Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Germany
Department – Program
Country (ies) – South Sudan
Duty Station – Greater Upper Nile States
Expected Start Date – 1st March, 2024
Duration of Contract – 30 days
Reporting to – Project Manager
Contract Type – This is a National Position
VSF G is a non – profit organization whose work is driven by a strong commitment towards the health and well-being of humans, animals and the environment that surrounds them, supporting efforts aimed at saving lives and ending suffering in Eastern Africa – a work that transcends international borders and sector boundaries to achieve the One Health Agenda in a global setting. We are concerned with supporting livestock farmers in six African countries. Providing vaccinations and care for herds and helping families to improve their livestock farming, including South Sudan. VSF provides information and increases awareness about sustainable food production and consumption. In the region, VSF Germany implements activities in the Republic of South Sudan, Kenya, Sudan, Somalia, Uganda and Ethiopia. VSF Germany has been supporting pastoral livelihoods in South Sudan since 1998 working with communities in Upper Nile, Jonglei, Warrap, Eastern Equatoria, Western Bar el Ghazal and Lakes States during periods of emergency and recovery to sustain, protect and restore livelihoods by direct provision; and capacity building for improved production and productivity, diversified production as well as local peace mechanisms and governance.
VSF-Germany, partnering with VSF Suisse, is implementing a one-year program entitled “Conflict and Climatic Emergency Livestock Response Program Phase III (CCLERP III) in Greater Upper Nile States” with funding from U.S. Agency for International Development’s Office of Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA), and intends to apply part of the proceeds for the recruitment of consulting services.
This program covers 10 Counties in Jonglei, 2 counties in Upper Nile and 9 Counties in Unity states plus the Jonglei migrating cattle from Equatoria to Jonglei. The program objective is to improve and sustain access to animal source foods and related income for climatic and crisis affected individuals at risk of malnutrition particularly children and women. The program is targeting people in Greater Upper Nile, comprised of internally displaced persons (IDPs), host and returnee groups with support to local institutions and mechanisms for delivery of animal health and public health services while mainstreaming conflict sensitivity, protection and Do No Harm approaches.
VSF Germany and its partners intend to assess and determine adaptation of livestock husbandry to climate change, migration and conflict and are seeking the services of qualified and experienced consultant (s).
The purpose of this consultancy is to assess and determine adaptation of livestock production, husbandry and health to climate change, migration and conflict and specifically:
- To find out the level of livestock production (types and percentage of livestock kept, herd size, calving / kidding/lambing rate; culling rate) and animal source food (quantities produced, consumed, sold, consumers) of the climate and conflict affected households /community
- Determine the general sources of food, income and expenditures of the households and specifically the income obtained from the sale of livestock (prices, numbers of livestock sold, replacement stock and sources of replacement stock) and livestock source food as well as livestock market and marketing strategies use by the climate and conflict affected communities
- Find out the number and percentage of households who have adapted to keep livestock types and breeds (such pigs, ducks, others) that are adapted to climate change
- Find and document the households and communities who have adapted climate smart livestock production practices in feeding, disease prevention, housing and marketing
- Find out the prevailing livestock diseases, mortalities levels of livestock to the prevailing diseases and outbreaks of livestock diseases registered by the conflict affected communities
- Document the community mitigation responses to the climate and conflict shocks that affect the community assets (livestock and agriculture) and how this can be applied in the event of future shocks
- To assess the effects of climate change and conflict on the livestock value chain (milk, small ruminants and meat) and how to support the value chain actors (vendors / traders) with tailor made trainings in the event of the shock
- Assess and document the community practices that prevent livestock disease from affecting the community in the event of livestock and community displacement as a result of climate shock or conflict
- Assess the access of the climate and conflict communities to livestock services (CAHWs, vet pharmaceuticals, treatment, vaccination, advisory services), sources of vet pharmaceuticals and how to develop linkage with pharmaceutical in the region
The assessment team will consist of a team leader who will be a veterinarian and a support researcher who will preferably be an anthropologist or social scientist. Prospective assessment teams are encouraged to include a mix of gender.
The team should collectively demonstrate the following set of qualities:
- Experience in carrying out two or more major humanitarian assessment for a major donor, international NGO, or international organization.
- General familiarity with the political and humanitarian context in South Sudan, particularly over the past 3 years
- Experience in developing or applying protection measures;
- Extensive practical experience in implementing activities aimed at pastoral livelihood;
- National consultants are encouraged to apply.
Reporting Lines
Administratively, the position reports to the Project Manager
How to apply
Interested candidates should submit a technical and a financial proposal, their profile and or curriculum vitae (CV) with their full contacts through https://forms.gle/x39VAofpnmgUBY3E6. The financial proposal should comprise comprehensive professional fees; travel and accommodation will be covered by VSF Germany. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews. The deadline for submission of applications is 16th February 2024. VSF Germany is an equal opportunities employer. Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
Deadline: 16-Feb-24