Oxfam Novib
1. Background
Situation in Somalia
Decades of conflict, recurrent climatic shocks, disease outbreaks, large-scale evictions, desert locusts, and increasing poverty, are devastating the people of Somalia. Somalia remains on the frontline of climate change and is currently experiencing the longest drought in at least 40 years. It has surpassed the duration and severity of the 2010-2011 and 2016-2017 droughts and continues to drive high levels of humanitarian needs. There are now more than 7.8 million people affected by drought in the wake of a fourth failed rainy season, while more than 1 million people have been displaced in search of water, food and pasture. Recurrent climatic shocks and conflict continue to diminish the resilience of communities, consequently depleting livelihood and coping mechanisms. Due to increased frequency of shocks, communities do not have sufficient time to recover.
Somalia Joint Response
In response to the protracted humanitarian crisis, the Somalia Joint Response (SOMJR) supports women, men, girls and boys affected by climate-related disasters and/or armed conflict. Four members of the Dutch Relief Alliance – Oxfam Novib, Red een Kind/ Medair, SOS Children Villages and World Vision – provide life-saving and protection assistance, and support rebuilding of livelihoods, in collaboration with 8 local NGO partners. The SOMJR implements activities in the sectors of Food Security and Livelihoods, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH), Health, Nutrition, Protection and Multi-purpose Cash, addressing both emergency needs as well as providing medium-term livelihoods support. The SOMJR targets both vulnerable Internally Displaced People (IDPs) and host community members, and special attention is given to the inclusion of vulnerable groups, including elderly people, pregnant and lactating women, children under the age of five, and people with disabilities. The target communities include urban, agro-pastoral as well as pastoral communities.
2. Purpose
The main aim of this assignment is to shed light on the severe humanitarian situation in Somalia and present the efforts to provide humanitarian assistance implemented under the Somalia Joint Response through DRA consortium members and their local partners.
Through the gamification[1] strategy, Oxfam as lead agency for the Somalia Joint Response aims to develop a simple mobile application game presenting the situation in Somalia in a simple and fun way for the youth and people not involved in humanitarian action around the world and particularly in developed countries.
Description of the Game:
The game should reflect the efforts of the Somalia Joint Response to support vulnerable people affected by the crisis in Somalia. The game plays from a Project Manager perspective and will be provided with information about the context/ situation and the humanitarian needs and the design of the SOMJR project and the activities. The game will present this information in an entertaining way. The game part will consider some options on what to do in each situation and throughout the game, the application will show how the situation worsens and the exacerbation of the humanitarian needs in addition to present some humanitarian stories and showing the challenges and the results achieved at the end of the game.
The game should present quick information and the player should be able to finish the game within two hours of playing – divided into several levels or several scenarios – including presenting all the humanitarian stories, humanitarian/drought information, and achievements.
The game should include all links to the websites of all JR members as well as DRA for further information.
The targeted audience for the game is youth and people – mainly in the west – not involved in humanitarian work to shed light on the catastrophic situation in Somalia and the humanitarian efforts to respond.
3. Expected output and scope
The final product of the assignment will be a mobile application game showing the catastrophic situation in Somalia and the SOMJR efforts.
The mobile application should be in two versions for android and IOS operating systems.
4. Indicative timeline
- 18 December 2022: Deadline for Expression of Interest
- 20 – 22 December 2022: Presentations and interviews with the short-listed candidates
- 25 – 26 December 2022: Selection of consultant/ company, contracting and provide all the required data
- 04 January 2023: Deliver the alpha version of the application for test, comments, and feedback
- 15 January 2023: Deliver the beta version of the application for test, comments, and feedback
- 20 January 2023: Send back all comments and necessary changes
- 31 January 2023: Send the final version
5. Required profile for lead consultant/company
- Excellent technical knowledge in mobile application developments
- Excellent knowledge of game development and gamification concept
- Track record of previous works with organizations, companies, for similar assignments
- Fluency in English
- Report writing skills
- Previous experience with humanitarian of civil society organizations with minimum 5 years.
- Previous experience in project management and understanding of the logics
- Knowledge of Somalia and climate justice
- Interest in qualitative and quantitative results measurement
- Based on Somalia or Somaliland
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamification
How to apply
6. Mode of application
Expressions of Interest (EoI) submitted should include the following to be considered, any incomplete package will not be considered in the evaluation:
- Updated CV/ company profile with copy of related certificates and documents
- Consultant/ company portfolio and examples of previous works
- Detailed narrative proposal explaining the methodology and the ways of working to complete the assignment (app in English, and showing also the cost for a version in Dutch and Somali)
- Detailed workplan showing the steps and timeline of the assignment
- Detailed budget showing the hourly rate and number of hours required to complete each task or component plus other costs. Bidder should pay attention to taxes and logistics costs as per the following:
- Taxes: In Somalia, the tax rate is 6% tax for national consultants and 12% for international consultants – this should be included in the budget
All bids should be submitted on or before 18 December 2022 via email to [email protected]. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.