Première Urgence Internationale
Country : France
Start date : 04/11/2024
Duration : 3 months
PROGRAMMING CONSULTANCYAs a humanitarian actor implementing numerous projects in different contexts, PUI is committed to take into account crosscutting issues such as safe and dignified programming (SDP) and the integration of a mainstreamed gender approach.
Since the beginning of 2019, PUI progressed on these themes through new tools, drawing up a Protection intervention framework, a Gender Policy, adhering to the Call to Action against GBV, offering training to its employees, etc. After initial work on these themes, PUI now needs to update and strengthen the available toolkits and training courses to better support teams and deploy and disseminate these approaches in practice.
Strengthen the systematic consideration of SDP crosscutting components, and more specifically gender mainstreaming at PUI, through the provision of toolkits and training
During the 3 months of the consultancy, it will be more specifically about:
- Contribute to the gender mainstreaming strategy and improve gender mainstreaming in multi-sectoral programming by updating and completing the existing toolkit for the deployment of the gender mainstreaming approach (Gender Toolkit) through a participatory process with the technical advisors of the Technical Service and the Operations Department.
- In addition to the Gender Toolkit, update and complete all or part of the existing toolkit for the deployment of safe and dignified programming (SDP Toolkit), already under revision and in order to create synergies between the 2 toolkits, through a participative process with the technical advisors of the Technical Service and the Operations Department.
- Analyse the basic training needs on SDP and gender mainstreaming in order to disseminate and deploy PUI’s policies, frameworks and tools on these issues.
- Elaborate and propose a detailed curriculum of face-to-face training courses for all PUI staff at headquarters, and associated modules on the themes of SDF and gender mainstreaming approach. The proposed training programs should take into account the needs analysis and target both sensitization levels aimed at non-technical staff, as well as more technical and operational training.
- Develop and propose detailed distance learning training sessions for the LMS platform of PUI, aimed at all PUI employees on the themes of SDP and the gender mainstreaming. The proposed training programs should take into account the needs analysis and target both sensitization levels aimed at non-technical staff and more technical and operational training.
The budget will be provided by the consultant as part of the financial proposal. The consultant should propose a detailed budget for 3 months, detailing material requirements for service costs (fees/hourly rates, tickets/travel in France, IT resources, other costs, etc.).
Interested parties must present:
- A technical offer presenting :
- The understanding of the consultancy “Safe and Dignified Programming and Gender mainstreaming approach tools and training” Terms of Reference (ToR)
- A technical proposal outlining the methodology adopted to achieve the set objectives
- The timetable showing the details for the completion of each phase of the consultancy.
- A financial offer including a detailed budget by item (fees, travel, other costs)
- An updated CV
- An example of similar studies
- References
For more information, please refer to the terms of reference HERE.
How to apply
Applicants should send all documentation in electronic format to Louise Logre ([email protected]), cc Hicham SAQALLI, (hsaqalli@premiere[1]
The deadline for applications is October 28th, 2024