400px Actionaid logo.svg Community-led Agroecology Initiatives Capacity Development Trainer

Community-led Agroecology Initiatives Capacity Development Trainer


Location: Jordan

Service Provider – Terms of Reference – Community-led Agroecology Initiatives Capacity Development Trainer.

1. Introduction:

ActionAid is a global justice Federation working to achieve social justice, gender equality, and poverty eradication with headquarters in Johannesburg, South Africa,.ActionAid is working all around the world with country programs, affiliates, and regional offices, Today, ActionAid is present in 48 countries. ActionAid has been present in the Arab Region since the mid-2000s in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Tunisia. AAAR work is mainly focusing on the following programme priorities: – Women’s Rights, building feminist leadership to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls. – Youth and Community-led humanitarian action, Strengthening preparedness and crisis response through women and youth leadership. – Fostering civic and political engagement and increasing the employability of young people, fostering young people’s agency to influence decision-makers and create opportunities. – Climate Justice, raising awareness on climate change, fostering youth participation in climate action.

Background Information on The Project:

Jordan, Palestine, and Lebanon are countries impacted by climate consequences such as floods and heat waves. These climate threats encourage communities to enhance their resilience against climate devastation. Recent technical climate reports indicate that Jordan and Lebanon will face challenges related to reduced access to water due to climate change, directly and negatively impacting public health, agriculture, and food security. These extreme climatic changes will create a domino effect, reducing agricultural and food production and causing a decline in economic livelihoods.

Climate change is both a result and a symptom of the dysfunction of the current system and can only be truly addressed by systemic change. Climate Justice is a movement to transform the global economic system and ensure the just redistribution of resources. Therefore, achieving True Climate Justice requires more than just technical and scientific efforts. A significant aspect of attaining Climate Justice is addressing inequalities within the food system. Agroecology is recognized as a model for the food system, built on solidarity with and among affected communities whose voices have been silenced in the fight against climate change, particularly women who feed their communities while men engage in profitable enterprises.

The SPA II Project, which started in 2022 and is being implemented by our local partners, has so far focused on capacity building and raising awareness about climate justice, as well as increasing national momentum to advocate for sustainable green solutions and national youth climate leadership. However, SPA II has the potential for greater strategic influence, especially in the most vulnerable communities. Therefore, we aim to expand our efforts to target the most vulnerable groups and local CBOs that serve women and youth in the agricultural sector. This will enhance agroecology practices and improve the capacity of CBOs working in agriculture.

2. Scope of work.


ActionAid Arab Region (AAAR) is seeking a Trainer to conduct capacity building on “Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture towards Climate Justice” to assess and understand the state of agroecology in Jordan. The workshop aims to provide young climate justice activists, smallholders, and communitybased agriculture associations with a space to exchange knowledge and learn about the various dimensions of agroecology and community-supported sustainable agricultural practices in pursuit of climate justice. Through presentations, group work sessions, and field trips, participants will explore different perspectives on the achievements, progress, challenges, and limitations of agroecology at both regional and national levels.


1. Content Development:

• Design a detailed curriculum for Agroecology & Sustainable Agriculture: From Theory to Practice

• Develop engaging and informative training modules addressing sustainable agricultural practices and promoting agroecology Network and Movement Building & Governance.

2. Incorporate Interactive Elements:

• Integrate interactive elements such as quizzes, discussions, and case studies to enhance participant engagement and understanding.

3. Quality Assurance:

• Conduct thorough reviews and revisions to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the training content.

• Address feedback and recommendations from AAAR to enhance the overall quality of the training material.

4. Timely Delivery:

• Adhere to the agreed-upon timeline for the development and delivery of thecapacity training program.

5. Collaboration:

• Work closely with AAAR’s project team to understand specific requirements, organizational nuances, and any additional elements to be incorporated into the training.

6. Incorporate Inclusivity:

• Ensure that the training content is inclusive, sensitive, and addresses diverse perspectives related to Agroecology.

3. Deliverables and Timeline:

The workshop is expected to be completed by 25th July 2024, with milestones and progress updates provided regularly. The deliverables required:

• Detailed Agroecology training curriculum.

• Training materials.

• Interactive elements such as quizzes, discussions, and case studies.

4. Budget: The total estimate for the required tasks is 900 JOD (including taxes and any other applicable taxes), paid after receiving the deliverables.

5. Submission of Proposal:


1. Relevant Experience: –

Demonstrated experience as a Agroecology trainer, with a track record of creating impactful training materials.

2. Educational Qualifications: –

A degree or equivalent qualification in a field related to Agroecology, Sustainable Agriculture, or a related discipline is preferred.

3. Understanding of Agroecology Issues: –

In-depth knowledge and understanding of Agroecology, Sustainable Agriculture, and related topics.

Submit application include the following:

• Cover letter,

• Brief explanation about the consultant with an emphasis on previous experience in this kind of work.

• Proposed methodology for the Agroecology training.

• CV.

How to apply

The motivation/cover letter should be sent to: [email protected], please clearly indicate which position you are applying for, you will not be considered without putting this title in the subject bar. We respect all candidates, but we can only respond to shortlisted candidates.

Deadline: 5 Jul 2024

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