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Translator / Interpreter – Multiple – (International Position)

Organisation of Educational Cooperation

General Background

The OEC: The Organisation of Educational Cooperation (OEC) is an international intergovernmental organisation, founded in January 2020 by countries from across the Global South, to “contribute to the equitable, just, and prosperous social transformation of societies by promoting balanced and inclusive education, in order to attain the fundamental rights to liberty, justice, dignity, sustainability, social cohesion, and material and immaterial security for the peoples of the world”.

GALM: The Bureau of General Assembly and Logistics Management functions are:

  • Provide logistical and documentation support to the General Assembly, the Council of Member States, and the Conference of Associate Members in their ordinary and extraordinary sessions.
  • Support the President of the General Assembly in the discharge of their duties.
  • Provide logistical and documentation support to the conferences and international meetings convened by the Secretariat.


The position sit within the GLAM’s unit responsible for Documentation, Translation and Interpretation and Meeting Support. The OEC has four official languages; English, Arabic, French and Spanish and its official documents must be made available in all four languages. In this regard, Translators / Interpreters are expected to be fluent in two or more official languages of the organization.

  • Provide accurate translation in from English (or vice versa) to one or more OEC official languages (Arabic, French, Spanish)
  • Provide accurate revision of the translated terminology based on the document’s source text
  • Conduct research on the glossary terms and use reference materials or authentic texts in the target language
  • Timely delivery of tasks based on deadlines.
  • Provide interpretation services for meetings, and events

How to apply

Click on the link and follow the application steps:

This position is open to international applicants. (Applications from West Africa, South America and Asia Pacific highly encouraged).

Female Candidates are strongly encouraged to apply

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