About SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Jobs by SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

      Multi-Country Project Manager - Innovation Challenge Fund
      Director Country Finance
      Global Head Monitoring Evaluation and Learning
      Compensation & Benefits Analyst
      Country Director South Sudan
      Market Development Manager
      Country Director, Benin
      Senior Media Relations and Advocacy Officer
      Sector Leader Energy Vietnam
      Sector Leader Energy Vietnam
      EU Partnership Officer
      Investment Climate Reform Project Lead
      Project Officer - Quality and Innovation
      Business and Investment Expert – West Africa
      Sector Leader Agri-Food Vietnam
      Global Technical Advisor Digital Innovations
      Project Manager - Food Security and Agriculture (NOURISH)
      Market Development Manager
      Multi-Country Project Manager - Innovation Challenge Fund
      Business Development Officer
      Project Manager - Green Jobs for Youth in Mozambique (GeraSol)
      Climate Adaptation Advisor – Agriculture and Food Security Asia
      Climate Adaptation Advisor – Agriculture and Food Security Africa
      Project Manager –Integrated Water Resource Management and Climate Adaptation in South Benin
      Programme Manager Nature-based Solutions for Adaptation in Agriculture
      Project Manager Horticulture – Horti-LIFE III Project
      Access to Finance Advisor
      Programme Manager Business Environment Development
      Project Manager Economic Infrastructure Development
      Supervisory Board Chairperson
      Terms of Reference for a Multi-Country Project Evaluation, SNV Bhutan, Nepal and Lao PDR,
      Directeur-Adjoint chargé de Développement de Connaissances, Partage et Dialogue - Programme PRO ARIDES
      Sustainable Urban Water Cycle Project Manager
      Water Sector Leader
      Country Director Nepal/Bhutan
      Project Manager: REALMS Project
      Business Development Officer
      Global Accounting Support Officer
      Senior Advisor, Private Sector Development
      Call for Proposals : Grant and Fund Management Consultancy
      Terms of Reference: Technical study to improve the business environment for Agroforestry in Rwanda
      Terms of Reference: Growth diagnostics and competitiveness study of the Manufacturing Sector in Tanzania developed through public-private dialogue
      Sector Leader Energy / Program Manager
      Global Accounting Support Officer
      Call for submission of CVs : Digitalisation for Agriculture - Addressing Challenges in the Enabling Environment
      Call for submission of CVs: Digitalisation for Agriculture – Narrowing the Digital Divide
      Business Development Officer
      Budget Development Officer
      Global Sector Head Agri-Food
      Global Contracting and Procurement Advisor
      Governance Support Officer
      Terms of Reference: Video producing Consultant/Video Editor to join ICR Facility Roster
      Request For Proposal : SNV Urban Nutrition Opportunities