documents for the contractual process will be requested in case of selection (passport/ID card, insurance, fiscal registration…)

Evaluation of the proposals/ applications will be made through a selection committee through two phases:

  • Administrative selection: checking for completeness of application
  • Technical selection: The criteria to select the best application will be based on the quality of the technical proposal, competitive financial proposal, human resources skills and previous experiences, and demonstrated expertise of the applicant.

Incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration for technical selection.

The deadline for submission of proposals is 28th July 2024 at midnight Thailand time. Applications received after the application deadline will not be considered

Proposals should be submitted to the following email: [email protected] including as subject in the mail: MUSIC ARTIST-EORE EDUCATIONAL SONG

Only candidates who pass the administrative selection will be taken into consideration for a technical assessment and will be afterwards notified on the final decision. Selected applicants may be invited for a (phone/skype/MS Team) interview.

HI reserves the right to contact the applicants for further information before the final selection of the selection committee.

HI is committed to protecting children and vulnerable adults from harm. All staff, including Intellectual Service, are expected to comply with the Child Protection and PSEAH policies, Code of Conduct and other HI institutional policies. Applicants for this consultancy will be assessed regarding their suitability to work with children and adults with disabilities.

All information shared by the applicants remains confidential.

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