Call for consultancy: Impact analysis of work with theological education in East and Southeast Asia and Francophone Africa

  • Contractor
  • Remote
  • TBD USD / Year
  • Tearfund profile

  • Job applications may no longer being accepted for this opportunity.



About Tearfund: Tearfund is a UK Christian relief and development agency. It currently works in around 50 countries, with a primary focus on supporting those in poverty and providing disaster relief for disadvantaged communities. Tearfund wants to unlock the potential of local churches and community organisations globally to tackle the root causes of poverty, injustice and fragility in their wider communities.

Tearfund has recently launched its refreshed Theology and Network Engagement Strategy 2022-2025, which articulates a vision to see the diverse and global church engaging with the Bible from their own context, embracing integral mission, challenging unjust structures that perpetuate poverty and exclusion, and building the kingdom of God. One of the strategic priorities is to see theological training organisations embrace and share approaches to the theology and practice of integral mission in the church that are developed for and within their own contexts.

Consultancy opportunity

Tearfund is opening a call for consultants to conduct an impact analysis of Tearfund’s work with theological education. This research will examine two aspects of Tearfund’s work with theological education.

  • Firstly, it will examine the past impact of Tearfund’s work on theological training organisations, with two case studies: Francophone Africa, and East and Southeast Asia (ESEA).
  • Secondly, it will explore the implicit link in the new Theology strategy between theological education organisations adopting an integral mission approach, and churches and communities engaging with the Bible from their own context, embracing integral mission, challenging unjust structures that perpetuate poverty and exclusion, and building the kingdom of God.

The findings from this research will be used to inform Tearfund’s future influencing work with theological training organisations. Tearfund’s influencing approach within the theological education space has developed differently in Tearfund’s different regions, in order to best suit the needs of the context. The research would seek to identify best practices (relevant, effective, efficient, impactful, and sustainable) which could be utilised in other regions and areas of our work.

How to apply

For more information, please refer to the full applicant pack. To apply, please send your application to Jo Cribbin, Senior Project Manager ([email protected]).

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