400px Logo of Pathfinder International.svg Request for Proposal for Short-Term Consultancy to Conduct Data Analysis and Technical Report Writing for the Geo-ST4R Project Baseline Assessment.

Request for Proposal for Short-Term Consultancy to Conduct Data Analysis and Technical Report Writing for the Geo-ST4R Project Baseline Assessment.

Pathfinder International


Pathfinder Nigeria is driven by the conviction that all people, regardless of where they live, have the right to decide whether and when to have children, to exist free from fear and stigma, and to lead the lives they choose. Since 1957, we have partnered with local governments, communities, and health systems to remove barriers to critical sexual and reproductive health services. Together, we expand access to contraception, promote healthy pregnancies, save women’s lives, and stop the spread of new HIV infections, wherever the need is most urgent. Our work ensures millions of women, men, and young people can choose their paths forward.

The Geospatial data/tools/technology for RMCHN microplanning and decision support project also known as the Geo-ST4R project is aimed at enhancing RMNCHN outcomes along the continuum of care by identifying service delivery and operational gaps that affect access to quality health care and supporting the development of realistic, context-specific plans to address them. It will leverage existing structures and build on lessons learned by implementing digital health solutions in Nigeria as well as the use of geospatial maps and tools for polio eradication and routine immunization. Specifically, this investment will:

  • Strengthen data systems to improve quality and use for decision-making.
  • Build technical capacity for geospatial analysis (through training sessions, mentorships, internships, and fellowships).
  • Leverage geospatial data to provide evidence for continuous improvement in the quality of care at the community level.
  • Improve the strategic implementation of interventions carried out within communities and health facilities across Lagos state; and
  • Enhance overall systems for priority primary health care outcomes.

Pathfinder Nigeria collected data from 20 selected health facilities in Lagos states to assess their strengths, and operational gaps in RMNCHN service delivery, as well as understand the current microplanning process. Consequently, we seek a consultant to analyze the data collected to support the design of a package of interventions suitable for the state.

It is worthy of note that a similar assessment has been conducted in Kano, Kaduna, and Gombe States, hence the synthesis of data and findings from the Lagos state assessment will also be inclusive of information from these three (3) states to provide a comprehensive project baseline assessment report.

Assignment Summary

The purpose of this assignment is to carry out data analysis and develop a technical report using relevant information on RMNCHN service uptake, as well as existing capacity for the development of the use of microplans in Lagos. Quantitative and qualitative data will be provided for this assignment.


Name of Independent Contractor: xxxxxxxxxx

Assignment Title: Short-term consultancy to conduct data analysis and technical report writing for the Geo-ST4R project baseline assessment.

Department/Unit: MEL Business Unit.

Pathfinder Involvement: The following individuals will be involved in this assignment according to the roles below.

MEL Coordinator

Finance and Admin Manager

Purpose and Objectives

Working with the Technical Manager, the Consultant will be expected to carry out the following tasks.

  1. Develop a comprehensive data Analysis Plan for all data sets.
  2. Analyze all data sets both the quantitative and qualitative data outputs from the assessment.
  3. Summarized analysis of qualitative data transcription.
  4. Develop an infographic slide deck with a summary of results to be used for validation.
  5. Develop a detailed report of findings.

Result Synthesis and Report Submission

The consultant will develop a comprehensive data analysis plan for all data sets, analyze the data collected, and synthesize the results incorporating key findings from the analysis to produce a draft of the report along with an infographic PowerPoint slide deck of results that will be shared with Pathfinder and consortium partners for comments. The consultant will incorporate comments on the draft of results to obtain alignment across partners and accordingly adjust and finalize the results slide deck that will be used for further validation of results.

Submission of Deliverables

The consultant will incorporate comments and suggested revisions to compile the report of the baseline assessment. The consultant will submit the revised technical report and a slide deck as the final deliverable. This report will be submitted alongside a cleaned data set from the assessment for future reference by Pathfinder.

Location of Assignment: Lagos State

Period of Performance/Duration of Assignment: July – August 2024

Positions Available: 1 position

Expected Milestone

  1. Submission of signed contract by June 25, 2024 (milestone 1 payment)
  2. Submission of data analysis plan for all data sets by June 27, 2024 (milestone 2 payment)
  3. Submission of a first draft Report in Microsoft Word* and accompanying data analysis (quantitative & qualitative), and infographic PowerPoint slide- deck by July 15, 2024 (milestone 3 payment)
  4. Submission of revised Report in Microsoft Word* and revised PowerPoint slide deck. The report should include the Introduction, Background, Objectives, detailed Methodology, Results, a section on Program & Policy Implications / Recommendations, etc., by July 21, 2024 (milestone 4 payment)

*All milestones submitted in Microsoft Word should be single-spaced with 1” margins and 11-point Times New Roman font. Page limits do not include title pages, acknowledgments, and references.

Eligibility/Scoring Criteria:

  1. Post-graduate degree in a relevant field such as Public Health, Health Economics, Epidemiology, Statistics, etc. -10%
  2. At least 10 years of experience in coordinating and managing surveys in Nigeria-10%
  3. Broad knowledge and excellent understanding of t h e health sector and structures for health governance in Lagos at the state, LGA, facility, and community levels – SMoH and SPHCDA -10%
  4. Proven analytical and research skills (both quantitative and qualitative) -15%
  5. Strong technical writing and presentation skills, and ability to communicate effectively to diverse audiences- 15%
  6. Excellent report writing skills with the ability to analyze information/data and present it clearly and concisely. A sample report of work previously completed by the consultant is a requirement- 20%
  7. Proven experience i n engaging and coordinating with a wide range of stakeholders including Government representatives, other development partners, humanitarian actors, and other relevant stakeholders in Lagos state- 10%
  8. Fluency in English written and spoken -10%

How to apply

Proposal Submission: Independent individual consultant is required to submit a costed proposal based on this scope of work. The proposal should include a breakdown of costs for each task and deliverable, timelines for completion, and any additional resources or support required to execute the activities effectively.

Note: There are two consultancies advertised, namely:

  1. Short-term consultancy to conduct baseline assessments for the Geo-ST4R project in Lagos State.
  2. Short-term consultancy to conduct data analysis and technical report writing for the Geo-ST4R project baseline assessment.

We are seeking for two different consultants to independently carry out the two tasks. Consultants are expected to choose one and submit a proposal; no single consultant should apply for both.

Proposal Deadline

All written responses to this RFP must be received by Pathfinder no later than 5:00 PM on 18th June 2024

Please email the proposals/CV and other information directly to: [email protected]

The subject of the email must be the title of the consultancy: ”Proposal for short-term consultancy to conduct baseline assessment for the Geo-ST4R project in Lagos State”. Any submission without this title will not be considered.


If you have any questions/inquiries, please kindly send e-mail inquiries to: [email protected] no later than 12:00 noon 17th May 2024. As a part of this RFP process.

Payment Terms

Payment will be made according to milestones achieved.

1st tranche: 25% of total payment upon completion of Milestones 1 &2

2nd tranche: 40% of total payment upon completion of Milestones 3

3rd tranche: 35% of total payment upon completion of Milestones 4

Withholding taxes will be deducted from all payments. Pathfinder International reserves the right to award the contract in part or in whole to consultants**.**


Pathfinder reserves the right to cancel this solicitation at any point and is under no obligation to issue a subcontract as a result of this solicitation.

Pathfinder will not reimburse any expenses related to the preparation of any proposal related materials or delivery.


As a part of the RFP process, Pathfinder International may be providing confidential information. Consequently, consultant must complete a Confidentiality/ Non-Disclosure Agreement.

Thank you,

Procurement Unit

Pathfinder International

Deadline: 18-Jun-24 

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