Call for consultancy service for the application of the EUROPEAN CIVIL PROTECTION AND HUMANITARIAN AID OPERATIONS (ECHO) survey to the migrant…

Pan American Development Foundation

Location: Trinidad and Tobago


Title: Call for consultancy service for the application of the EUROPEAN CIVIL PROTECTION AND HUMANITARIAN AID OPERATIONS (ECHO) survey to the migrant and refugee population participating in the “Integrando Horizontes” project

Project: Integrando Horizontes: Supporting Local Integration for Vulnerable Venezuelans in Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago

Location: Trinidad and Tobago


The Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) believes in creating a hemisphere of opportunities for all. We work in Latin America and the Caribbean to make our region stronger—healthier, more peaceful, just, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable for current and future generations. For 60 years, we have served the most vulnerable communities by investing resources across the hemisphere. We partner with, empower, and capacitate civil society, governments, and the private sector for the greater good of the region.

With 60 years of experience in Latin America and the Caribbean and strong partnerships with local communities, civil society, and the public and private sectors, we have an impeccable track record of success with extensive networks in the countries and solid financial controls. We are uniquely positioned to rapidly develop and implement adaptable programs in various technical areas in any country in Latin America and the Caribbean and to activate existing local networks, measuring and evaluating our impact with comprehensive performance indicators that allow us to communicate our progress through integrated communication strategies.

Since 2019, PADF has worked on addressing humanitarian issues in Trinidad and Tobago. PADF and its program partners, with funding from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau for Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), are providing protection and assistance to refugees and asylum seekers, and sustainable solutions to vulnerable Venezuelan migrants and other host community populations. Activities are designed to increase Venezuelans’ access to legal status, promote local integration, and improve the lives of vulnerable populations.

The program strives to carry out its activities in a participatory, safe, accessible, and accountable manner with beneficiaries. In this regard, PADF requires the hiring of a consultancy service to apply the DG ECHO Protection Mainstreaming Key Outcome Indicator and Monitoring Tool to adult beneficiaries of the program in July 2024. The ECHO survey is a standard instrument aimed at identifying the extent to which humanitarian assistance received by beneficiaries was provided in a safe, accessible, accountable, and participatory manner. For more information, review the ECHO survey technical guide (see here).


To apply the ECHO questionnaire to one representative sample (between July 1 and July 31, 2024) of adult beneficiaries of the Integrando Horizontes program to determine to what extent humanitarian assistance received was provided in a safe, accessible, accountable, and participatory manner.


  • Develop a detailed workplan in coordination with PADF with key activities, timelines, and milestones.
  • Apply the instrument to one representative sample (during July 2024) of adult beneficiaries of the program. Surveys will be conducted in Spanish or English and through a combination of in-person and phone mediums. Candidates will be disqualified if they do not demonstrate adequate Spanish proficiency.


  • Sample Calculation: The sample calculation will be the responsibility of the PADF team. This will depend on the number of participants reached by July 2024. It is expected that the sample size will be approximately 260 and comprise of beneficiaries who are native English and Spanish speakers. The PADF team will be responsible for providing contact information for beneficiaries and details regarding in-person data collection opportunities. The consulting team in charge will be responsible for reaching the sample size for the survey. The sample for this period will be calculated with at least 95% confidence level and up to 5% margin of error.
  • Implementation of the ECHO Survey: The data collection must include information protection protocols, which must be shared with and approved by the PADF team. The surveys must be conducted by phone and in person (at least 30% must be done in person) and administered via the ActivityInfo platform.


Locations for in-person survey administration: Port-of-Spain, Arima, Sangre Grande, Chaguanas, Penal, Cedros, Mayaro, and Rio Claro Guayaguayare, Trinidad.

6. CONTRACTUAL MECHANISM: FIXED PRICE (All applicable Taxes, Fees, and other costs should be included in the price proposal.)

Include the following information regarding your rate with your application:

  • Expected rate for completed deliverable(s). Please provide an itemized list of each deliverable, its cost, and the justification for the price.

Please use the following link the view the deliverables table you need to complete: Procurement Opportunities – PADF

The consultant must provide a pricing model for each deliverable listed in the table above under: TTD$ Amount.


  • Information sheet (Appendix I: Supplier Information)
  • Methodological proposal
  • Activity schedule
  • Budget (Appendix II: Cost Estimate Form)
  • Profile of the consulting team, with reference to language abilities

Proposal Submission: Proposals should be sent by email to [email protected] with the subject: CONSULTANCY PROPOSAL – ECHO SURVEY.


The contract will have an estimated start date of July 1, 2024. The contract will have approximately a one-month duration.


  1. Applications must be received no later than June 17, 2024. All application materials are to be submitted to [email protected], following the guidelines listed in these Terms of Reference.
  2. Validity of bid: 30 days from the submission deadline.
  3. Amendments: At any time prior to the deadline for submission of proposals, PADF may, for any reason, modify the Terms of Reference document by an amendment which will be posted to the PADF website and/or communicated via email.
  4. Clarifications: Questions may be submitted to [email protected]. The subject of the email must contain the TOR number and title of the TOR.


Resulting Award

This TOR does not obligate PADF to execute a contract, nor does it commit PADF to pay any costs incurred in the preparation or submission of the proposals. Furthermore, PADF reserves the right to reject any and all offers, if such action is considered to be in the best interest of PADF. PADF will, in its sole discretion, select the winning proposal and is not obligated to share individual evaluation results.


All proprietary information provided by the bidder must be treated as confidential and will not be shared with potential or actual candidates during the solicitation process. This includes, but is not limited to, price quotes, cost proposals, and technical proposals. PADF may, but is not obligated to, publish procurement agreements on its public website after the completion of the solicitation process and the award of the contract. The evaluation results of PADF are confidential, and the bidder’s score will not be shared between bidders.

Protection Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)

As part of internal controls and standards of conduct, the contractor must ensure that its employees comply with these standards of conduct in a manner consistent with the standards for United Nations (UN) employees in Section 3 of the UN Secretary-General’s Bulletin – Special Measures for Protection Against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (ST/SGB/2003/13).

Hiring of microenterprises, minority, and women-owned businesses

PADF will take all necessary measures to ensure that, whenever possible, minority, women-owned, and businesses from labor surplus areas are contracted.

Exclusion and Suspension

Entities that appear on any exclusion lists, such as the System for Award Management (SAM), Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), UN Sanctions List, and other watch lists, will not have their proposals evaluated and will not be eligible to be part of any secondary agreement resulting from this Request for Proposals.

Please use the following link to view Appendixes I, II, and III: Procurement Opportunities – PADF


Please attach the following information to your proposal when submitting it:


(All applicable taxes, fees, and other costs must be included in the price quote)


How to apply

Applications must be received no later than June 17, 2024. All application materials are to be submitted to [email protected], following the guidelines listed in these Terms of Reference.

Deadline: 17-Jun-24

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