Consultant in Eating Disorder

South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT)

Detailed Job Description And Main Responsibilities


  • To attend the weekly clinical MDT meeting as well as taking part in MDT discussions around high risk clients.
  • To provide comprehensive assessment of complex referrals requiring psychiatric review. This includes medical and psychiatric assessment, including eating disorder and non-eating disorder psychopathology.
  • To provide formulation of complex cases with medical and psychiatric needs.
  • To lead in the monitoring and treatment of the physical complications of eating disorders in collaboration with other health professionals, including general practitioners, physicians and dieticians.
  • To supervise the team in charge of the medical monitoring and management of High risk patients monitored in House (checking bloods when needed, taking appropriate actions…).
  • To supervise an advice line (daily 12 noon to 2 pm) for GPs.
  • To liaise with acute hospitals and specialist eating disorders units, psychiatry colleagues in local Mental Health teams, and with general practice; and to lead in the development of appropriate pathways in and out of acute care settings for ED patients.
  • To contribute to Care Programme Approach (CPA) meetings as appropriate and participate in the development and maintenance of care plans for patients.
  • To liaise with and provide feedback to families and carers.
  • To work closely with consultant colleagues to provide office hours cover and annual, study or special leave cover across all the eating disorder services delivered by EPUT.
  • To write reports for patients in education, training, work and/or accessing benefits.
  • To participate in multidisciplinary discussions regarding the most appropriate treatment settings for patients, including community or intensive day care treatment, or referral to a regional specialist inpatient unit.
  • The post-holder will ensure that they are in good medical standing for CPD, that their practice is up-to-date and in line with the GMCs Good Medical Practice Guidelines and best practice guidelines and able to evidence this for the purposes of annual appraisal.


  • To actively promote the eating disorder services core values of evidence-based treatment, close multidisciplinary team working, shared care with other services and effective risk management.
  • To participate in clinical decision making in the multidisciplinary context.
  • To attend the weekly MDT clinical and business meeting.
  • To work with operational and clinical colleagues in managing the overall clinical performance of the team.
  • To supervise junior medical staff.
  • To lead and participate in audit and research.
  • To be involved in strategic planning and development.
  • To contribute to the direction of the clinical management of eating disorders within the team, following the principles of evidence-based medicine.
  • To promote the involvement of all stakeholders – including patients, carers, primary care, acute hospitals, universities, etc. – in service feedback and improvement. This will include participation in Regional ED network meetings in relation to a new care model for eating disorder inpatient units and other regional meetings.
  • To work in accordance with Trust and service policies and guidelines.
  • To liaise with clinical and managerial leaders in commissioning and providing services with the aim of improving and developing services, in liaison with MDT colleagues.
  • To provide specialist input to contract negotiations.


  • To manage and provide training and supervision for psychiatric trainees and specialist doctors.
  • To supervise medical students who elect to do specialist placements.
  • To contribute to local and regional undergraduate and postgraduate training.
  • To contribute to the training of allied health professional staff, especially in physical and psychological health.
  • To challenge the stigma and discrimination against patients with eating disorders in community and health settings.
  • To undergo appropriate training and act as an educational supervisor for trainees.
  • To develop a training and support programme for GPs and primary care staff.


To work with EPUT to achieve agreed performance targets.

  • To contribute to the collection and monitoring of clinical outcome data for service development and commissioning purposes.
  • To participate in the administration of patient information systems and ensure that data are entered in accordance with service policies and guidance.
  • To work in accordance with Trust and service policies and guidelines.

Clinical Governance, Quality and Patient Safety

  • The post holder will be aware of and act within locally and nationally agreed protocols and actively involved in clinical governance within the service.
  • Protection of Children & Vulnerable Adults – to promote and safeguard the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults.
  • Implementation of NICE guidance and other statutory / best practice guidelines (if appropriate).
  • Infection Control – to be responsible for the prevention and control of infection.Incident reporting – to report any incidents of harm or near miss in line with the Trust’s incident reporting policy, ensuring appropriate actions are taken to reduce the risk of reoccurrence.
  • To contribute to the identification, management and reduction of risk in the area of responsibility.
  • To ensure day to day practice reflects the highest standards of governance, clinical effectiveness, safety and patient experience.
  • To ensure the ongoing monitoring of quality and compliance with standards is demonstrable within the service

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