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Head of Unit: Protocol

Organisation of Educational Cooperation

General Background

The OEC: The Organisation of Educational Cooperation (OEC) is an international intergovernmental organisation, founded in January 2020 by countries from across the Global South, to “contribute to the equitable, just, and prosperous social transformation of societies by promoting balanced and inclusive education, in order to attain the fundamental rights to liberty, justice, dignity, sustainability, social cohesion, and material and immaterial security for the peoples of the world”.

GALM: The Bureau of General Assembly and Logistics Management functions are:

  • Provide logistical and documentation support to the General Assembly, the Council of Member States, and the Conference of Associate Members in their ordinary and extraordinary sessions.
  • Support the President of the General Assembly in the discharge of their duties.
  • Provide logistical and documentation support to the conferences and international meetings convened by the Secretariat.


The position has the responsibility to organize important events such as the sessions of the General Assembly and other political bodies at various level including the Summits. In this regard, the incumbent, in close coordination with their internal and external counterparts and partners, is expected to plan in a most meticulous way the protocol aspects of the events covering formal protocol, venue, catering services, airport and visa issues related to the OEC events.

Under the supervision of the Assistant-Secretary-General for GALM, the incumbent of this position is to:

  • Ensure protocol aspects in the OEC events are planned and carried out with utmost attention to detail.
  • Coordinate information circulation to the relevant security regarding OEC events.
  • Ensure proper coordination and bookings for accommodation and transportation arrangements for relevant event participants.
  • Ensures that the OEC visibility and promotional materials are properly stored, maintained, and displayed at the events.
  • Keep and maintain a database of suitable conference venues, suppliers, vendors, and catering services.
  • In close coordination with other relevant officers at the Secretariat, negotiates reasonable prices, framework agreements, and other operational relationships with vendors and suppliers.
  • Any other duties that may be assigned by supervisor


  • Bachelor’s degree in business administration, communication, marketing, or similar
  • 5 to 8 years of experience in a similar position, with similar activities.

Language Requirements

  • Excellent command and fluency in English, and at least one other OEC official language (Arabic, French, Spanish).

How to apply

Click on the link and follow the application steps:

This position is open to international applicants. (Applications from South America and Asia Pacific highly encouraged.

Female Candidates are strongly encouraged to apply

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