Corporate Risk Management Expert (M/F)


Job description:


Expert within the Group Risk Management department, you will be responsible for supporting and advising the operational and functional business units regarding the implementation of the Group’s risk management framework, in line with the orientations defined at Group level to minimise the risks related to its business processes and organisation.



For the business units / domains assigned to you, and working in collaboration with the relevant Risk Owners, you will:

  • Provide methodological support in the task of identifying and evaluating risks (risk mapping).
  • Identify existing and future risk mitigation and control activities.
  • Define & monitor Key Risk Indicators; formalise their associated business continuity procedures to be activated should a risk threshold be reached (risk monitoring).
  • Participate in the development and animation of a network of risk correspondents at Head Office, in our subsidiaries and across our global agencies network.
  • Work in close collaboration with Internal Audit and Internal Control departments whose assignments are structured using a risk-based approach.


  • You have graduated at degree level, followed ideally by a Masters, or equivalent training qualification specialised in risk management.
  • You have at least 5 years’ experience, acquired totally or partially in a Consulting or Audit firm with clients in the industrial or services sector, and/or in a Company (Risk Management, Internal Audit, Internal Control department).
  • You speak and write English fluently.
  • You have excellent interpersonal skills, are recognised for your reactivity, your rigour, your pedagogy, your analytical and synthetic skills, your written communication qualities, and your ability to secure team support in your projects.


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