Baseline Research on the Push and Pull factors driving Labour Migration in Kenya: The Case of Migrant Domestic Workers in the Gulf

Center for Domestic Training and Development

Project Background
The Centre for Domestic Training and Development (CDTD) is a National Non-Governmental Women’s Rights Organization that works towards better human rights outcomes for Girls and Women in domestic labour in Kenya, the EAC and the Gulf States. For the past 20 years, CDTD has purposed to change the narrative that demeans and stigmatizes Domestic Workers using a holistic and inclusive approach. Using established partnerships and collaborations with State and Non-State actors, CDTD targets and benefits Girls and Women in Domestic Labour, Migrants, Victims of Human Trafficking, Child Labour, Forced Labour, Refugees/Asylum seekers and victims of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence through comprehensive programming, geared toward recovery, social reintegration and economic empowerment.

Global Justice Group (GJG) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation whose mission is to advance the Right to a Remedy and Reparations for all victims of gross violations of human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law.
For over 20 years Global Justice Group has been working beside victims to break down barriers in accessing remedies, identifying and locating survivors, building with them the infrastructure for collecting the evidence documenting gross human rights violations, and assisting them in obtaining legal representation.
Global Justice Group is an independent, neutral, non-governmental, non-political human rights organization registered in the State of Illinois, USA and operates internationally according to the highest ethical standards.

Recognizing the synergies in their respective missions and the shared commitment to promoting human rights and justice, CDTD and GJG have embarked on a collaborative research initiative. This joint research aims to delve deeper into the complex issues surrounding labour migration, particularly focusing on the push and pull factors driving migration among domestic workers from Kenya to the Gulf States. By leveraging their combined expertise, networks, and resources, CDTD and GJG seek to generate evidence-based insights that can inform policies, shape interventions, and advocate for the rights and well-being of migrant domestic workers, ultimately contributing to a more just, equitable, and rights-respecting environment for all. This collaborative research underscores the shared vision and dedication of CDTD and GJG to uphold human rights, seek justice, and empower victims and survivors to rebuild their lives with dignity and respect.

Specific Objective of Assignment
To provide a comprehensive understanding of the Push and Pull Factors Influencing Labour Migration among Migrant Domestic Workers in Kenya, and examine the experiences, challenges and impacts of Migration on sending and receiving communities in the Gulf Countries.

Specific Objectives

1.To identify and analyze the Push factors driving Labour migration among Migrant Domestic Workers in Kenya
•Explore economic, social, political, environmental, and personal factors influencing domestic workers’ decisions to migrate to Gulf countries.
•Understand the root causes of migration, including unemployment, poverty, family pressures, societal expectations, political instability, and environmental challenges.

2.To examine the pull factors attracting Migrant Domestic Workers to the Gulf Countries
•Investigate the economic opportunities, employment prospects, wages, and benefits available to domestic workers in the Gulf.
•Understand the demand for domestic workers, the structure of the labour market, and the social and cultural factors that influence migration decisions.
3.To document the experiences and challenges faced by Migrant Domestic Workers in the Gulf
•Describe the recruitment process, migration journey, and living conditions of migrant domestic workers in the Gulf
•Identify and analyze the challenges, risks, and vulnerabilities faced by migrant domestic workers, including exploitation, abuse, discrimination, and lack of access to rights and protections
4.To assess the impacts of Labour Migration on Sending and Receiving Communities
•Evaluate the economic, social, and cultural impacts of labour migration on communities in Kenya and Gulf countries.
•Understand the broader implications of labour migration, including remittances, social changes, community dynamics, and the potential for development and cooperation between sending and receiving countries.
5.To assess the existing legal frameworks
Conduct a comprehensive review of the existing national and international laws, regulations, and policies relevant to migrant domestic workers in the Gulf region. This includes labor laws, immigration regulations, human rights conventions, and international standards.
Identify gaps, inconsistencies, and shortcomings in the current legal frameworks that may undermine the rights, welfare, and well-being of migrant domestic workers
Evaluate the effectiveness of enforcement mechanisms, including monitoring, inspection, and complaint mechanisms, in ensuring compliance with legal provisions and protecting the rights of migrant domestic workers

Scope of Work

•Develop a research framework outlining the overall approach, research questions, and methods (qualitative and quantitative
•Design data collection tools, including questionnaires, interview guides, and focus group discussion protocols Review existing literature on labour migration, push and pull factors, and the experiences of migrant domestic workers in Kenya and the Gulf
•Identify gaps in the current literature and research that the study aims to address
•Conduct qualitative interviews, focus group discussions, and surveys with key informants, stakeholders, and a representative sample of migrant domestic workers in Kenya and the Gulf
•Collect secondary data from relevant sources, including government reports, academic publications, and international organizations
•Analyze quantitative data using appropriate statistical methods and software
•Interpret the findings in relation to the research objectives and existing literature
•Draft a comprehensive research report detailing the methodology, key findings, analysis, and recommendations
•Include case studies, narratives, and quotes to illustrate the experiences and perspectives of migrant domestic workers
•Review and revise the report based on feedback from stakeholders, experts, and peer reviewers
•Present the research findings to key stakeholders and partners
•Ensure compliance with ethical guidelines and standards for research involving human subjects, including informed consent, confidentiality, and data protection

Key Deliverables

The following are the key deliverables expected from the engagement:
i.A detailed research framework outlining the overall approach, research questions, and methods (qualitative and quantitative) to guide the study.
ii.Questionnaires, interview guides, focus group discussion protocols, and other data collection instruments developed for the research
iii.A report documenting the results and insights from the pilot test of the data collection tools, including recommendations for refinements and improvements
iv.Detailed data analysis report presenting the findings from the qualitative and quantitative data analysis, including tables, charts, graphs, and interpretations aligned with the research objectives.
v.A comprehensive final research report incorporating feedback, revisions, and finalized recommendations, ready for publication and dissemination

Qualifications, Technical Expertise, Skills and Knowledge

•A minimum of Masters in education, development studies, gender or related social sciences.
•Familiarity with the socio-economic, cultural, political, and environmental factors shaping migration patterns and experiences of migrant domestic workers
•Proficiency in designing, implementing, and managing qualitative and quantitative research studies, including data collection, analysis, interpretation, and reporting
•Skills in utilizing a variety of research tools, techniques, and software for data collection, data analysis, and visualization to generate evidence-based insights and findings
•Knowledge of ethical guidelines, principles, and standards for conducting research involving human subjects, ensuring informed consent, confidentiality, privacy, and protection of participants’ rights and welfare
•Minimum of 5 years’ experience in consultancy

Budget, timelines and ways of working

•The consultant will work remotely
•The Scope of Work is estimated to take about 10 – 15 days to complete, but consultants should provide details for their proposed timing and costings in the cover letter
•The work should be completed by 20th April 2024, with a first draft of the research findings submitted for project partner review by around 15th April, 2024.

Application Procedure
Interested and qualified candidates should submit their applications, which should include the following;

•Detailed proposal for implementing the assignment outlining the key scope of the work, budget, methodology, report structure and work plan
•CVs showing the qualifications and experience of the individual(s) who will undertake the consultancy (not more than five pages)
•A history of relevant assignments conducted in the past two years, kindly give specific reference of relevant assignment; and,
•A statement of availability and commitment to undertake and complete the consultancy

How to apply

Expressions of interest, in English, must be received by latest 4th April 2024 by 17:00Hrs. Please send a technical and financial proposals and a workplan as attachment. The same should be addressed to Executive Director emailed to [email protected] with the subject quoting “Baseline Research on the Push and Pull factors driving Labour Migration in Kenya: The Case of Migrant Domestic Workers in the Gulf ” on the subject line.

Deadline: 4 Apr 2024

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