“Building the Palestinian Agricultural Insurance Systems and Services”
- Palestinian Agricultural Sector
The relevance of agricultural insurance derives from the importance of the agricultural sector itself in social and economic development in Palestine. The country is rich in agricultural biodiversity, enjoys a variety of climatic and geographical variations that enable diversity in agricultural production, and benefits from its ability to keep abreast of agricultural technological development. The Israeli occupation, however, proliferates drivers and vulnerabilities, including the confiscation of land, fragmentation of Palestinian territory, control over water and resources, especially in Area C, limited access to international and national markets, and military and settler violence. Despite manifold Israeli restrictions on Palestinian access to resources, movement, and trade, which have led to an overall decline of the sector, agriculture remains an important source of food security, livelihoods, and export revenues. Although impacted by the global COVID-19 pandemic and operating under Israeli restrictions, which have resulted in continuous loss of land and water, the percentage contribution of agricultural activity value added of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is estimated to reach 7.6% according to 2021 forecasts. Further, agriculture provided jobs for 6.2% of the employed in the third quarter of 2021 and a secondary source of income for many more households in the occupied Palestinian territory, where farming widely depends on family labour. Women play a critically important but often unrecognised role in the sector, supplying 87% of the labour input in livestock production and 54% in rain-fed crop production (Food and Agriculture Organisation, 2020).
However, agriculture’s overall economic importance is broader than just the sector itself. It has forward and backward linkages with sectors such as industry, retail and wholesale trade, transport, tourism, and hospitality services, which rely on it as a source of inputs or as a market that absorbs their outputs.
Over and above its economic roles, agriculture is an intrinsic component of the Palestinian cultural and social fabric. It plays a crucial part in the national narrative and is privileged in literature, songs, and other artistic expressions. It has come to symbolize Palestinian resilience and perseverance in the face of ongoing land loss due to prolonged occupation and the expansion of Israeli settlements. Within the context of political volatility, one of the world’s fastest-growing populations, and increased climatic variability exacerbated by environmental degradation, the risks faced by farmers, producers, and other agricultural value chain actors are expected to increase unless adequate measures are taken to protect the agriculture sector better.
Within the context of political volatility, one of the world’s fastest-growing populations, and increased climatic variability exacerbated by environmental degradation, the risks faced by farmers, producers, and other agricultural value chain actors are expected to increase unless effective measures are taken to protect the agriculture sector better. As described by climate change experts, climatic risks will potentially increase with future climate scenarios for Palestine projecting a temperature rise and a decrease in average annual rainfall, translating into an increase in the risk of drought and flood risk, with the wettest days becoming more frequent. While currently, farmers and producers who have incurred such risks are partially supported through direct loss compensation, a more optimal system of professional risk transfer – insurance – is necessary, especially with the increased vulnerability of farmers and producers to risks.
A 2018 demand survey, administered on a sample survey representing small-scale producers, conducted by the Palestinian Agricultural Disaster Risk Reduction and Insurance Fund (PADRRIF) to assess farmers’ and producers’ attitudes towards agricultural insurance, revealed that 83% of the respondents expressed the need and willingness to participate in an agricultural insurance scheme when it is available and ready. This indicates that PADRRIF should move forward with activating an agricultural insurance programme.
- Project Background
The ‘Building the Palestinian Agricultural Insurance Systems and Services’ project is a 36-month action led by Oxfam and the Economic and Social Development Centre of Palestine (ESDC) and funded by the EU. The action aims to increase the resilience of Palestinian farmers and producers against shocks resulting from production risks, including climate change and infrastructural risks, with the specific objective of putting in place an operational and sustainable agricultural insurance system and services through the Palestinian Agricultural Disaster Risk Reduction and Insurance Fund (PADRRIF), with the participation of the private sector.
This project and its two predecessors stem from the Palestinian Agricultural Disaster Risk Reduction and Insurance Fund (PADRRIF) strategy adopted for 2017-2022. The strategy included three significant programs, one of which was the Agricultural Risk Management Programme. This programme’s key output was to develop “a market for agricultural insurance and partnerships to mitigate agricultural risks.” The Agricultural Risk Management Programme drives the ‘Building the Palestinian Agricultural Insurance System and Services’ project, ensuring its continuity and alignment with PADRRIF’s objectives.
The current project builds upon a previous EU-funded technical assistance project called “Developing the Agricultural Insurance System in Palestine: Pre-Development Phase.” As part of this project, a group of experts was recruited to assess the current environment in oPt and prepare a ‘Roadmap on Agricultural Insurance Development.’ The roadmap in March 2018 outlines the technical, policy, legal, financial, market, and organizational requirements for establishing agricultural insurance in Palestine. Importantly, the roadmap was developed closely with PADRRIF and key stakeholders. Additionally, the project builds on the achievements and lessons learned from the ‘Developing the Agricultural Insurance System in Palestine’ pilot project, funded by the Government of Sweden and led by Oxfam in partnership with PADRRIF, concluding in 2019.
- Assignment Objectives and Expected Results
Oxfam is seeking to contract a Consultancy Firm or individual experts who possess extensive experience in curriculum development and conducting trainings for the specified topics that will be conducted in the 2nd quarter of its training/capacity building programme over the period of three- four months.
Objectives of Assignment
One main objective of the ‘Building the Palestinian Agricultural Insurance Systems and Services’ project is to establish a robust insurance system in collaboration with various stakeholders. The project aims to enhance the resilience of Palestinian farmers and producers in the agricultural sector against production and market risks caused by climate change and infrastructure vulnerabilities. A key focus of the project is to provide capacity building opportunities for staff from, the Palestinian Agricultural Development and Risk Insurance Fund (PADRRIF) of being the Center of Excellence for Agriculture Risk Management, insurance companies and other relevant public sector entities. The goal is to equip them with a comprehensive understanding of the key principles, functions and operations of agricultural insurance. Oxfam’s vision is to develop a targeted technical capacity building program that primarily involves PADRRIF, the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), the Palestine Capital Market Authority (PCMA), , and individual insurance companies. Additionally, other stakeholders such as potential distributors like Microfinance Institutions (MFIs may be included in the program during its implementation.
Based on this, Oxfam is requesting interested firms/experts to provide full proposal for the trainings that will be conducted in the 2nd quarter.
Expected Results:
The expected result of this assignment is to successfully prepare for and deliver a number of training courses within the second quarter of the Oxfam’s Agro-insurance Capacity Building Programme covering certain technical topics, and specifically tailored to meet the needs of the project’s stakeholders. To realize the capacity building programme transformative change and to increase the capacities and confidence of partner organizations under this project; the final output is to make sure that staff receive adequate training for the purposes of operationalizing the agricultural insurance system and ensure that they are competent for the work they undertake in both the public and private sector. The developed curriculum should include and define the course/ series of courses for each operation under the system to make sure that the programme will create positive improvements in competency-based learning in the Agricultural insurance system.
It is important to note that this Terms of Reference (TOR) specifically pertains to the training activities scheduled for the second quarter, with each quarter lasting four months. Oxfam will issue separate ToRs for subsequent quarters, taking into account the outcomes and assessments conducted in the previous quarter and the availability of budget. These subsequent ToRs will address specific objectives and training requirements identified through ongoing evaluation processes. This approach ensures that the training programme remains adaptable to the changing priorities and demands of the Agricultural Insurance project. Through continuous evaluation and necessary adjustments, Oxfam aims to optimize the effectiveness and relevance of the training initiatives throughout the entire project duration.
During its first quarter of the technical capacity-building component Oxfam concluded the following four courses:
- Underwriting for crop and livestock insurance
- Claim process and loss adjustment for crop and livestock insurance.
- Policy wording and insurance agreements
- Agricultural and agricultural insurance (AI) policy development
For the second quarter (specified in this ToR), Oxfam is expecting submitted proposals by trainers or service providers that covers the following topics:
- Agricultural risk management & Agricultural insurance core actuarial principles and practice as part of product development.
- Reinsurance and reinsurance agreements.
- Agro-insurance product design.
- Agro-insurance financial management, fundamentals aspect of Takaful agricultural insurance and IFRS standards/principles
- Assignment Scope of Work
The Consultant/Service provider is required to carry out the following tasks:
- Developing of training materials (training package) and delivering the whole training program for the specified agricultural insurance operations that will be conducted in the 2nd quarter, which include the following topics:
- Agricultural risk management & Agricultural insurance core actuarial principles and practice as part of product development.
- Reinsurance and reinsurance agreements.
- Agro-insurance product design.
- Agro-insurance financial management, fundamentals aspect of Takaful agricultural insurance and IFRS standards/principles
- The trainers should cover topics aligned with the objectives of the Agricultural Insurance project and the areas of focus.
- Design the training curriculum (training handbook and presentations) for the set topics, instructional methods, and learning materials to ensure effective knowledge transfer and capacity building (Trainees package and trainer’s package).
- Create assessments or tests to evaluate participants’ understanding and proficiency in the conducted trainings. It would be preferable if the chosen trainers can also arrange fora participants to receive a certification of attendance from a reputable institute or organization specializing in the agricultural insurance field, upon successful completion of the training.
- Present a comprehensive training schedule that outlines the sequence of modules, duration of each session, and the preferred mode of delivery. In-person training is the main delivery mode while online is welcomed as a combination method with in-person training and possibly for successive monitoring training sessions, when needed. [for in-person delivery of training modules, the trainer/s should be able to reach the Palestinian Territory in the West Bank].
- Collaborate closely with Oxfam staff to ensure alignment with project goals and objectives.
By fulfilling these tasks, the selected consultant will contribute to the overall success of the Agricultural Insurance project by equipping stakeholders with the necessary knowledge and skills to mitigate risks, enhance resilience, and promote sustainable agricultural practices in the face of climate change and other challenges.
- Deliverables of this Consultancy Assignment
The deliverables under this consultancy assignment are:
- Comprehensive training curriculum (training handbook and presentations) for the topics that will be covered in the second quarter: A well-designed and structured training curriculum that covers the necessary topics related to agricultural insurance, meeting the objectives of the Agricultural Insurance project and the areas of focus.
- Training materials: High-quality instructional materials, including handbooks, presentations, handouts, case studies, exercises, and any other relevant resources required for effective knowledge transfer during the training sessions.
- Assessment tools: Assessments or tests that accurately evaluate participants’ understanding and proficiency in given trainings. These assessments should align with the learning objectives and provide a reliable measure of participants’ knowledge and skills.
- Training schedule: A detailed training schedule that outlines the sequencing of modules, duration of each session, and proposed delivery mode. The schedule should ensure a well-paced and comprehensive learning experience for the participants.
- Progress reports: Regular collaboration reports that document the consultant’s engagement and collaboration with Oxfam staff, partners, stakeholders, small-scale producers, and business owners. Progress reports should provide updates on the development and delivery of the training program, highlighting achievements and addressing any challenges encountered.
- Final evaluation report: A comprehensive final evaluation report that assesses the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and impact of the training program. This report should provide insights and recommendations for further improvements and future training initiatives.
The Consultant will create a customized curriculum specifically designed for the agricultural insurance operations scheduled to take place in the 2nd quarter. This curriculum will encompass the aforementioned topics..
It is worth noting that Oxfam reserves the right to award the contract for conducting the trainings to different consultants or service providers. Therefore, it is possible the contract may be divided among multiple providers, with each one being responsible for conducting a complete training on a specific topic or area. This approach allows Oxfam to leverage the expertise and specialization of different providers, ensuring that each training is delivered by professionals with in-depth knowledge and experience in their respective fields.
Oxfam will handle all logistics within the country, which includes tasks such as hall rental, providing stationery, interpretation services, organizing transportation for field visits (limited to transportation only), and arranging lunch and coffee breaks.
Assignment timeline:
The period for the assignment is 3-4 months starting from the date of signing the contract until the submission of final report:
Publication of Term of Reference
July 20,2024
Deadline for submission of the proposal:
August 05, 2024
Notification of award:
August 15, 2024
Contract signature
August 20, 2024
- Skills and background of the Consultants’ Team
The skills and background required for this assignment are experienced agricultural insurance experts and supporting teams within the insurance and agricultural sector.
A combination of international team members is expected; still Oxfam’s welcomes the inclusion of local teams either from Palestine or form the other countries identified as the training destinations. The consultant to be selected for the proposed assignment should have:
- Demonstrated expertise of capacity building and training of insurance and non-insurance teams.
- An extensive and proven experience in designing and developing agro-insurance training materials and training delivery.
- At least 7-10 years of experience with agro-insurance systems, operations and processes, systems, and procedures.
- Knowledge and experience of using participatory and innovative facilitation and training techniques.
- Experience in the agriculture sector in Palestine is desirable.
- Proven management ability and interpersonal skills.
- Acknowledged similar consultancies with recognized organizations.
- The consultant must have an effective report-writing and strong oral and written communication skills both in Arabic and English [for non-Arabic speaking trainers, Oxfam will make available an interpreter only during the training delivery], and a good analytical and conceptual skills, strong planning, organization, and administrative skills.
- Technical and Financial Offer
Technical Proposal: The consultant/advisor is requested to submit:
- A complete proposal in English, describing the general approach and detailed methodology that will be used for the consultancy engagement. The methodology should include:
- Clear topics, instructional methods, and learning materials.
- A detailed training schedule specifying module sequencing and session durations.
- The names of trainers assigned to each topic for effective knowledge transfer and capacity building.
- A list of relevant experience in the same field, showcasing previous projects or engagements that demonstrate expertise in the subject matter.
- Curriculum vitae (CVs) of the team lead and other consultants involved, clearly stating their work divisions and responsibilities within the project.
- The annexed excel sheet filled with the needed information.
- A detailed implementation plan, outlining the step-by-step actions and activities to be undertaken for successful execution.
Financial Proposal: The financial offer should include the following items and conditions:
- Detailed financial budget/study cost segmented by each topic and action/step, ensuring alignment with the detailed technical methodology. Any contradiction between technical and financial items will be considered a weakness of the proposal.
- Ensure that the submitted offers remain valid for 120 days from the final date of submission. The submitted offers should be in Euro NOT including VAT. The consultant should be able to issue an official VAT exemption invoice in addition to valid deduction at source certificate; otherwise, Oxfam will deduct a percentage from the final payment according to Palestinian Taxation department & laws.
- For International trainers, the trainer should include the travel and accommodation expenses separately from the training fees.
- Submitted offers should be valid for 120 days from the final date of submitting the offers.
- General Terms and Conditions
- Bidders can participate individually or engage in a consortium of two or more firms as partners. Only one partner can manage the consortium and will be responsible on behalf of all partners contractually and financially.
- All proposals will be evaluated based on internally agreed criteria as follows:
- The understanding of the assignment by the applicant and the alignment of the proposal submitted with the ToR (15%)
- Range and depth of consultant experience with similar services, mainly specific and extensive experience in designing & developing training materials in agricultural insurance system (25%)
- Expertise of capacity building and training of insurance and non-insurance teams (10%)
- Proposed approach, methodology, and work/implementation plan. Special attention will be given to innovative training approaches or methodologies that can propose additions/changes to those indicated in the ToR (20%)
- Financial proposal (30%)
- As clear above, 80% of the weight will be given for the technical proposal and 20% will be given for the financial proposal. The applicant should score minimum of 60% in the technical evaluation to be eligible for financial evaluation; otherwise the financial offers will not be opened.
- The consultant/trainer should follow the Oxfam’s Branding policies and ensure Oxfam logos are presented as per the guidelines. The consultant/trainer and his / her team in the assignment must abide by Oxfam child protection policy, code of conduct, sexual harassment policy and Oxfam’s other relevant policies. All requirements in respect of insurance including professional indemnity, worker’s compensation, public liability, superannuation and taxation, where applicable will remain, at all times, the responsibility of the consultant.
- All proposal documents are requested in the English language.
- Oxfam reserves the right to negotiate, accept or reject any or all proposals and quotations at its sole discretion and to pursue or act further on any responses it considers advantageous.
- Oxfam reserves the right to award the contract for conducting the trainings to different consultants or service providers. Therefore, it is possible the contract may be divided among multiple providers, with each one being responsible for conducting a complete training on a specific topic or area.
- Service providers may alter or withdraw their proposal by written notification prior to the deadline for submission of tenders.
- No proposal may be altered after this deadline. Proposals received after the closing date will not be considered, unless in Oxfam sole opinion there are exceptional circumstances which have caused the delay.
- Withdrawals must be unconditional and will end all participation in the competitive bid procedure.
- Any requests for clarification may be submitted by email to
We the Undersigned accept in full and without restriction the conditions governing this tender as the sole basis of this competition, whatever its own conditions of sale may be, which we hereby waive.
We have examined carefully, understood and comply with all conditions, instructions, forms, provisions and specifications contained in this tender dossier including the contract template with its annexes and the Oxfam Ethical and Environmental Policy. We are aware that failure to submit a tender containing all the information and documentation expressly required, within the deadline specified, may lead to the rejection of the tender at Oxfam’s discretion.
We hold no reservation in regard to the tender dossier; and are aware that any reservation may result in the rejection of the tender by Oxfam.
We are not aware of any corruption practice in relation to this competition. Should such a situation arise, we shall immediately inform Oxfam in writing.
We declare that are affected by no potential conflict of interest, and that we and our staff have no particular link with other Tenderers or parties involved in this competition. Should such a situation arise during performance of the contract, we shall immediately inform Oxfam in written.
Company name and address:
Company’s Representative name:
Title of Representative in the Company:
Representative’s signature and stamp:
City, date:
How to apply
Interested consultants/trainers should submit letter of interest, technical proposal, and financial offer no later than the August 05, 2024 to the attention of: [email protected] The proposal should include the following:
- Objectives -understanding of the scope of the assignment.
- Technical offer including a preliminary causal approach, design, methodology. Comments on the ToR are also invited.
- CV of the consultant/trainer(s) including list of similar works.
- The annexed excel sheet(filled)
- Detailed budget in a separate document.