Strategic Communications Consultant

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Result of Service

1. Communications materials on how the Funds advance the following thematic and programmatic areas are produced and disseminated internally and externally: accountability to affected populations, humanitarian access, localization, response to gender-based violence, promotion of gender equality, disability inclusion, centrality of protection, climate action, use of cash-based and voucher assistance, Humanitarian-Development-(Peace) Nexus, and complementarity between the OCHA-managed Pooled Funds, as well as with other funding sources. 2. Templates and first versions of a suite of communication products. This should include the design of (i) a joint ‘OCHA pooled funds: a year in review’ summary, (ii) a revised template for the OCHA pooled fund newsletter, developed in collaboration with DRS/DVU, (iii) material to distribute in an email campaign on the pooled funds and updated email distribution list (directed at Member States, donor government agencies, recipient government agencies, UN agencies, etc.), and (iv) infographics and other visuals to support. 3. Communications material on new initiatives. This should include backgrounders on the Regionally Hosted Pooled Fund and the role of OCHA-managed pooled funds in the climate financing space. This may involve support to the preparation of communications materials for the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference (COP28), annual CERF High-level Pledging Event (December), and the OCHA Pooled Funds’ annual reports launch (May). This work will be undertaken in coordination with DRS (including DVU) and ERPS. 4. Briefing papers and communications material translated into French, Spanish and Arabic and other UN languages as appropriate with the support of external translation agencies, editors and proofreaders. 5. Inputs into a communications strategy for the pooled funds targeting international governmental and non-governmental organizations, government agencies, and other relevant stakeholders are provided.

Work Location

New York

Expected duration


Duties and Responsibilities

In close collaboration with the Strategic Communications Branch, Donor Relations Section, and the Donor Visibility Unit, and in line with the OCHA Communications Strategy and OCHA Branding Guidelines, to: Content production: • Produce or oversee the production of a suite of communications products –briefs, snapshots, funding updates, presentation slides, FAQs, factsheets, and other content – that can translate the outcomes of studies/reports and can impactfully convey important information for Member States, stakeholders, humanitarian partners, and IFIs. • Develop templates for a suite of communications products – briefs, snapshots, funding updates and other content – that can be regularly produced and updated at the headquarters level. • Produce high quality email campaign materials and infographics (as outlined in the deliverables section below) that are geared towards government agencies (both in donor and recipient countries), international government and non-governmental organizations, UN-managed and other Funds, as well as IFIs. Ensure these can also serve as templates that can then be revised/updated in the future. • Consider the possible review of the OCHA-managed pooled funds newsletter, and whether to redesign its layout and content while expanding subscribers. • Manage translations of key communications materials to UN official languages, where required. Engagement: • Support the coordination of communications and public relations activities with the Strategic Communications Branch (SCB), the Donor Relations Section (DRS), the Donor Visibility Unit (DVU) and the External Relations and Partnerships Section (ERPS). • Liaise regularly with internal and external partners to cross-promote PFMB communication and information products. • Provide advice on a possible communications strategy for PFMB targeting international governmental and non-governmental organizations, government agencies, and other relevant stakeholders that helps best position OCHA-managed pooled funds as catalytic, strategic and innovative humanitarian financing mechanisms that deliver impact in people’s lives.

Qualifications/special skills

Advanced university degree (Master’s or equivalent) in communications, journalism, marketing or other related field or other relevant field. A first-level university degree in combination with two (2) additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. At least 5 years of progressively responsible experience in communications, journalism, international relations, public administration or related field is required. Experience in communications and outreach for an international organization or non-profit organization is required. Experience in a humanitarian context within the UN common system or other comparable international organization is desirable. Familiarity with the UN Secretariat and its corporate communication activities and structures is desirable.


Fluency in English is a requirement and fluency in French is desirable.

No Fee


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