Consultancy Development of an e-learning course on „ Policy Dialogue for CSOs“

  • Full Time
  • Remote
  • TBD USD / Year
  • Horizont3000 profile

  • Job applications may no longer being accepted for this opportunity.


Purpose and Background

An independent evaluation study, commissioned jointly by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the Danish International Development Assistance (Danida) and the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) in 2011/ 2012, drew important lessons on why Civil Society engagement in policy dialogue in the Global South is not working effectively, especially when it comes to topics relevant for marginalised population groups. The evaluation team recommended, among others, to dedicate more resources to building Civil Society Organisations’ (CSOs’) capacities and to come up with adequate supporting and financing tools for their engagement in policy dialogue.[1] ADA followed up on the recommendations of the independent evaluation and invited Austrian Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) collaborating with CSOs in the Global South to develop a project on CSOs’ engagement in policy dialogue.

Since 2014 five Austrian NGOs have subsequently implemented a consortium project, coordinated by HORIZONT3000 (Austrian Organisation for Development Cooperation), which aims at strengthening the capacities of selected East African partner organisations in policy dialogue engagement. The Consortium Project “CSOs and Policy Dialogue” strives towards contributing to a political environment in East Africa that is directed towards justice and equity by focusing on ways and methods that promote policies in the interest of marginalised populations and disadvantaged or vulnerable groups. A number of CSOs in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda (appr. 10) have been trained on approaches, methods and tools of engagement in policy dialogue, have elaborated policy dialogue strategies and have implemented initiatives for policy dialogue.

So far, the number of CSOs that have benefitted from the project by accessing capacity development in the field of policy dialogue as well as funding to test, apply and consolidate methods and approaches to influence policy processes is limited. Relevant Experiences including the development of a Policy Dialogue Manual made so far have been stored in an online repository .

Experience of the previous phases has shown that there is continuous need to provide basic PD trainings for (new) staff as well as refreshers at partner organisations and to respond to interest in PD insights beyond the consortium. In order to facilitate the basic onboarding on PD not only at partner organisations but also beyond, it is envisaged to develop and provide an e-learning course offering basic training in PD. The online course shall enable self-paced learning with a simple design and structure, provided through an e-learning platform (Moodle). The course shall build on materials developed through previous phases such as the manual, videos and online repository, and ensure practicability and hands-on learning.


The objective of the consultancy is to develop a self-paced e-learning course based on the existing material such as Policy Dialogue Manual that is easily accessible. The e-learning course of approximately 10 modules should be divided into several chapters and include a test/assignment at the end of each session in order to progress to the next level. The audience of this course are representatives of CSOs working in the field of community development, also community members – mostly English and Kiswahili speaking.

Scope and Focus

The consultant(s) must be knowledgeable about (East African) policy context and appropriate digital learning tools and approaches for adoption. This e-learning course is intended to equip anyone interested in growing his/her knowledge and skills in policy dialogue with approaches, methods and tools for effective and inclusive engagement in policy dialogue at all stages of the policy cycle.

The consultant team should:

  • Review all relevant documents such as the manual, videos and online repository in preparation for the course modules development and to ensure the modules are grounded on current facts and practicability.
  • Develop and define the detailed workplan for the online/ e-learning course which shall provide a self-paced learning opportunity with a simple design and structure;
  • Develop the content based on materials developed and shared during previous PD project phases, specifically the PD manual and videos (division of chapters)
  • Facilitate technical review of the course modules and include validation and feedback from consortium partners on the final version of the module.
  • The course should use short clips, animation (videos, case studies, simulations, or text-based materials) and other engaging methods
  • Ensure all resources are flexible and easily accessible by computer or other device, such as a smartphone or tablet allowing learners to progress at their own speed.
  • Include pre-evaluation questions at the beginning of each topic to for self-assessment of the level of knowledge before learning the topic and tests/assignments to be completed in order to proceed to the next level.
  • Test the course by selected participants / partner organisation representatives and address any gaps that would be identified before actual launch of the course.
  • Follow-up and be available for feedback on the course for a defined period of time.


The methodology including conceptual framework and approach as well as appropriate methods are to be suggested by the consultant team, and subsequently fine-tuned and agreed with consortium partners.

Expected Deliverables

  • Inception report with workplan and a concept for the modules, approx. 7-10 modules on the Policy Dialogue Cycle of each between approximately 45 and 90 minutes.
  • Develop pre-evaluation questions at the beginning of each topic for self-assessment of the level of knowledge before learning the topic and tests/assignments to be completed in order to proceed to the next level.
  • Test phase of the first modules including tests/assignments before progressing to the next level
  • Production of the final versions of all the course modules approved by horizont3000 and the consortium steering committee
  • Be available for feedback and questions, adaptations for at least six months after development of the course

The estimated timetable is envisaged as follows, to be finalised upon contract signature:

  • Deadline for submission of offers – > 5th of April 2024
  • Screening of offers, pos. interviews, contracting -> 20th of April 2024, interviews to take place in the week 15th -19th of April
  • Inception report and workplan outlining the concept for the modules to be developed 30th of April
  • Development of first module (20th May 20, 2024), testing phase, feedback and revision (20th June)
  • Development of successive modules until October 2024
  • Availability for questions for at least six months after completion of the course modules

Budget and Payment Schedule

The total budget should not exceed EUR 15 000 and needs to be in line with the suggested methodology and conceptual framework.

This value must cover all costs relating to the assignment including fees including working days, taxes, materials, insurances, travel costs etc.;

Payment of the fee will be made in 4 tranches:

  • 25% upon signing of the contract
  • 25% upon finalisation of the first module including feedback
  • 40% after completion and approval of all modules
  • 10% 6 months after completion upon feedback and help

Skills and Qualifications of Consultant(s)

The following skills and qualifications are considered as relevant:

  • Experience and track record with online facilitation, online training, capacity development;
  • Experienced Facilitator of learning and group processes (in the context of development cooperation projects);
  • Experience in Policy Dialogue Cycle and related topics;
  • Experience in East Africa incl. knowledge of the political, social and economic framework conditions is an asset, the course may become available beyond the East African context;
  • Excellent knowledge of English; knowledge of Kiswhahili as an asset;
  • Experience in working or collaborating with Civil Society Organisations;
  • Profound knowledge in gender equality, HRBA, Do No Harm approach;
  • Experience and skills in gender transformative approaches in the context of policy dialogue and digitalisation an asset.

Full information to be found here .

How to apply

Deadline and Information concerning offers

The offer (in English) has to be submitted via Email to Ulrike Bey, Project Coordinator Policy Dialogue Consortium Project at HORIZONT3000 Vienna (Email: [email protected] ) until latest April 5th, 2024, 23:59 CET. HORIZONT3000 reserves the right to extend the deadline if the offers received by then do not meet the requirements.

Offers must:

  • Not exceed 10 pages
  • Be clearly structured
    • Understanding of the ToR including suggestions and recommendations to the ToR
    • Proposed methodology, time and action plan
    • Proposed workplan including number of working days designated to the assignment including daily rates,
    • Introduction of the consultancy team including CVs, experiences, references and work samples relevant to the assignment
    • A detailed budget proposal, which has to be presented in EURO and must include all taxes, and other expenses (insurances etc.); the number of working days

Deadline: 5 Apr 2024

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