Facilitation of Bread for the World CPS workshop

Brot für die Welt

1. Background
Bread for the World, as one of three implementing agencies of the Civil Peace Service (CPS) in
Myanmar is supporting local partner organisations through the secondment of international peace
workers and through financial support of project activities since 2019. Complex conflict dynamics and
increasing repression have an enormous impact on the work of local partners and BfdW’s CPS
programme. To reflect on these impacts and changes and the programme’s response, and in practical
preparation of the next programme phase a workshop will be organised.
2. Objectives of the workshop facilitation
The objectives of the workshop are
• to create space for connection and networking aware of required safety and security
• to create space for all stakeholders of the programme to reflect on the last programme
phase, debrief experiences together and to learn for new programme phase
• to reflect on the context and conflict dynamics on different levels (country level,
programme level, partner project level) and guiding partners in gender-sensitive context
and conflict analysis for their specific programming
• to guide partners in their project development for next programme phase with a gender
and peacebuilding lense adapted to their specific context, sphere of influence and
organisational strengths aligned with the new programme framework
• to promote context sensitive, gender responsive and gender-transformative approaches
to peacebuilding.
The facilitator is supposed to facilitate this process using appropriate tools for reflection, analysis and
project planning with a strong focus on partner needs and strengths.
To implement the workshop in a stress-and trauma sensitive way, it will additionally be accompanied
by an MHPSS expert. The proposal for the workshop design is supposed to accommodate parts
facilitated by the MHPSS expert.
3. Scope of the assignment, methodology, time frame and cooperation
Time frame: July to November 2024
The workshop facilitation will take place 3,5 days in September/October in Thailand. The assignment
includes the facilitation of the workshop and the methodological development of the workshop
design to achieve its objectives. In preparation of the workshop, during and after the workshop the
facilitator will closely cooperate with the CPS coordinator Myanmar, staff at Bread for the World,
Berlin, other facilitators and documenter to ensure a coherent and effective workshop design,
implementation and documentation.

• Sound workshop design based on objectives, partner needs and integration of MHPSS
parts from MHPSS expert
• Preparation with the relevant stakeholders and possible preparatory communication with
partners to ensure their effective preparation for the workshop and sound workshop
• Facilitation of the Workshop
• Sharing of valuable material with partners for their programming
• Comments on final documentation

The facilitator should have following qualifications and experiences:
• Academic degree in peacebuilding, social sciences or another relevant field.
• Profound knowledge and experience in the field of peacebuilding, conflict
transformation, gender, inclusion and social cohesion.
• Profound knowledge of and experience with relevant methods for reflecting on conflict
dynamics and project development from a gender sensitive peacebuilding perspective.
• Profound knowledge on Myanmar context regarding conflict dynamics, gender, human
rights, civil society, security and safety.
• Strong conceptual and analytical skills in area of peacebuilding and experience in
designing and facilitating workshops for civil society organisation in peacebuilding/
conflict transformation.
• Empathy, excellent interpersonal skills and profound experience in facilitating group
processes. Cultural- and gender-sensitive attitude and approaches.
• Profound English knowledge.
Of advantage are:
• Knowledge and experience with the German Civil Peace Service programme (CPS)
• Knowledge of Burmese language (spoken and/or written)

5. Contract Award criteria
– Experiences and qualifications
– Quality of proposal
– Costs

How to apply

6. Application procedure for interested candidates
Interested candidates should send the following
– Letter of interest, with reference to the above-mentioned criteria
– Short CV with an overview of relevant work experience
– Technical proposal: Outline of suggested methodology/ workshop design
– Financial proposal, daily rate
– Possible material- and travel costs

Please email the above to [email protected]. This position will be open until
an appropriate candidate is identified. Only applicants invited for an interview will be contacted.

7. Obligation to Confidentiality
All data and information about the contracting bodies, their cooperation partners and staff members,
that are received are strictly confidential and only used in connection with the assignment. The
obligation to confidentiality continues also after the end of contract.

Deadline: 18 Jul 2024

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