Development Program Specialist (Budget)

US Agency for International Development



  1. SOLICITATION NO.: 72061524R10015
  2. ISSUANCE DATE: January 23, 2024
  3. CLOSING DATE AND TIME FOR RECEIPT OF OFFERS: February 06, 2024 (4:30 PM East Africa Time).
  4. POINT OF CONTACT: USAID Kenya and East Africa Human Resources, e-mail at [email protected]
  5. POSITION TITLE: Development Program Specialist (Budget).
  6. MARKET VALUE: Equivalent to FSN 11 Step 1 (5,435,381.00 KSH per annum) to Step 13 (9,069,687.00 KSH per annum).In accordance with AIDAR Appendix J and the Local Compensation Plan of USAID/Kenya and East Africa. The salary range provided is inclusive of all allowances. All applicable taxes will be deducted from the stated gross market rate. Final compensation will be negotiated within the listed market value.
  7. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: The services provided under this contract are expected to be of a continuing nature that will be executed by USAID through a series of sequential contracts, subject to the availability of funds, the continued need for services and successful performance. It is anticipated that the selection of the successful candidate will be completed within an estimated six-month period from the closing date of this solicitation.
  8. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: Nairobi, Kenya;with possible travel as stated in the Statement of Duties.
  9. ELIGIBLE OFFERORS: Open to qualified Kenyan Citizens, including current locally hired employees of the US Mission in Kenya. Employees presently on probation are ineligible to apply.
  10. SECURITY LEVEL REQUIRED: Security certification issued by the US Embassy RSO.


General Statement of Purpose of the Contract

The USAID Strategic Planning and Analysis (SPA) Office is responsible for broad program support, coordination, and IL project management functions for the combined USAID platform in Nairobi which manages two operating units (OUs)-the bilateral Kenya and the East Africa Regional OUs. SPA provides leadership and serves as principal advisor to the Mission Director on: (a) social, economic, and cross-cutting developmental issues; (b) strategic planning and programming; (c) project and activity development; (d) monitoring and evaluation and learning of the platform’s portfolio; (e) management of current year budget obligation and out-year mission-wide budget planning; and (f) program implementation of activities that fall within the platform’s ongoing Development Objectives under the $2 billion Kenya Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) and $300 million East Africa Regional Cooperation Development Strategy (RDCS). In addition, this office keeps a pulse of major development trends in Kenya and the East Africa region to inform new programming needs.

The Development Program Specialist (Budget) has responsibilities in program budget management, financial analysis, and reporting. The incumbent performs budget management services ranging from liaising with the Office of Financial Management (OFM) office in reconciling allowances, commitments and sub-obligations in Phoenix with SPA records (OYB Matrices, Bilateral Agreements, etc), MAPS, and related strategic budget management functions. He/She participates with OFM Financial Analysts in gathering financial and statistical data on pipelines and assists USAID/KEA technical teams and SPA to develop sound program budgets that have taken into account forward funding, pipelines, earmarks and directives. The USAID/KEA life of strategy (2022-2025) program budget portfolio is over $2.5 billion with an estimated annual program budget of $435 million (Kenya is $400 million; East Africa Regional is $35 million). While routine general financial analysis is customarily completed by OFM Financial Analysts, the incumbent ensures that the planned budget is not exceeded, checks budget coding, ensures earmarks and directive are taken into account, performs analysis of past expenditure rates, current and projected pipelines, and future burn rates to ensure accuracy of data produced, ensure that adequate funding is maintained and accurate quarterly accruals are reported. He/she relies on this information to advise SPA, the technical offices, and other mission staff as necessary.

Statement of Duties to be Performed.

A. Analytical Budget Management Duties 50%

The incumbent will carry out major responsibilities under the Program Budget Financial Management. Duties include the following:

  1. Bilateral and Regional Agreements and Unilateral Obligations: He/She is responsible for maintaining records for all of the Mission’s bilateral and regional agreements, Regional/Development Objective Agreements (SOAGs/DOAGS/DAGAs), Limited Scope Grant Agreements (LSGAs), Memorandum of Understanding or Agreements (MOUs or MOAs) The incumbent will ensure that implementing documents (Implementation Letters (ILs), Pre-GLAAS Obligations Documents, and Acquisition and Assistance instruments) are funded under the correct budget components, and advises the relevant offices accordingly. The incumbent will serve as the lead person in SPA working very closely with OFM financial analysts and accountants in reconciling bilateral obligations with Phoenix and ensures that errors are corrected in a timely manner. He/she assists Technical Offices in preparation of financial sections of bilateral/regional agreements, implementation letters, and other implementing documentations, and reviews and advises on budget information on all obligating documents submitted to SPA for clearance.
  2. Funding Requests: Works closely with USAID/KEA Technical and SPA staff in developing budgets for and reviewing all pre-GLAAS obligations documents. Ensures that the pipeline reports attached to the pre-GLAAS obligations documents are accurate, details such as budget element, contract number, funding source etc. are correct and forward funding waivers are included when appropriate. Ensures the correct funding justification is attached and that and where applicable that the pre-obligations requirements are met and that there is a link with Operational Plans and procurement plans.
  3. Coordination with OFM: Serves as SPA’s principal liaison with OFM in reconciling allowances, obligations, commitments and sub-obligations in Phoenix with SPA cuff records and MAPS/DIS, ranging from current year procurement plans to tracking bilateral financing agreements and unilateral budgets. Ensures the integrity of USAID/KEA program budget is maintained through regular communications with OFM financial analysts and accountants to reconcile budget data for each Development Objective allowances/program elements, obligation, sub-commitments and sub-obligations through Phoenix. To facilitate this, the incumbent maintains a consolidated database (MAPS/DIS/office level/ sector level trackers) containing all budget plans for USAID/KEA, for tracking allowances and obligations and spreadsheets for bilateral agreements. The incumbent also coordinates his/her analysis and recommendations with OFM on the general financial feasibility of activities, verifies documents to ensure that there is a balance between forward funding and mortgages, ensures funds availability per sector control and advises on alternative sources of funding e.g. use of old funds obligated through DOAGs rather than NOA funds. Performs financial analyses of cross-cutting activities under Program Development and oversight funds (PO.1: Program Design and Learning, PO.2: Administration and Oversight & PO.3: Evaluation) to ascertain the burn rates to guide teams in formulating funds allocation to staff and activities and makes recommendations to SPA, OFM, and Technical Offices.
  4. Planning, Monitoring and Reporting: The incumbent relies upon his/her knowledge of program budget and financial analysis to participate and offer substantive input to Technical Offices and support offices in semi-annual Portfolio Reviews and the annual reporting process/Operational Planning, particularly with respect to program budgets and pipelines. Reviews Issues Papers to ensure that all pertinent budget and financial issues are included. He/she participates in preparation of contracts and activity close-outs by closely working with financial analysts and Office of Acquisition and Assistance (OAA) in provision of relevant statistical and financial data. He/she provides analysis and advice on new activity development and/or program assessments and evaluations as need arises.

B. Budget and Program Support Duties 40%

  1. Maintenance of Budget data, records and reporting systems. The incumbent drafts and/or reviews the OYB monthly matrices and narratives and ensures that all pertinent data (field support, budget allowance, obligations, obligation date etc) is up-to-date. Coordinates and consolidates the Field Support requests from the Technical Offices and SPA, inputs the data into the internet based Field Support database, and follows up with AID/W. He/She also maintains the integrity of the FieldSupport database through regular downloads of data, compares with requests, and takes appropriate action to correct any discrepancies. He/she inputs budget planning data for Operational Plans and maintains cuff notes and other pertinent budget records for USAID/KEA. He/she takes the lead in designing new budget worksheets, including Procurement Plan templates based on changing AID/W guidance (e.g. based on SOs, Operational Plan Objectives and Program Elements) and may recommend and devise improved data management systems.
  2. Budget Planning and Reporting He/she leads the preparation of USAID/KEA Congressional Budget Justification/Mission Resources Request /Congressional Notification, and other annual budget reports, assists in the preparation of program budget tables, and continues monitoring Program Element budget by ensuring that AFR/DP controls are not exceeded. Reviews all program budget tables and ensures that data input in program reports applications is corrected before submission to AID/W. Maintains the integrity of all program budget applications and databases to ensure compliance with USAID guidelines on data entry. The incumbent will review portfolio and funding actions to ensure compliance with the USAID/Kenya and USAID East Africa Regional strategies. Ensures implementation actions are in accordance with governing documents, especially budgetary provisions.
  3. Financial Control He/she takes the lead in drafting the SPA’s response to the annual exercise to comply with the Financial Manager Fiscal Integrity Act (FMFIA). He/she participates in Management Control Review Committee (MCRC) meetings, contributing to discussions on areas of weaknesses noted in the FMFIA review and initiating follow-up actions for SPA.
  4. Monitoring the Host Country Loan Portfolio: Working closely with the Supervisor, ensures close monitoring of host country loan payments. Keeps current records of all outstanding loans, due dates and overdue dates that trigger sanctions and advises mission management on regular loan defaults on regular basis. Reports USG assistance to the GOK or RIGOS.
  5. Document Quality and Compliance He/she is responsible for maintaining quality control in USAID/KEA. The incumbent reviews and clears all program funded implementation documents (bilateral financing agreements, Pre-GLAAS Obligations Documents) by ensuring that funding is allocated per DO, program area/program element and is reflected in the relevant Procurement Plan, AID/W control levels are maintained, and funding rules and regulations are followed and ensuring all earmarks and directive are met. Review and clear bilateral agreements commitment/sub-obligation documents, including Implementation Letters (ILs) and Pre-GLAAS Obligations Documents) by ensuring that funding is charged against the correct budget line item and planned allocations are not exceeded.
  6. Training/mentoring: The incumbent will help train new Program Assistants in Technical Offices and provides additional training on new guidance in budgeting where appropriate. He/she supports Program Assistants by reviewing their work to ensure that quality control is maintained at all times.

C. Support Localization Implementation 10%

  1. The Specialist will identify ways to further meet USG foreign policy, GOK, and East African regional development and policy objectives. S/he maintains up-to-date knowledge of Agency and USG initiatives, development issues and innovations, and political and economic trends in Washington, Kenya, and the East African region. S/he will liaise closely with relevant USAID/Washington bureaus and offices to identify opportunities to strengthen Mission strategic design and implementation processes. The Specialist actively participates in and/or leads relevant program cycle-related Mission and/or Agency Teams, including Mission DOAT and Project Teams, working groups, and communities of practice to promote and strengthen the adoption of best practices. Participation includes proactively drafting of pertinent project design documents, waivers, SOAR documentation, and memos to ensure high caliber support to technical offices.
  2. The specialist will help support the implementation of the Development Cooperation Framework Agreement (DCFA), tracking the DCFA implementation letters with the relevant Government of Kenya line ministries. The specialist will also help support the Government- to-Government (G2G) efforts at the mission as well as represent the SPA office in the mission G2G working group.
  3. In the absence of the Budget Team Leader, assumes and performs duties and responsibilities which are within his/her capability.

Supervision Received

The incumbent reports directly to the Senior Development Budget Specialist FSN 12 or his/her designee who will provide overall objectives and priorities, guidance and suggested approaches, and will review completed reports and other assignments. However the incumbent is expected to function with a large degree of latitude and independence.

Supervision Exercised

Exercises no administrative supervision, but provides technical guidance and mentoring to the other Program Assistants from Technical Offices. Offers guidance and recommendations to Technical and Support Offices particularly on matters of program budgeting and operations policy and practices.

Physical Demands: The work requested does not involve undue physical demands.


Any application that does not meet the minimum requirements stated below will not be evaluated.

  1. Education: A bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance or Business Administration is required. Full CPA VI qualification is required.
  2. Prior Work Experience: Minimum of five (5) years of progressively responsible work experience in program planning, budgeting, management and evaluation or closely related work. Experience must include analysis and interpretation of financial and quantitative data and presentation of findings in written form. Proficiency in operating computer-based budgeting systems and experience with various software packages such as Microsoft Excel, Access, Power Point and Word is required.
  3. Post Entry Training: Rapid familiarization with a wide range of Agency policies, procedures and regulations is expected, and training in USAID-specific procedures, regulations, and methods will be provided, subject to course offerings and availability of funds, specifically through the following courses: Introduction to the Program Cycle (IPC), Project Development, A/COR Training, Collaborating, Learning and Adapting and USAID accounting and budget practices and/or with US Government accounting and budgeting systems is. Advanced training in higher-level operations of Microsoft Excel and Access is also desirable as well as job-related training in line with changing technological advancements e.g., software and operating systems.
  4. Language Proficiency: Level IV (fluent) ability is required in written and spoken English and Kiswahili.


The Government may award a contract without discussions with offerors in accordance with FAR 52.215-1. The CO reserves the right at any point in the evaluation process to establish a competitive range of offerors with whom negotiations will be conducted pursuant to FAR 15.306(c). In accordance with FAR 52.215-1, if the CO determines that the number of offers that would otherwise be in the competitive range exceeds the number at which an efficient competition can be conducted, the CO may limit the number of offerors in the competitive range to the greatest number that will permit an efficient competition among the most highly rated offers. The FAR provisions referenced above are available at

  • Job Knowledge (60 points)

Must have a thorough knowledge of USAID policies, goals, procedures and regulations, host government policies and procedures. S/he must also have in depth knowledge of accounting principles, theories and terminology as well as principles and accepted practices of governmental and business financial accounting, budgeting and reporting; be completely familiar with financial analysis techniques and have a thorough knowledge of how USAID programs are designed, developed, implemented and evaluated will be an advantage.

  • Skills and abilities (40 points)

S/he must be able to analyze complex data and relationships to prepare complete, precise and accurate factual and analytical reports; to render advice with detachment and objectivity; to prioritize and manage various tasks simultaneously; to develop and maintain a network of mid-to-senior-level USAID contacts and officials associated with other agencies, donors and implementing partners; to operate efficiently and effectively in multi-cultural, team environment; and to work under pressure to meet tight deadlines. Occasional overtime/comp time assignments may be required.

Total possible points: 100

How to apply

Step 1: Register in MyJobsInKenya at

Step 2: Completethe job application at

Step 3: Internal Offerors/Current USG Employees: Attach an updated curriculum vitae/resume (no more than five pages), a copy of your most recent Performance Evaluation Report, and copies of all relevant certificates. Scan and attach all the documents and upload them to MyJobsInKenya.


External Offerors/Not Current USG Employees: Attach an updated curriculum vitae/resume (no more than five pages) and copies of all relevant certificates. Scan and attach all the documents and upload them to MyJobsInKenya.

Offerors must provide a list of minimum three (3) professional references who are not family members or relatives, with complete name, title, organization where he/she works, description of relationship, with working/accurate telephone numbers and email addresses. The offeror’s references must be able to provide substantive information about his/her past performance and abilities.

Note to Applicants:

  1. Offers must be received by the closing date and time specified in Section I, item 3, and submitted through
  2. Submissions will only be accepted through Late and incomplete applications (those that do not contain the applicant’s most current and up to date detailed CV and relevant education certificates) will not be considered for the position.
  3. All Applicants must provide at least three professional references, who are not family members or relatives, with working telephone and e-mail contacts. The references must be able to provide substantive information about your past performance and abilities. USAID reserves the right to contact your previous employers for relevant information concerning your performance and may consider such information in its evaluation of the application.


The CO will provide instructions about how to complete and submit any required forms after an offeror is selected for the contract award.


Benefits and allowances are offered in accordance with the Local Compensation Plan (LCP).


The Contractor must observe Kenyan laws including those concerning income and related tax obligations.


USAID regulations and policies governing CCN and TCN PSC awards are available at these sources:

  1. USAID Acquisition Regulation (AIDAR), Appendix J, “Direct USAID Contracts With a Cooperating Country National and with a Third Country National for Personal Services Abroad,” including contract clause “General Provisions,” available at
  2. Contract Cover Page form AID 309-1 available at Pricing by line item is to be determined upon contract award.
  3. Acquisition & Assistance Policy Directives/Contract Information Bulletins (AAPDs/CIBs) for Personal Services Contracts with Individuals available at
  4. Ethical Conduct. By the acceptance of a USAID personal services contract as an individual, the contractor will be acknowledging receipt of the “Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch,” available from the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, in accordance with General Provision 2 and 5 CFR 2635. See
  5. PSC Ombudsman
    The PSC Ombudsman serves as a resource for any Personal Services Contractor who has entered into a contract with the United States Agency for International Development and is available to provide clarity on their specific contract with the agency. Please visit our page for additional information:

The PSC Ombudsman may be contacted via: [email protected].

Deadline: 6 Feb 2024

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