Research Study Coordinator

  • Contractor
  • Remote
  • TBD USD / Year
  • WUSC profile

  • Job applications may no longer being accepted for this opportunity.


Project: WUSC’s Volunteer Cooperation Program – IGNI+E

Dates: June 13, 2022 – May 31, 2023

Level of effort: Approx. 45 working days

Location: Any, remote

Budget: $24,000 + travel expenses

Reports to: Specialist, Planning, Performance and Learning

Summary: The consultant will lead the coordination of the Baseline Study in 2 new countries, including planning, analysis and reporting, and will remotely manage a team of baseline enumerators in Jordan and Cote d’Ivoire (enumerators paid by WUSC); develop tools and processes for Endline Assessments, and coordinate data collection by local enumerators, analysis and endline report for Vietnam.

  1. Introduction

World University Service of Canada (WUSC) is a Canadian non-profit organization with a mission to enhance education, economic opportunities, and empowerment for youth. We work with a diverse network of students, volunteers, institutions, governments, and businesses. Together, we foster youth-centered solutions to overcome inequality and exclusion.

WUSC’s Volunteer Cooperation Program called IGNI+E (Innovative Global Networks for Inclusion + Equality, pronounced IGNITE), is a 7-year initiative (2020-2027) funded by Global Affairs Canada, that will strengthen the performance of 70+ partner organizations to advance gender equality and economic empowerment for 1.2 million poor and marginalised youth, in particular young women.

WUSC is seeking qualified consultant(s) to conduct the Baseline Study for the Volunteer Cooperation Project in two new countries, and to develop tools for the endline assessments and to coordinate and lead the Endline Assessment in Vietnam.

  1. Background of the Project

Young people experience different challenges and have different opportunities depending on their sex, age, ability, refugee status, ethnicity, religion, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, and other identity factors. People’s attitudes toward these factors, and the way they intersect, often result in further exclusion, inequality and vulnerability. Globally, young women are particularly marginalized, and in addition to age-based discrimination, they also confront systematic gender-based discrimination and violence. Young people are more likely to be unemployed than adults, with the global youth unemployment rate 3X higher than the adult rate of 4.3% (ILO, 2018).

Across most labour market indicators, wide disparities exist between young women and men, underpinning and giving rise to wider gaps during the transition to adulthood. There is a growing body of evidence that specialized employment and entrepreneurship programs do work, especially when they target marginalized youth, and when they combine training with other forms of support. Given this background, IGNI+E is responding to these challenges by supporting 70+ partners across eight countries to improve their performance in delivering inclusive and innovative programming that advances gender equality.

Through the improved performance of service delivery organisations, employers, government bodies, training institutions, advocacy groups, and a higher-performing and more inclusive ecosystem of stakeholders (Intermediate Outcome 1200), IGNI+E contributes to the improvement of the socio-economic well-being of poor and marginalised youth, particularly young women and forcibly displaced youth, by generating inclusive and sustainable employment and entrepreneurship opportunities (Ultimate Outcome). IGNI+E is mobilizing 1.1 million Canadians along a continuum of awareness to action on key global issues, with 50,000 Canadians undertaking an action to sustain IGNI+E’s development impact (Intermediate Outcome 1100).

The performance of partners to deliver more gender responsive and inclusive initiatives and services is being improved through the achievement of the following immediate outcomes:

i) Increased awareness among partner staff of policies and practices that perpetuate gender-based inequalities and constrain the equitable access of vulnerable youth, particularly women to employment/self-employment related initiatives and services (Outcome 1210). This awareness will support partners to analyze and understand the needs and aspirations of poor and marginalized youth, particularly young women, and advocate for their economic empowerment and rights;

ii) Improved capacity of partners to develop, test & scale innovative gender-responsive and environmentally sustainable initiatives and services for the equitable economic empowerment of vulnerable youth, in collaboration with development actors, particularly young women (Outcome 1220). This outcome will ensure that partners have the knowledge, skills and business models needed to pilot and scale innovative programs and/or products and services. It draws upon contextual knowledge and awareness gained through Outcome 1210 and puts these into practice; and

iii) Increased capacity of partners to develop, improve and implement inclusive, gender- responsive and environmentally sustainable policies and practices, that reflect the priorities and interests of vulnerable youth, particularly young women (Outcome 1230). This Outcome ensures that partners have policies and structures in place to ensure the sustainability of changes introduced in Outcomes 1210 and 1220.

The engagement of Canadians in Canada’s global development efforts will be increased through the achievement of the following two Immediate Outcomes:

i) Improved understanding among diverse groups of Canadians, particularly youth about key global issues within the FIAP action areas and the SDGs (Outcome 1110)

ii) Strengthened capacity of Canadians to contribute to Canada’s global development efforts that aim to empower vulnerable youth, particularly young women in project countries (Outcome 1120)

IGNI+E began implementation in six countries in 2020 (Ghana, Malawi, Kenya, Uganda, Sri Lanka and Vietnam), and is expanding to Jordan and Cote d’Ivoire this year. The Vietnam program will end in March 2023. Therefore, there are 2 parts to this assignment:

Part I: Coordinate and implement the Baseline Study in the two new countries – Jordan and Cote d’Ivoire. The tools and data collection process are already developed and WUSC will provide 3 local enumerators to support data collection in each country.

Part II: Develop tools and data collection process for Endline assessments, and coordinate and implement Endline Assessment in Vietnam. WUSC will provide 5 local enumerators to support data collection in Vietnam.

3. Part I: Baseline (Jordan & Cote d’Ivoire)

a. Purpose and Objectives of the Study

The purpose of the baseline study for WUSC’s IGNI+E Project is to help the program staff and partners focus on program achievement related to a limited set of expected outcomes; and to empower partners to collaboratively measure and review these outcomes. Aligned with this purpose, the baseline study is designed to help the project achieve three specific objectives:

  • To better understand the implementation context for the project at the onset of implementation

  • To inform the PMF by establishing baselines for a set of performance measures

  • To contribute to the comprehensive results-based MERL plan for the project

Specific baseline values must be provided for all relevant indicators in the PMF as early as possible in the project’s lifecycle in the selected countries. Baseline data will then be used to inform the establishment of realistic and achievable targets, and provide a point of reference against which progress on or towards the achievement of outcomes can be monitored and evaluated. b. Research/Evaluation Questions

The main research questions to be answered by the Baseline Study are:

  • What is the state of poor and marginalised youth’s social and economic well-being in Jordan and Cote d’Ivoire at the start of the project (particularly young women)?

  • What are the project partners’ capacities to deliver inclusive, gender responsive, innovative and environmentally sustainable programming to vulnerable youth, in response to their needs, at the start of the project?

  • What is the state of the enabling environment for sustainable economic opportunities for youth (particularly young women) in the six project countries? c. Scope of Study

The following elements should guide the design and implementation of this baseline study:

  • The geographic scope of the study will be aligned with the project countries, intermediaries (partner organisations), and the ultimate beneficiaries targeted by the project as laid out in the project description. In order to adapt adequately to local realities and needs, there will be 2 distinct data collection exercises, one in each new project country, for which Chapter Summaries will be developed and which will be consolidated into the final Baseline Report previously compiled.

  • The study should consciously apply research methods that are gender and youth-sensitive and make any recommendations based on best practice for how these methods can be adapted/adopted in the execution of gender and youth sensitive MERL throughout the life of the project.

  • The data collection approaches and specific tools used to establish indicator baselines should be adapted to assure the appropriateness and reliability of the data collected.

Outcomes, indicators, and data collection methods for each indicator, are included in the project’s PMF and the results of the Baseline Study conducted previously in the other project countries (available upon contracting). d. Study approach and methodology

The overall methodology and approach for the baseline studies in Jordan and Cote d’Ivoire should replicate the methodology and approach used for the baseline studies conducted in the other project countries. WUSC will provide the detailed process and tools to the successful consultant, which includes partner capacity assessment tools, household survey tools and processes, as well as a sampling strategy and analysis approach. e. Key Activities and Deliverables

Overall the consultant will be responsible for the following:

  1. Act as lead technical coordinator for a two-country baseline study with a focus on replicating design and sampling, and the adaptation of data collection and entry tools, analysis of all data, and report writing. Reports will include a contribution to the overall consolidated baseline report for the multi-country project, with annexes containing the disaggregated results tables by country.

  2. Virtually orient and support the enumerators to implement enumerator/data collector training and ensure quality control is maintained during data collection and entry (WUSC will recruit and compensate enumerators)

The Consultant will serve as the lead coordinator of the baseline study and be responsible for ensuring quality and timeliness of all deliverables. The consultant will design and facilitate country-specific study plans in close collaboration with the WUSC IGNI+E project management team in Ottawa and the teams based in the project countries.

The key activities and deliverables expected from the Consultant for this assignment are as follows:

  • Review all relevant documents, studies and other data sources relevant to the project, including performance indicators and definitions identified in the project Performance Measurement Framework

  • Participate in an Inception meeting: to clarify expectations of the mandate and provide contextual information necessary to produce the inception report and plan

  • Inception Report: a detailed inception report and work plan is to be produced including the following elements:

  • Demonstrated understanding of the baseline study design and sampling strategy and proposed sample size that mirrors the design of the study in other project countries

  • Detailed work plan that includes all tasks by the Consultant, team members and in country enumerators, and incorporating the overall study timelines

  • Level of effort of each team member

  • Detailed study budget including professional fees, expected reimbursables, etc.

  • A copy of quantitative and qualitative tools for data collection and plan for translation and/or back translation (copies of tools will be provided)

  • Planning and contingency planning for data collection in the COVID-19 context

  • Review/Adaptation of data collection tools: finalize quantitative and qualitative tools for data collection and plan for translation and back translation. These tools will be reviewed during the inception phase and must be included in the inception report.

  • Review/Adapt Enumerator Guidelines and Protocols for Data Collection

  • Coordinate and conduct Enumerator Training following a detailed agenda and outlining study protocols (this agenda should be included in the inception report)

  • Coordinate/conduct/supervise data collection, as per agreed methodology

  • Develop a common repository for all data (digital) so raw data can be shared with the IGNI+E team during and after the study

  • Ensure data entry quality by reviewing initial data entry conducted at the country level and provide feedback to Country Study Leads, where applicable

  • Analyze qualitative and quantitative data. It is also expected that the Consultant will do a critical analysis of the data through statistical treatment and triangulation with other sources and literature review.

  • Contribute to Final Study Report and Country Annexes (including Jordan and Cote d’Ivoire chapters that contain country specific data, findings and conclusions) including the Executive Summary and Full Consolidated Report.

  • Copies of original and cleaned data sets including any field notes are to be submitted to WUSC with the draft report. f. Time Frame and Level of Effort

The period of the contract is expected to be from June 13, 2022 – May 31, 2023 with an expected contribution of approximately 21 working days for the lead consultant over 12 months for PART I (note: this does not include local enumerator time, which will be paid separately, directly to enumerators through the country offices). The consultant is expected to carry out all the preparation required to roll out the study as per the suggested time frame below.

(see full ToR here for time frame table)

2. Part II: Endline Assessment (Vietnam)

a. Purpose and Objectives of the Study

The purpose for this evaluation is to assess the performance of the project and capture project achievements, challenges and good practices to inform future similar programming. It will also review the recommendations of the baseline report, and assess the extent to which these were implemented. The evaluation will also ensure accountability towards Global Affairs Canada as a donor, the partners and the partner program participants. On the other hand, it offers a learning aspect for all stakeholders in the countries where the project is continuing until 2027. The evaluation will identify key lessons learned, challenges and the flexibility of the programme to adapt and respond to the changes and sustainability of the youth and women’s economic opportunities sectors in the project locations.

The endline evaluation in Vietnam will have 3 objectives:

  • Objective 1: Evaluate to what extent the WUSC’s IGNI+E Project has delivered effective, efficient, relevant and timely activities to partners as set in the project logic model.
  • Objective 2: Assess whether the collaboration between WUSC and its partners has added value to partner programs and services, and had a positive effect on their program participants and other stakeholders. What has contributed to this added value and what has not?
  • Objective 3: Identify and assess key lessons learned, challenges and draw recommendations for future programming and, where possible, recommendations for the project as it continues in the other project countries.

b. Research/Evaluation Questions

The main research questions to be answered by the Endline Study are:


  • Did the IGNI+E project achieve its expected intermediate outcome of improved partner performance, and did it make progress toward the ultimate outcome as described in the project’s logic model?

  • According to the project partners and stakeholders, was the technical assistance provided by volunteers effective in contributing to the achievement of development results?

  • Have there been any unexpected results (positive or negative?)

  • What is the state of poor and marginalised youth’s social and economic well-being in Vietnam, at the end of the project (particularly young women)? This question should be assessed at community level (Household Surveys) as well as with Vietnam Partner program participants.

  • Post-project, what are the project partners’ capacities to deliver inclusive, gender responsive, innovative and environmentally sustainable programming to vulnerable youth, in response to their needs at the start of the project?


  • How efficiently did the different types of inputs and chosen intervention mechanisms (types of volunteer assignments, partner innovation fund, partner training, Partner Forums, Program Advisory Committees) contribute to the achievement of outcomes?


  • Were the strategies and results achieved relevant, and did they align with the needs and priorities of partners in Vietnam?

  • Was the choice of partners relevant and did they meet the needs of the most marginalized youth (particularly women)?

  • How has the collaboration between partners (and/or PAC stakeholders) contributed to appropriate response of specific needs and priorities of the youth program participants?

  • To what extent was the project able to adapt and provide appropriate response to context changes and emerging local needs, (e.g. COVID-19 pandemic)?


  • Have measures been put in place to support the sustainability of partner outcomes?

  • Has the project contributed to sustainable development results?


  • According to stakeholders, were there any examples of innovations within the program or achieved by partners?

Cross-cutting themes:

  • Has the program achieved or contributed to gender equality outcomes in Vietnam?
  • Has the program achieved or contributed to environmental sustainability outcomes in Vietnam?
  • Has the program achieved or contributed to inclusion outcomes in Vietnam?
  • Has the program achieved or contributed to human rights outcomes in Vietnam?

c. Scope of Study

The following elements should guide the design and implementation of the study:

  • The geographic scope of the study will be aligned with the project’s Vietnam intermediaries (partner organisations), and the ultimate beneficiaries targeted by the project as laid out in the project description. In order to adapt adequately to local realities and needs, there will be 2 distinct data collection exercises for the Household Surveys, for which Chapter Summaries will be developed.

  • The study should consciously apply research methods that are gender and youth-sensitive.

  • The data collection approaches and specific tools used should be adapted to assure the appropriateness and reliability of the data collected.

Outcomes, indicators, and data collection methods for each indicator, are included in the project’s PMF and the Baseline Study Report (available upon contracting).

d. Study approach and methodology

The methodology and all relevant tools will be developed by the consultant and presented in the inception report. The three strategic objectives should be assessed, including all research questions noted in these ToRs. The data collection should include the use of a number of approaches to get a deeper understanding of the outcomes of the project, including:

  • Desk review of background documents

  • Endline evaluation survey with sample partner program participants

  • FGDs with sample of partner program participants

  • Key Informant Interviews with partner program staff and stakeholders

  • Household surveys in 2 communities served by partner programming

An appropriate and strategic sampling method should be selected for each data collection method.**e. Key Activities and Deliverables**

Overall, the consultant will be responsible for the following:

  1. Act as lead technical coordinator for the endline study, with a focus on design and sampling, and the development or adaptation of data collection and entry tools, analysis of all data, and report writing. Reports will include a chapter to contribute to the overall consolidated Endline Report for the multi-country project, with annexes containing the disaggregated results tables by country, as well as a concise chapter on the methodology.

  2. Virtually orient and support the enumerators to implement enumerator training and ensure quality control is maintained during data collection and entry (WUSC will recruit and compensate enumerators).

The Consultant will serve as the lead coordinator of the Vietnam endline study and be responsible for ensuring quality and timeliness of all deliverables. The consultant will design and facilitate plans in close collaboration with the WUSC IGNI+E project management teams in Ottawa and the teams based in the project countries.

The key activities and deliverables expected from the Consultant for this assignment are as follows:

  • Review all relevant documents, studies and other data sources relevant to the project, including performance indicators and definitions identified in the project Performance Measurement Framework
  • Participate in an Inception meeting: to clarify expectations of the mandate and provide contextual information necessary to produce the inception report and plan
  • Inception Report: a detailed inception report and work plan is to be produced including the following elements:
  • Demonstrated understanding of the endline study design and sampling strategy and proposed sample size
  • Detailed work plan that includes all tasks by the Consultant, team members and in country enumerators, and incorporating the overall study timelines
  • Level of effort of each team member
  • Detailed study budget including professional fees, expected reimbursables, etc.
  • A copy of quantitative and qualitative tools for data collection and plan for translation and/or back translation
  • Planning and contingency planning for data collection in the COVID-19 context
  • Development of quantitative and qualitative tools for data collection and plan for translation and back translation.
  • Development of Enumerator Guidelines and Protocols for Data Collection
  • Coordinate and conduct Enumerator Training following a detailed agenda and outlining study protocols (this agenda should be included in the inception report)
  • Coordinate/conduct/supervise data collection, as per agreed methodology
  • Develop a common repository for all data (digital) so raw data can be shared with the IGNI+E team during and after the study
  • Ensure Data Entry Quality by reviewing initial data entry conducted at the country level
  • Analyze qualitative and quantitative data. It is also expected that the Consultant will do a critical analysis of the data through statistical treatment and triangulation with other sources and literature review.
  • Develop Vietnam Endline Country Chapter and contribute to the Final Endline Study Report, including the Executive Summary and Methodology. Annex and report section is to be submitted in both Word and PDF versions
  • Copies of original and cleaned data sets including any field notes are to be submitted to WUSC with the draft report.

f. Time Frame and Level of Effort

The period of the contract is expected to be from June 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023 with an expected contribution of approximately 24 working days for the lead consultant over 12 months for PART II (note: this does not include local enumerator time, which will be paid separately, directly to enumerators through the country offices). The consultant is expected to carry out all the preparation required to roll out the study as per the suggested time frame below.

(see full ToR here for time frame table)

Qualifications of Consultant(s)

  1. Minimum of 10 years of experience in administering studies, collecting data and producing quality baseline/endline study reports, preferably for international non- international non-profit organizations or multilateral agencies and multi-country studies
  2. Demonstrated experience in designing baseline and endline studies including proven experience in sound sampling, mixed methods approaches (quantitative and qualitative), tool development, enumerator training, etc.

  3. Excellent facilitation skills and ability to recruit and manage facilitators for qualitative component;

  4. Demonstrated experience in quantitative and qualitative data analysis

  5. Knowledge and experience with youth and gender equality policies and systems in the IGNI+E project countries;

  6. Knowledge and experience in gender equality issues in the youth economic empowerment sector are highly preferred.

  7. Fluency in English and French is mandatory and other languages of project countries are an asset

  8. Ability to produce high quality work under tight timeframes

Application Packages and Procedures

Qualified and interested parties are asked to submit the following:

  • Letter of interest

  • Detailed technical proposal clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this ToR and including the following:

  • Description of the capacity and qualifications of the consultant or consulting firm, including previous relevant experience.

  • Description of the proposed approach and methodology, including data collection, sampling strategy, data analysis, integration of gender considerations and ethical standards, quality assurance (please include the activities of approx 3 in-country Enumerators per country, which WUSC will recruit and pay for)

  • A proposed timeframe detailing activities and a schedule/work plan (including a Gantt chart), including virtual/contingency planning for COVID-19

  • Team composition, qualifications and level of effort of each proposed team member

  • A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs for the study

  • Itemized consultancy fees/costs

  • Itemized field data collection expenses

  • Itemized administrative expenses

  • Validity period of quotations

  • Expected payment plan and method

  • Curriculum Vitae(s) of all proposed staff outlining relevant experience

  • Names and contact information of three references who can be contacted regarding relevant experience

  • A copy of a previous reports of similar work undertaken

  • A Consulting Firm profile (if applicable).

Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. WUSC is an equal opportunity employer. We welcome and encourage applications from people with disabilities. Accommodations are available on request for candidates taking part in all aspects of the selection process. If you wish to apply for this exciting role, please submit your application package here.

WUSC does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process.

Closing date for submission of the application package is the end of business day on May 23, 2022.**

How to apply

If you wish to apply for this exciting role, please submit your application package here.

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