Partners Capacity Building in Safeguarding

  • Contractor
  • Kenya
  • TBD USD / Year
  • Oxfam GB profile

  • Job applications may no longer being accepted for this opportunity.

Oxfam GB


Oxfam in Kenya is interested in ensuring that its partners are supported to build robust safeguarding systems to ensure safe environments for everyone associated with their programmes and operations. Oxfam has a responsibility to ensure that our partnerships (both humanitarian and development) are safe and that our partners are committed to the same safeguarding high standards as Oxfam in relation to their programmes and operations.

Purpose of the Analysis

The purpose of the undertaking is to provide partners in Kenya support in buillding their safeguarding policies and structures in accordance with Oxfam’s safeguarding core standards.It is a growing requirement that all organisations in the funding chain to have certain safeguarding measures in place prior to receiving funding and/or to establish safeguarding measures during the funding period. Several initiatives have been undertaken by Oxfam in Kenya to improve safeguarding and safe programming among partners as part of the efforts of ongoing due diligence efforts to build partner’s capacity in safeguarding.

Scope of Assignment

The overall objective of this consultancy is to develop and initiate a capacity-building plan and undertake a training by analysing the outcomes of the assessment of partner safeguarding capacity needs to address the needs identified.

Scope of Work

Oxfam Kenya would therefore like to seek the services of a consultant to undertake the following tasks:

  1. Review of the partner self-assessment: Oxfam in Kenya partners undertook a self-assessment (including self-rating) of their safeguarding capacities, based on the 10 core safeguarding standards for Oxfam. The assessment was synthesised and is available as a summary report. The consultant will therefore be expected to review the summary report and refer to the individual self-assessment reports to determine the nature of capacity gaps identified and develop relevant strategies.

  2. Partner independent assessment of safeguarding capacity needs and determination of partner capacity: The consultant will be expected to engage the humanitarian and development partners to verify the partners safeguarding risks and capacity gaps they identified, based on the 10 Oxfam safeguarding core standards. The number of the standards that each partner claimed to meet will provide the basis for determining the partner’s “safeguarding Risk Rating” and will reflect the partner’s current capacities. However detailed discussions with the partners will contextualise the extent to which the standards are being met or not and why.

  3. Partner safeguarding capacity strengthening plan: The consultant will be expected to analyse the final capacity gaps, aggregate them where possible and provide a shared understanding of the partner’s organizational strengths and areas of improvement on safeguarding moving forward. This should be the basis for development of an implementation plan, outlining appropriate risk mitigation, capacity building initiatives and monitoring, as means for the partner to meet the “full capacity level”. Specific areas of capacity should reflect the following standards:

    a) Safeguarding Strategies and/or Plans of action: Do the partners have cross-functional Safeguarding strategies and/or plans for full integration and embedding of safeguarding within their operations and programmes? Are these budgeted for? What needs to be done? b) Organizational Safeguarding Policies: Do the partners have safeguarding policies related to PSEA and child abuse, in-line with Oxfam and IASC core principles on PSEA and child abuse. Do these need to be reviewed and/or supported to develop new one? c) Safeguarding Focal Points: Do partners have an appropriate safeguarding focal point model in place, including criteria for designation of the focal points, their roles and responsibilities, plus a clear plan for capacity building and mentoring them into this role? Do they need to be supported to adopt one? d) Training: What arrangements are in place to develop appropriate safeguarding awareness building and training strategies on safeguarding, tailored to the local context and to specific organisational roles and functions? e) Safe Recruitment: Do partners’ recruitment and screening processes integrate preventive measures to strengthen safeguarding? f) Reporting: What are the partners internal mechanisms and procedures for reporting safeguarding incidents? What are the gaps? g) Community Feedback and Complaints Mechanisms: What is the situation regarding community-based feedback and complaint mechanisms for their target communities to provide feedback and also raise safeguarding concerns, as accountability mechanisms? Are they in place, safe, confidential and accessible to communities h) Case management system. Do partners have clear and detailed processes for case management, including investigating allegations of SEA and child abuse in place? Are there guidelines to ensure survivors of SEA and child abuse receive immediate professional assistance or referral to relevant service providers? i) Safeguarding risk management: Do partners have mechanisms in place for safeguarding risk assessment and management practices are in place for all. j) Data Protection: What mechanisms are in place for handling images and the collection, processing and storage of personal information are established in compliance with the Kenya Data Protection Act. k) Safeguarding Visibility: Do partners have the relevant safeguarding visibility materials both at their offices and during engagement with communities?

  4. Partner safeguarding training workshop: The consultant will be expected to organise the first safeguarding training for Oxfam in Kenya partners. At least 2 participants per organisation should participate, the HR and at least one project focal point.

Specific Objectives

  1. Submit a report of capacity development plan of safeguarding capacity gaps, based on partners self-assessment and consultant’s confirmatory assessment
  2. partner safeguarding capacity strengthening plan, analyzed to highlight individual and collective capacity needs, proposed timelines and other necessary details.
  3. A concept note/agenda for a general partner safeguarding training workshop
  4. A training report with clear action plans from all partners on how to address some of the identified gaps from the assessment
  5. With support of Oxfam in Kenya, development of Safeguarding material, review and enhancement of Safeguarding and HR policies for the identified partners.


This study will use both quantitative and qualitative data collected from both primary and secondary sources. The data will be robust, verifiable and collected using ethical practices. The consultant will propose a method of analysis and subsequent presentation. The report should be presented in a logical, strategic, reader friendly and simple language.

Report Specifications

The written report will be:

  • The report format and text shall be in A4 paper size and a legible Arial 12 font size.
  • The report should not exceed more than 10 pages.
  • The summary should not exceed 5 pages.

Confidentiality of information: All documents and data collected will be treated as confidential and used solely to facilitate analysis. Interviewees will not be quoted in the reports without their permission.


All the required raw data collected, documents and reports in their draft and final versions shall be submitted to Oxfam in Kenya within agreed timelines and shall remain the explicit property of the organisation.

Consultancy Period

The period of this consultancy will be approximately 40 working days starting in September 2022, ending in December 2022.


The Final Report is subject to review and authorisation by Oxfam in Kenya Country Director and any publication bearing Oxfam’s logo requires explicit approval in writing.

Tax and VAT arrangements

Oxfam in Kenya will deduct withholding tax from the consultancy fees which will be in conformity with the prevailing government rates and submit the same to the Government of Kenya. The consultant will be entitled to a copy of the tax submission certificate on request.

Consultant’s Profile

  • The prospective consultant should have substantial knowledge and senior level experience of concepts, approaches and application of protection, GBV programming and Prevention Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) policies and best practices in humanitarian and development contexts.
  • He/she should have familiarity with the latest developments in the inter-agency PSEA strategies and responses and humanitarian cluster systems
  • Well conversant with Feminist principles and approach to programming
  • Experience in strategy development, capacity building, good analytical skills, with proven experience of data analysis and impeccable report writing.
  • The consultant should demonstrate a track record of independent working, good coordination & virtual networking skills.


The overall supervisor of this assignment will be by the HECA Safeguarding Advisor with support from the Safeguarding focal points at Oxfam in Kenya.

Consultants who meet the requirements of this assignment should submit an Expression of Interest of MAXIMUM 5 PAGES which should include the following:

  1. Suitability statement that express commitment to availability for the entire period of the assignment.
  2. Brief statement on the proposed methodology including a detailed work plan.
  3. Updated curriculum vitae of the consultant(s) clearly spelling out the relevant qualifications and experience.
  4. Financial proposal with daily costs per activity which shall be part of the 5 pages.

How to apply

Expression of Interest that clearly articulates the consultant(s) understanding of the terms of reference, methodology for executing the work including key deliverables and tentative budget.

Potential Consultants expected to submit their bid by September 16th, 2022 to the following address [email protected]


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