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Gap analyses and research On Reproductive Health And Rights For Women

  • Contractor
  • Jordan
  • TBD USD / Year
  • Oxfam profile

  • Job applications may no longer being accepted for this opportunity.


Oxfam has been in Jordan since the 1990s. We work with local partners in Jordan for a future where everyone can reach their full potential, especially women and young people. We provide essential humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees as well as vulnerable Jordanians, while promoting longer term sustainable solutions to challenges facing Jordan, with a focus on Climate Justice, Economic Justice and Gender Justice.
Under the Gender Justice programme, Oxfam in Jordan is implementing the “Power to Choose” initiative. This project contributes to achieving equitable access to inclusive health services and supports stakeholders to advocate for evidence-based health care policies. The initiative builds on Oxfam’s expertise in using a rights-based and gender responsive approach and has a focus on reaching vulnerable women and young people in Jordan. This initiative contributes to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3, to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all, and SDG 5 to achieve gender equality and empower women and girls.
Introduction to Required Services
The required services entail an expert-level research study focusing on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in Jordan. This study aims to deepen our understanding of existing challenges, successes, and opportunities in the SRHR landscape, with a particular emphasis on identifying gaps in knowledge and areas for targeted interventions.
The scope of services encompasses a comprehensive research methodology, including a literature review, quantitative and qualitative research, stakeholder consultations, and a specific focus on gap analysis. The objectives involve analyzing the impact of cultural, social, and economic factors on SRHR outcomes, identifying gaps in existing research literature, and providing evidence-based recommendations for policy development, SRHR services and program implementation. The scope of services requiring attention involves persistent power imbalances in accessing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) services over an extended period. This necessitates considering how to integrate the principles of gender equality and inclusion into constitutional and broader institutional frameworks.
First step: Gap Analysis:
➢ Identify gaps and areas with limited research focus through a systematic analysis.
➢ Conduct interviews and focus group discussions with key stakeholders, including healthcare providers, policymakers, and community leaders, to gather insights on existing gaps.
➢ Assess the effectiveness of current SRHR interventions at different levels (governmental or non-governmental).
Second step: Research
Based on the Gap analysis’s findings, the consultant is expected to propose a mixed approach and methodology which helps to generate the required data and analysis. The methodology adopted should also pursue feminist approach and guiding principles and will be designed in consultation and review by relevant Oxfam MEAL and Gender Justice team. The methodology should combine both quantitative and qualitative methods and tools and use both primary and secondary sources of information. Adequate participation of the key stakeholders should be sought while designing the tools and during the entire assessment. Oxfam will facilitate access to potential direct participants for field data collection with consideration to data protection policies and data rights, details of Logical Framework and indicators, and a project overview to help the consultant design tools accordingly. Oxfam will review and give approval of the tools before the data collection process.
A detailed methodology should be included in the technical proposal.
Ethical Considerations:
➢ Ensure the research adheres to ethical guidelines and obtains necessary approvals from relevant institutional review boards.
➢ Maintain participant confidentiality and privacy throughout the research process.
Main Deliverables and Timeline
The following deliverables are expected:
• A comprehensive gap analysis
• A comprehensive Research reports.
• Data sets from surveys for further analysis.
• A complete list of documents reviewed during the desk review.
Timeline and Workplan
Task Total Days Gap Analysis Inception report 3 working days The analysis report to include the situational review, gap and barrier analysis including what was mentioned 15 working days Validation of key findings (with Oxfam and partners) 1 day Research implementation
Develop the tools for the FGDs and the KIIs, & finalizing tools that to be provided by Oxfam
5 working days Data collection, including hiring & Training numerators 12 working days
Data analysis, and Reporting
6 working days validation & Finalization 4
46 days • The submission of the final version of the report by 15th of March 2024
This timeline is designed to efficiently integrate the gap analysis with the identification of the research topic within a two-month period.
Stakeholder engagement during the gap analysis is essential for validating identified gaps and ensuring alignment with community needs.
Required Qualifications
Interested researchers or research firms should possess the following qualifications:
• At least 5 years of experience conducting research in English language.
• Demonstrated expertise in Gender and SRHR research, preferably with experience in the Jordanian context, samples to be shared.
• Proven track record in both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies.
• Strong analytical skills and the ability to translate research findings into actionable recommendations.
Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation criteria
will include seventy (70) points of the overall score, under the following criteria. Criteria Maximum point
Completeness of proposal
Up to three similar undertakings
Technical validity of proposed methodologies and data quality assurance procedures
CVs of qualified and relevant proposed staff
Evaluation of financial Proposals shall be done only for those companies meeting minimum score for technical proposal.
• Thirty (30) points shall be the maximum total score given to the financial component (price).
• Upon opening all the financial proposals, the maximum score is given to the lowest price proposal. All other price proposals from interested consultants shall be allocated scores in inverse proportion to the lowest price.
Submission Requirements
Technical Proposal:
• Introduction:
➢ Brief introduction of the proposing individual or firm.
➢ Overview of relevant experience in the field of SRHR research.
• Methodology:
➢ Detailed description of the proposed research methodology, including the approach to conducting the literature review, quantitative and qualitative research, stakeholder consultations, and gap analysis.
➢ Explanation of how the proposed methodology aligns with the objectives outlined in the TOR.
• Research Team:
➢ Presentation of the qualifications and expertise of the proposed research team, highlighting relevant experience in SRHR research and any specific knowledge of the Jordanian context.
• Timeline:
➢ Clear and realistic timeline outlining key milestones and activities for the entire duration of the research study.
• Ethical Considerations:
➢ Explanation of how ethical guidelines will be adhered to during the research process.
➢ Documentation of any necessary approvals from relevant institutional review boards.
• Sample of previous undertakings.
Financial Proposal:
• Budget Breakdown:
➢ Detailed breakdown of the budget, including costs associated with literature review, data collection, analysis, stakeholder consultations, and any other relevant expenses.
➢ Transparent explanation of how each budget item contributes to the successful completion of the research.
• Cost Effectiveness:
➢ Demonstration of cost-effectiveness in relation to the proposed scope of work and deliverables.
➢ Any potential cost-saving measures or efficiencies that will be implemented.
• Payment Schedule:
➢ Proposed payment schedule linked to the completion of specific deliverables or milestones.
➢ Clearly defined payment terms and conditions.
• Payment Terms:
➢ Proposed payment terms, such as installment details or milestone-based payments.

How to apply

Applicants should submit technical and financial proposals as separate documents to [email protected] with the subject line: Gap analysis and research – SRHR and RFQ Number [RFQ-JOAMM-24-0015].

Deadline: 26 Feb 2024

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