400px UN Volunteers logo.svg National Disaster Risk Reduction Specialist

National Disaster Risk Reduction Specialist

UN Volunteers

Task description

Within the delegated authority and under the supervision of the PMO, the UN Volunteer National Disaster Risk Reduction expert will:

– Support project partners in conducting key informant interviews to assess the familiarity of disaster risk reduction (DRR) stakeholders with existing institutional arrangements in relation to (early warning systems (EWS), disaster law, financing for DRR etc.).

– Mobilize the key DRR stakeholders in relation to EWS, disaster law and financing for DRR, relying on formal coordination mechanisms such as the national DRR platforms.

– Support project partners in consulting with representatives from different sectors (e.g. tourism, agriculture, maritime security, civil society networks, private sector and other key DRR stakeholders) in order to identify the institutional preparedness and response procedures to be assessed.

– Support the organization of a regional workshop on DRR stakeholders’ roles and mechanisms to implement DRR strategies and plans.

– Liaise with the Ministry of Finance to collect budget data for the analysis of domestic and international resources available for DRR and climate change adaptation (CCA) and review the cost of disasters to Mauritius based on loss damage data.

– Support the review of government legal obligations to support prevention and mitigation as well as preparedness, response and recovery activities.

– Support project partners in the discussion of possible ways to institutionalize a system to monitor and track DRR and CCA investments over time.

– Consolidate loss databases and facilitate agreement on the use of such information for disaster management purposes, particularly in relation to preparedness.

– Attend United Nations Country Team meeting on behalf of UNDRR and ensure activities are coordinated with the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework.

– Participate in the inter-agency working groups such as the Result Groups, the MEL (Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning) to support monitoring of the UNSDCF implementation.

– Support project partners in field missions and capacity development training.

– Support report writing.

– Perform other duties as assigned.

How to apply

The UN Volunteer assignment of National Disaster Risk Reduction Specialist has now been advertised in our official Unified Volunteer Platform (UVP).

LINK ( https://app.unv.org/api/doa/doa/1748109100001536/social.html)

You are encouraged to apply through the above link. Please also update your UVP profile, as necessary. Instructions to update your profile are available here.

Good luck with your application!

Deadline: 20 Feb 2024

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