Call for Expression of Interest (EoI): Research Consultancy

  • Contractor
  • Remote
  • TBD
  • Rift Valley Institute profile

  • Job applications may no longer be accepted for this opportunity.

Rift Valley Institute

Cross-Border Dynamics and Trends in the Horn of Africa: Governance, Security, Conflict, and Trade

Terms of Reference


Borders and border areas are regions that exist along state boundaries, with deep-rooted historical connections and interactions based on shared culture and nested socio-economic systems. In the broader Horn of Africa region, borderlands have for a long time been associated with overlapping and persistent conflict and violence, environmental and climate shocks, entrenched marginalization and poverty. Yet, borderlands also serve as important and crucial geographies with opportunities that support livelihood systems, trade (both formal and informal), deep and entrenched culture and migration of people. In the Horn of Africa, border regions serve as local markets, transport hubs and access points which support the distribution of vital commodities, goods and services both to the local communities, and people in transit; transboundary traders and migrant families. Thus, cross-border dynamics in the Horn of Africa are characterized by a multiplicity of issues and complex trends that affect governance, security and trade. For instance, when conflicts occur on the borderlands, they often create knock-on effects to the local, national and regional economies and in turn affect relationship between both state and non-state actors, including state security agencies, armed groups and local communities.

XCEPT project

Since 2018, RVI together with The Asia Foundation, and the Malcom H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Centre have implemented Component One (C1) of the Cross-Border Conflict Evidence Policy and Trends (XCEPT) programme, formerly known as the X-Border Local Research Network. XCEPT is funded by the Foregin Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), and seeks to better understand conflict-affected borderlands, how conflicts connect across borders, and the factors that shape violent and peaceful behaviour, to inform effective policy and programme responses. Component One of XCEPT emphasises partnering with local researchers and research institutions based in the regions that they study. It builds, maintains and expands research networks in remote and difficult-to-reach conflict-affected regions, while also strengthening the capacity of local researchers and knowledge producers. RVI’s component of XCEPT has focused on the Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia borders with linkages to other regional spaces and landscapes.


The purpose of this consultancy is to to capture and communicate the main issues, lessons and recommendations from the research reports that have been produced over the period of the XCEPT project.


The objective of this research consultancy is to synthesize the research reports conducted since the project inception capturing key cross-border issues, dynamics and trends across four thematic areas, namely:

  • Cross-border Governance and Alternative orders
  • The dynamics of conflict, violence and instability
  • Cross-border trade and migration (flows of people, goods, and ideas)
  • Cross-cutting themes including gender and conflict sensitivity

The consultant(s) will work with RVI XCEPT programme team to develop a clear outline for the synthesis report and formulate questions for key informant interviews where necessary. As part of the data collection and outcome harvesting the consultant(s) will be require to attend XCEPT regional dissemination workshops where discussions on key research report and their policy implications will be featured.

Scope of assignment

The consultant(s) will perform the following specific tasks

  • In liaison with RVI staff, develop research evaluation tools including interview questions, report structure, and other approaches that will be useful in conducting the synthesis.
  • Conduct targeted and thorough review of research publications, (reports and other relevant multimedia outputs) produced by RVI under XCEPT to identify key issues, ideas and insights aligned to the themes identified above and relevant for policy and programme action.
  • Conduct key informant interviews with members of the local research network identify key impact areas, challenges and opportunities as well as of areas of research scale-up.
  • Attend XCEPT workshops to be organized in Juba, South Sudan and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to be held in September and November, respectively. The two workshops will create an important platform for the Consultant to interact with RVI researchers, and concretize the ideas and insights that emerge from the synthesis.
  • Produce a synthesis report capturing key outcomes and lessons across the three thematic focuses, and outlining policy and programming recommendations for RVI and its partners.


The main deliverable for this assignment shall be a synthesis report of between 30-35 pages that identifies the cross-border political, social and economic dynamics in the Horn of Africa, and outlines the key outcomes, impact and lessons from the XCEPT project. The consultant will make a presentation of the synthesis report to an audience of policy and development actors, upon invitation by RVI.

Duration of assignment

The duration for this assignment shall be 40 consultancy days. The consultancy days shall be spread between September 2024 – February 2025, with the final deliverable expected by, Friday, February 21, 2025.

The Consultant(s) will be expected to periodically report to the Programme Team to give updates on progress including sharing drafts of the report for review and input and signposting on any challenges which might affect timely delivery of the task.

Desired qualifications

The consultancy is open to individual research consultants only. The successful candidate shall meet the following qualifications:

  • Extensive expertise in conflict research with demonstrable experience undertaking research consultancy on cross-cutting themes including on conflict, security and peace, borderlands, governance, and fragility and development.
  • Demonstrable expertise and capacity to synthesize a large number of research reports to produce concise and comprehensive summaries capturing key messages and recommendations is mandatory.
  • Solid knowledge and familiarity with cross-border issues, particularly, political, economic and social and security dynamics in the Horn of Africa, especially, on South Sudan, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia. Previous experience working in XCEPT will be an added advantage.
  • Ability to think critically, analyze complex and intersecting issues, synthesize reports and re-draft contributions.
  • Availability to travel to attend the Juba Workshop (end-Sept 2024); and Addis Ababa/Hargeisa workshop (November 2024).

How to apply

Interested individuals should submit their CV and cover letter detailing their interests and consultancy rate here. Expressions of interest should be received by Friday, 2nd August 2024 at 5:00pm.

All enquiries about the opportunity should be sent to Joel Otieno, Programme Manager – XCEPT through [email protected]

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