Development of ACHAP E-Learning platform and Resources Library

African Christian Health Association Platform


The Africa Christian Health Associations Platform (ACHAP) is an advocacy and networking platform for Christian Health Associations (CHAs) and Church Health Networks from Sub Saharan Africa established through a declaration of commitment by the 3rd Africa Christian Health Associations Biennial Conference held in Bagamoyo, Tanzania in January 2007. ACHAP brings together more than 40 national level faith-based networks providing services in 32 countries across Sub-Saharan Africa to share resources, establish technical working groups (TWGs), and provide ongoing training and technical assistance (TA) to its members. In addition, governments see ACHAP members as critical players and in many African countries partner with them to provide health support services, even to government facilities.

ACHAP is seeking the services of a consultancy firm or individual to develop an E-Learning platform for use by its members-Africa. The ACHAP E-learning platform will serve as a comprehensive online training and educational hub tailored specifically for healthcare professionals and stakeholders within the health sector. The platform will offer a diverse range of courses, resources, and interactive tools designed to enhance knowledge, skills, and competencies in various areas of healthcare Leadership, Strategy, Policy management, and service delivery.

The platform will also serve as a dynamic and user-friendly learning ecosystem that empowers healthcare professionals and member networks to stay updated on the latest developments in healthcare, acquire new skills, and drive continuous improvement in patient care and health outcomes. Besides e-learning courses, the platform will be linked to a digital library/resource center containing various knowledge resources developed within the ACHAP programs. (Such as Tools, research, best practices, success stories, etc.) These resources will be available for both internal and external use.


The consultancy will have the following tasks:

  1. Requirements Gathering:
  • Conduct thorough discussions with ACHAP to understand the specific requirements and objectives of the online E-Learning portal.
  • Gather requirements related to user roles, course management, content delivery, assessment mechanisms, analytics, and administrative functionalities.

2. E-Learning Platform Design:

  • Design a visually appealing and intuitive user interface (UI) that aligns with the branding and objectives of our organization.
  • Develop wireframes and mockups to illustrate the layout, navigation, and key features of the portal.
  • Ensure the design is responsive and accessible across various devices and screen sizes including mobile devices user interface.

3. Development:

  • Build the online learning portal using appropriate technologies and frameworks (e.g., LMS platforms, content management systems, etc.).
  • Implement user authentication and authorization mechanisms to manage access control and user permissions.
  • Develop features for course management, including course creation, enrollment, progress tracking, and completion certificates.
  • Integrate multimedia content such as videos, documents, quizzes, and interactive simulations to enhance the learning experience.
  • Implement discussion forums, chat features, or other communication tools to facilitate peer interaction and collaboration.
  • Incorporate features for assessment and feedback, including quizzes, assignments, surveys, and peer reviews.
  • Integrate analytics tools to track user engagement, course effectiveness, and other relevant metrics.
  • Ensure compliance with data privacy and security standards (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) to safeguard user information and content.

4. Testing and Quality Assurance:

  • Conduct thorough testing to identify and address any bugs, errors, or usability issues.
  • Perform cross-browser and cross-device testing to ensure compatibility and responsiveness.
  • Validate the accessibility of the portal according to WCAG guidelines to ensure inclusivity for all users.

5. Deployment and Training:

  • Deploy the online learning portal to a production environment and configure necessary server infrastructure.
  • Provide documentation and training materials for administrators, instructors, and users to effectively utilize the portal.
  • Offer technical support and troubleshooting assistance during the initial rollout phase.

6. Maintenance and Support:

  • Establish a maintenance plan to address ongoing updates, enhancements, and bug fixes.
  • Provide ongoing technical support and helpdesk services to address user inquiries and issues.
  • Monitor system performance and security, implementing proactive measures to ensure optimal operation and data integrity.

Key features of the ACHAP E-learning platform will include:

  1. Course Catalog: A curated collection of courses covering a wide spectrum of topics relevant to healthcare professionals, including clinical skills, patient care, public health, healthcare administration, and medical research.
  2. Interactive Modules: Engaging and interactive learning modules that incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, animations, case studies, and quizzes to facilitate active learning and retention of knowledge.
  3. Customized Learning Paths: Personalized learning paths and recommendations based on individual learning goals, career aspirations, and areas of specialization within the healthcare field.
  4. Expert-Led Content: Access to expert-led webinars, lectures, and seminars featuring renowned healthcare professionals, researchers, and thought leaders sharing insights, best practices, and the latest advancements in healthcare.
  5. Community Forums: Online discussion forums and networking opportunities for members to connect, collaborate, and exchange ideas with peers, mentors, and subject matter experts from diverse healthcare backgrounds.
  6. Continuing Education Credits: Accredited courses and certification programs that enable healthcare professionals to earn continuing education credits and maintain licensure or certification requirements.
  7. Resource Library: A centralized repository of educational resources, reference materials, research articles, and clinical guidelines to support ongoing learning and professional development.
  8. Progress Tracking and Assessment: Tools for tracking progress, monitoring course completion, and assessing competency through quizzes, assignments, and performance evaluations.
  9. User Profile: Personalized user profiles where learners can view their course history, track progress, and manage account settings. Options to update profile information, upload a profile picture, and view earned certifications or badges.
  10. Support and Resources: The platform will provide access to technical support, FAQs, and user guides to assist users with navigation and troubleshooting. Additional resources such as downloadable study materials, reference documents, and external links to related websites or articles will be configured.
  11. Certification and Badges: Upon successful completion of courses or assessments, users will earn digital certificates or badges to showcase their achievements with options to download or share certificates on social media platforms or professional networking sites.
  12. Mobile Responsiveness: The platform will be optimized for mobile devices, allowing users to access courses and content on smartphones and tablets.


ACHAP expects the consultant shall complete and submit the following deliverables:

  • Fully functional online learning portal meeting the specified requirements.
  • Design documentation, including wireframes, mockups, and UI/UX specifications.
  • Technical documentation, including system architecture, APIs, and deployment instructions.
  • Training materials and user guides/manuals for administrators, instructors, and users.
  • Maintenance plan outlining ongoing support and update procedures.
  • Conduct training for ACHAP staff users.
  • Final presentation/workshop for relevant ACHAP staff.


This consultancy is expected to begin on 25th April 2024 and should be completed by 30th of June 2024. The successful candidate will be expected to provide regular progress reports and meet all agreed-upon deadlines.



  • Advanced degree in a relevant field (computer science, data/information/health management, econometrics, advanced statistical analysis, information technology, and software engineering).


  • Demonstrable skills in working with one or more programming languages including Java Runtime Environment (JRE 7 or higher) Tomcat server, Java, and PostgreSQL 4, web – Apache HTTP Server, Apache Tomcat, Databases – MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle.
  • Previous work experience supporting organizations rollout E-learning platforms in sub-Saharan countries including experience in training E-Learning administrators and users.
  • Excellent skills and experience in training facilitation, mentoring and capacity development.
  • Demonstrate oral and written communication skills, including presentations.
  • Proven track record in e-learning content development, showcasing expertise in transforming traditional content into diverse e-learning formats.
  • Experience in creating engaging, interactive, and learner-centric content.
  • Proficiency in relevant software/tools for content creation and e-learning development. Knowledge of iSpring learning software is a plus.
  • Ability to work independently, manage deadlines, and communicate effectively.
  • Creativity and innovation in devising various e-learning formats to suit different learning preferences and to accommodate persons with disabilities.

Roles & responsibilities:

The consultant takes the lead for each of the deliverables and provides technical and didactic advice. The ACHAP team will provide guidance, reviews and approval for each deliverable and provide access to relevant resources to inform content uploads.

Technical proposal

We seek an individual consultant or a firm with practical E-learning development experience. ACHAP expects a technical proposal that must include the following points:

  • A description of your experience customizing and deploying E-Learning platforms.
  • A brief description of your proposed method for completing the project, to include planning sessions, the outline of the key steps and the sequence of the work, etc.
  • A clear and detailed timeframe to complete the tasks, with an indication of timelines against individual deliverables.
  • Budget breakdown for the consultant’s scope of work

How to apply


Interested qualified consultants/ consulting firms are requested to submit their Expression of interest (technical and financial proposal) to [email protected] . Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis from the time of advertisement and will close on 30th April, 2024.

Deadline: 30-Apr-24

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