Access to Asylum Procedures Expert – Germany

  • Contractor
  • Germany
  • TBD
  • European Union Agency for Asylum profile

  • Job applications may no longer be accepted for this opportunity.

European Union Agency for Asylum

The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) has issued a Call for Expressions of Interest (CEI) to establish a list of remunerated external experts. These external experts are envisaged to be deployed to EUAA Asylum Support Teams as part of EUAA’s operations in different EU member States. The CEI includes 19 profiles in the field of asylum and reception and it is open for applications until 28 March 2027.

The indicative tasks for the Access to Asylum Procedures Expert (profile n. 6) are the following:

  • Support the development, implementation and coordination of asylum registration, flow management and information provision-related offices, structures and processes.
  • Process registrations and lodging of applications for international protection, including identifying Dublin and/or vulnerability indicators, and follow up communication and supporting implementation of existing referral pathways.
  • Manage and address needs of arriving groups of applicants for international protection and contribute to a smooth functioning of the arrival in-processing in accordance with policy and procedures.
  • Support the implementation of Relocation activities.
  • Support the implementation of information provision to applicants and beneficiaries of international protection regarding the asylum and reception procedures, including to arriving groups.

The candidate will meet the following requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree (EQF 6 or equivalent).
  • 3 years of proven professional experience related to the tasks described.

How to apply

The details of the call including the procedure, conditions, the information about this specific profile (no. 6), as well as the application details can be found on the following link:

Deadline: 28 Mar 2027

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