Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEAL) Consultant

  • Contractor
  • Remote
  • TBD USD / Year
  • Euromed Feminist Initiative profile

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Euromed Feminist Initiative

TERMS OF REFERENCE – Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEAL) Consultant

The project “Strengthening the role of feminist CSOs working in the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda (WPSA)” funded by the Support Fund for Feminist Organizations of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs

  2. Introduction

EuroMed Feminist Initiative (EFI) is a policy platform that provides expertise in the field of gender equality as inseparable from democracy building and citizenship, and advocates for political solutions to all conflicts, and for the right of people to self-determination. EFI’s headquarter is in Paris and the regional MENA office is in Amman, Jordan with country offices in Amman and Beirut.

On March 1st, 2023, EFI in partnership with four consortium members – Women Empowerment Organization (WEO), Association Najdeh, Arab Women Organization (AWO), and the Palestinian Working Women Society for Development (PWWSD) – started implementing a 36-month programme titled ‘’Strengthening Feminist CSOs working in the Implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda (WPSA)’’, funded by the Support Fund for Feminist Organizations of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs).

The programme will be implemented in Iraq (targeting seven governorates including Erbil, Duhok, Baghdad, Anbar, Salahaddin, Neinawa, and Diyala), Jordan (targeting three governorates Mafraq, Irbid and Zarqa), Lebanon (targeting seven governorates including Akkar, Baalbek-Hermel, Beirut, Beqaa (Zahlé), Mount Lebanon, North and South) and Palestine (targeting West Bank and Gaza Strip). The overall objective is to contribute to the effective implementation of the WPSA in these four countries.

Through a rights-based approach, it will address the needs of women and girls by empowering and strengthening the capacities of feminist Civil Society Organizations CSOs and women-led Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) in leading initiatives that support the WPSA and add impact to the implementation of existing NAPs for UNSCR 1325. Such locally-led initiatives will contribute to preventing Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) and protecting women and girls from violence on the one hand and advancing women’s participation in the prevention, management and resolution of conflicts from local to national and regional/international levels on the other.

  1. Rationale of the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEAL) Consultancy

EFI seeks to hire a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEAL) consultant to ensure that progress and results of the programme are monitored, communicated, evaluated and acted upon in a timely, efficient and results-based manner and that compliance and accountability to the rules and guidelines of the donor and the First Party are abided by, and that support of the learning processes linked to the programme is provided.

For this, the MEAL Consultant will work in coordination with the EFI’s management team in line with existing Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning related policies, guidance and tools used by EFI, and following the rules and regulations of the AFD.

  1. Intervention Background and Context

Women and girls continue to be disproportionately affected by the conflict-related crises in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine. As gender inequalities[1] remain deeply rooted in discriminatory laws[2] and social practices[3] (RCSO, 2020), the post-conflict situation in Iraq, the ongoing occupation and conflict in Palestine and the refugee crisis in Jordan and Lebanon have added layers of vulnerability for women and girls. The disintegration of the economic and social fabric and the Covid-19 pandemic have further heightened VAWG

while restricting effective access to services for women and girls’ victims or at risk. Worst forms of VAWG have been reported including conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) in Palestine, Syria and Iraq, forced marriage, child marriage, trafficking for sexual exploitation in all four countries, affecting particularly women refugees whose legal status and living conditions put them at higher risk. Today the lack of rehabilitation mechanisms, the guilt and shame associated with sexual violence hinder victims’ social reintegration. VAWG is also a major barrier for the participation of women in decision-making[1]. According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2021, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon fall below the 100th position in the global gender gap index ranking and the political empowerment subindex ranking[2]. In Palestine, only 12.8% of the Members of Parliament are women, and one woman out of 16 serves as governor. Conflict-related factors contribute to further excluding women from political participation. In Iraq, women’s human rights defenders have been exposed to threats, physical attacks, torture, murder, and sexual violence and theGovernment has failed to act with due diligence to protect them, prevent or investigate these attacks[3].

In such a regional context, the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) is an essential tool for advancing women’s rights (WR). Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine have adopted National Action Plans (NAPs) for the implementation of UNSCR 1325, thus opening new opportunities for the promotion of WR in the region, but so far, their implementation has fallen short due to the challenges faced in addressing the root causes of gender inequality and VAWG.

As highlighted in the report “Engendering the Syrian Crisis Response in Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq” (EFI, 2020)[4] which capitalizes on experiences and lessons learned from feminist and WR CSOs, gender strategies adopting both a needs-based and rights-based approach are yet to be achieved, and policies are still failing to adequately address the root causes of inequality between women and men. Women’s participation should be ensured in the design and implementation of humanitarian and crisis responses, in the development of national strategies and actions plans, as well as in the drafting of laws and policies[5]. With innovative initiatives at local, national and regional levels, feminist CSOs have demonstrated they play a leading role in challenging gender power structures and taking forward the implementation of NAPs for the UNSCR 1325 and of other strategies and policies that form the WPSA[6]. In all four countries, there is a need for “more organizations to be stronger and to have unified voices to put more pressure on the government”[7].

The programme will support the work of relevant feminist CSOs in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine, and will provide a space for sharing of learning and exchange good practices with a view to contributing to building a peaceful and inclusive society by promoting women’s participation and combating VAWG in the region.

The programme started on 1st March 2023 and will run until 31st March 2026.

The programme is structured around three components:

  • Provision of financial support to national and local CSOs and CBOs.
  • Capacity-building and learning.
  • Regional networking and exchange of expertise and practices.

This programme is funded by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) which implements France’s policy on international development and solidarity. Through its financing of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the public sector, as well as its research and publications, AFD supports and accelerates transitions towards a fairer, more resilient world. It also provides training in sustainable development (at AFD Campus) and other awareness-raising activities in France.

    1. Scope of Work

The MEAL process for the programme will be centralized. The MEAL consultant is expected to develop the regional Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning plan, update it on a quarterly basis, ensure the proper MEAL follow up, develop MEAL formats, review the quarterly MEAL reports, support in developing the annual reports, support in the external evaluation process, provide capacity building to partners and targeted CSOs and CBOs on MEAL issues, provide coaching and advice to local staff and partners, capture and document lessons learned and good practices, assess the achievement of objectives and results, investigate indicators and targets as per the log-frame, and to ensure proper documentation, reporting and follow up.

Moreover, the consultant will be required to provide on-going technical support and quality assurance to ensure that MEAL activities and reporting is implemented effectively and efficiently and in a harmonious manner. This includes making sure learning from the programme is documented, compliance with the donor’s and EFI’s rules and policies are strictly abided by and that accountability mechanisms to the right-holders of the programme are implemented.

  1. MEAL Responsibilities/ Expected Results

The MEAL Consultant will perform the following activities:

  1. Establish a multi-year results and MEAL plan for the programme:

    • Formulate key outputs and process indicators for the programme activity clusters, based on the programme description and consultation with EFI, implementing partners and other relevant stakeholders.
    • Identify relevant gender sensitive benchmarks, risks and assumptions.
    • Define tracking and data collection tools as well as frequencies for data collection and establish time frames based on work plans developed in close cooperation with EFI’s management team.
    • Develop a MEAL plan and associated guidelines for dissemination among the partners. The guidelines will be prepared in the form of an operational manual and will include MEAL principles; procedures and templates for data collection and reporting for objectives and results indicators; and roles and responsibilities for reporting on the results achieved, including formant, content, frequencies, and source(s) of data. The MEAL plan and associated guidelines encompass the monitoring, evaluation, accountability to right-holders and donors and capitalization throughout the programme, including from a gender-sensitive analysis and perspective.
  2. Monitor and report on progress and results:

    • Track and analyse progress towards agreed outputs of all activity clusters so that they are in line with the programme documents.
  • Support in developing and finalizing Quarterly Information Notes (QINs) to be collected and compiled from all partners. The QINs shall capture the progress towards achieving the targets of objectives and results of the programme, and will document the implementation of activities, challenges faced, and mitigation envisioned or applied. They will also be used to provide updates and follow up for EFI and partners.
  • Summarize progress in a timely and user-friendly manner through agreed upon formats such as briefing notes, background materials or others that are jointly defined with EFI at the beginning of the programme.
  • Flag potential risks or challenges emerging from monitoring information to EFI and relevant partners where needed.
  • Define and communicate required reporting details (timing, format, content, etc.) and provide suggestions for ways to improve tracking of results.
  1. Capacity building for EFI and the partners

    • The MEAL consultant will develop the training materials based on the MEAL plan, guidelines and developed formats.
    • The MEAL consultant shall provide one training per country for consortium members, CSOs and CBOs receiving funds. The training will be for three days targeting 15 participants each.
  2. Provide monitoring support to the staff of EFI and implementing partners:

    • Provide follow-up and technical guidance on result-based management (RBM) and MEAL to EFI and the implementing partners.
    • Support on-going data collection and interpretation of results.
    • Ensure coherence and effectiveness of monitoring activities consortium members.
    • Develop, update and ensure effective use of MEAL related guidance documents by consortium members.
    • Provide support and guidance on monitoring tools, and template and approaches, to consortium members, which are in line with EFI’s policies on monitoring and existing tools and templates and following the roles and guidelines of the AFD.
    • Support EFI staff in effectively applying the results and monitoring framework (remote support, country missions). This includes providing support on the selection of outputs and indicators, and data collection tools.
    • Facilitate technical support if necessary, such as trainings, workshops and access to resources (where possible).
    • Ensure that a continuous learning process is developed and documented through regular result-oriented Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning trainings.
    • Ensure that indicators developed are adequate for gender-sensitive monitoring and that monitoring related activities of the programme are gender sensitive.
    • Provide support in finalizing the interim and final narrative reports of the programme as per the AFD’s format.
  3. Document good practices and lessons learned:

    • Develop a system in which lessons learned and good practices are regularly documented and shared.
    • Develop reports, if needed, on lessons learned and disseminate with relevant partners/stakeholders to inform on progress and impact as well as act as a repository of good practices for the programme.
    • Participate in the dissemination of programme’s findings and lessons learned.
    • Document good practices to gender-sensitive monitoring.
    • Provide support to EFI’s teams and partners to ensure that lessons learned, and good practices are internalised and inform decision-making in the programme.
    • Coordinate with the traversal documenting of learning process initiated with the AFD and other regional consortia involved in the WPSA.
  4. Oversee and ensure quality of the final evaluations as well as other programme related research

    • Serve as a focal point for the external evaluation and other types of surveys and research based on key indicators and strategies approved in the programme’s documents.
    • Provide oversight and quality assurance on the programme’s final external evaluations and other programme-related research.
    • Promote Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning standards, provide technical advice in their design and implementation, and ensure that they are gender mainstreamed.
    • Organise and coordinate evaluations related missions.
    • Conduct regular revisions on the Programme’s Theory of Change (TOC), assessing aspects such as outcomes, risks and assumptions at national and local levels.
    • Provide advice on adjusting the programme’s log-frame based on changes made to the TOC throughout the programme’s timeframe.
    • Undertake other MEAL related assignments, which may be assigned from time to time by EFI.
  5. Management and Monitoring

While the consultancy will be carried out externally to ensure objectivity and impartiality, it relies on the collaboration of staff from the organisation and partner organisations, which are familiar with the programme details and the context in which it is undertaken. This approach aims to ensure that the MEAL consultant works in line with quality and standards of the AFD, EFI and Consortium members and is able to improve the MEAL process throughout the programme’s timeframe, while respecting the principles of impartiality and independence.

The MEAL Consultant will work with the Programmes Manager in Paris and the Project Coordinator in Amman. The Consultant will report directly to EFI’s Executive Director to provide monthly timesheets and progress reports.


The consultant should be a senior professional with an advanced degree in a relevant field and a minimum of 5 -10 years of experience. The candidate should bring to the position:

  • Master’s or doctoral degree, preferably in Social Sciences, women’s studies, conflict resolution or another relevant field.
  • Experience in designing tools and strategies for data collection, analysis and production of reports.
  • Experience in providing trainings on MEAL processes and tools.
  • At least 5 years’ experience in conducting MEAL work in gender and human-rights based interventions.
  • Knowledge of monitoring and evaluation approaches and experience in designing, developing and implementing monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) systems.
  • Excellent understanding of results-based management.
  • Ability to produce well-written reports that demonstrate excellent analytical and communication skills from the perspective of women’s rights as universal human rights.
  • A strong team leadership and management track record with demonstrated ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team environment.
  • Ability to work with the organization and with other stakeholders to ensure the delivery of a high-quality product in a timely manner.
  • Willingness to travel for the programme and ability to work on different assignments simultaneously in order to meet assignment timelines.
  • A full understanding of security related issues and approaches with regards to collecting sensitive information from beneficiaries and stakeholders.
  • Regional/Country experience and knowledge.
  • Excellent command of English and Arabic is mandatory.

The duration the consultancy is estimated to be for 33 months starting from 1 November 2023 until 15 July 2026. The consultant is expected to work for 45 days per year (total 135 days over the period)


Submission Deadline: 29 October 2023

Subject Line: MEAL consultant – Strengthening Feminist CSOs working in the Implementation of the WPSA

Email to: [email protected] cc: [email protected]

Proposal Requirements:

  • Technical Proposal: A detailed proposal outlining the suggested approach and methodology and timeframe/action plan.
  • Budget: A detailed budget with the costs associated with the assignment including a justified daily rate (total 135 days over the period 1st November 2023-15 July 2026).
  • CVs: of the consultant outlining previous experience in Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning professional development.

EFI will evaluate the proposals based on the following criteria and standards:

  • Criterion 1: Technical approach and methodology with the suggested timeframe proposed by the applicant. (Maximum 5 points out of 10 for the proposal as a whole).
  • Criterion 2: Financial proposal, including the breakdown of all costs associated with the MEAL tasks and the reasonableness of the daily rate in relation to the proposed scope of work. (Maximum 2 points out of 10 for the proposal as a whole).
  • Criterion 3: Professional expertise and experience of the applicant and their ability to deliver the required tasks effectively. This includes their experience in MEAL processes, capacity and knowledge. (Maximum 3 points out of 10 for the proposal as a whole).

The proposal with the highest overall score will be selected as the most suitable applicant for the MEAL Consultancy.

How to apply

Submission Deadline: 29 October 2023
Subject Line: MEAL consultant – Strengthening Feminist CSOs working in the Implementation of the WPSA
Email to: [email protected] cc: [email protected]
Proposal Requirements:
• Technical Proposal: A detailed proposal outlining the suggested approach and methodology and
timeframe/action plan.
• Budget: A detailed budget with the costs associated with the assignment including a justified daily
rate (total 135 days over the period 1
November 2023-15 July 2026).

To apply for this job please visit

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