International Relations – Head of department

International Transformation Foundation

International Transformation Foundation (ITF) is an internationally youth led non-profit organization providing youth educational and self-development programs, encompassing leadership and entrepreneurship, to harness creativity for a youth system that provides jobs, offering security, opportunities to grow, and contribute to the development of our communities.

Since its establishment ITF has been developing and operating youth development programs to lead the youth of today as leaders with a strong heart and mind as true workers of society with creative and progressive thinking. Our current projects are:


Jijenge Kijana fund is a youth livelihood pathway offering micro-credit and micro-saving training enabling ITF members to engage in productive and stable livelihoods to generate increased income to lift them out of poverty.


This is a school-based and students-managed business designed to sell clean tap water to community residents at an affordable price; a sustainable business model that pre-finances a community school in order to set up an on-site water kiosk with specially designed and sustainable products.


The public water fountain project aims to install sustainable tap water stations near playgrounds, city centers, parks, schools and bus stations in Africa which ensure accessible clean drinking tap water. The project also works to bring awareness on the environmental impact of production and waste of single-use plastic water bottles.


ITF operates capacity-building projects that gather global partnerships with the aim of tackling youth unemployment by bridging the educational sector and labor market enabling young people to undergo work-based learning. These projects are co-financed by the Erasmus plus programme of the European Union.

International Relations – Head of department:

Duties and responsibilities:

This position requires the spearheading of the ITF international expansion dubbed “the ITF
Dream Challenge” by:
(a) Opening new branches in East Africa, West Africa and the rest of the world and initiating international marketing, communications and Fund-raising initiatives.
(b) Directing the International Office branches including projects planning, implementation, monitoring & evaluation and oversight of budgets.
(c) Facilitating, coordinating and acting as a primary point-of-contact for all international affairs including: (i) Maintaining the relationship with current international partners and (ii) Establishing new relationships with international organizations and states/Governments.
(d) Identifying and preparing grant proposals and or other fundraising strategies for international projects/offices.

(e) Hiring, training/mentoring, supervising, and evaluating international offices volunteer staff.
(f) Receiving and mentoring international volunteers, ensuring they are well settled and facilitate their quick adjustment to their new environment.
(g) Organizing and evaluating international programs including conferences, events and seminars as well as representing ITF
(h) Other responsibilities may be assigned.

(a) Hold at least a bachelor’s degree in related fields such as International Relations, Communications, marketing etc.
(b) Possess knowledge in current issues and best practices relating to international youth development.
(c) Ability to come up with creative ideas for communication and promotional materials, fundraising, identify potential opportunities for raising funds and write grant proposals,
(d) Have excellent communication skills both orally and in writing (minimally in English), excellent interpersonal and presentation skills and the ability to work with individuals from different cultures,
(e) Possess basic computer skills including graphic communication and social media management,
(f) Ability to maintain an established work schedule, with or without flexibility,
(g) Strong organizational and management skills- ability to multi-task and prioritize,
(h) Motivated to learn and take on new challenges
(i) Willingness and capacity to volunteer
(j) Unparalleled passion and commitment for youth & community development.


Although ITF Volunteers enjoy limitless opportunities, ITF does NOT provide any kind of compensation. ITF Staff operates on a full-time volunteer basis for a minimum of 6 months. Volunteers are responsible for all basic expenses such as home – office transportation, accommodation etc. ITF ONLY provides direct operational expenses such as staff transportation to meetings outside the office, field visit operations etc.

How to apply

Complete this application form:

Like our Facebook page, Instagram page, LinkedIn and follow us on Twitter.

We DO NOT consider incomplete applications as well as candidates who are not able to cover the volunteer term expenses as mentioned in the above paragraph (Compensation). ITF only accepts applications submitted via the volunteer application form on the ITF website;

Deadline: 22 Jul 2024

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