INTERSOS is an independent Organisation, partnering with numerous local associations and organisations as well as with the main European and international institutions and agencies. It is a member of ICVA, VOICE, LINK 2007, and has consultative status in the UN Economic and Social Council and observer status at the International Organisation for Migration.


      Program Coordinator-Ukraine
      HR Coordinator-Ukraine
      Medical Coordinator-Ukraine
      Coordinateur.trice Programme-Burkina Faso
      Coordinateur.trice de la Logistique et de l'Approvisionnement-Tchad
      Responsable Approvisionnement-Burkina Faso
      Base Manager (Head of Field Office Dikwa )
      Safety and Access Coordinator-Ukraine
      Program Coordinator-Ukraine
      HR Coordinator-Ukraine
      Medical Coordinator-Ukraine
      Logistics & Supply Coordinator-Ukraine
      Medical Coordinator-Sudan
      Project Manager-Ukraine
      Regional Finance Controller - Western Africa
      Coordinateur/trice des Programmes-RDC
      Clinical Supervisor - Dikwa
      Partnership Operations Specialist-Home/Field
      Community Health Extension Worker (CHEW)
      NURSE - Dikwa & Magumeri
      MEDICAL DOCTOR - Dikwa & Magumeri
      Feeding Assistant
      Head of Program-Roster-Various Locations
      Head of Program-Roster-Various Locations
      Outreach and Hygiene Promotion Officer
      Chef(fe) de Projet-Burkina Faso
      Outreach and Hygiene Promotion Assistant
      Multisector Programme Manager-Nigeria
      Coordinateur(trice) Médical-Burkina Faso
      Project Manager
      Protection Coordinator-Ukraine
      Senior Compliance Officer
      Field Coordinator - South-Ukraine
      Head of Base/Program Manager-Lebanon
      Stabilisation Centre Supervisor - Dikwa
      Head of Mission-Ukraine
      Head of Mission-Sudan
      Finance Coordinator-Afghanistan
      Emergency Coordinator-Sudan
      Case Worker
      PSS Team Leader
      Logistics and Supply Coordinator-Various Locations
      Finance Coordinator-Various Locations
      Chef de Projet - Protection de l'Enfance (Capo Progetto AICS)-CAR
      Project Manager-Various Locations
      Education and CP Activity Manager-Lebanon
      Project Manager ECHO-Ukraine
      Head of Mission-Moldova
      Head of Mission-South-Sudan
      Mental Health advisor
      Country Supply Manager-Yemen
      Senior Protection Officer
      Chef/fe de Projet - Est - Tchad
      Chef/fe de Projet - Est - Tchad
      Senior Finance Officer
      Finance Manager
      SRH Supervisor
      Coordinateur(trice) du Programme Pays-Cameroun
      HR Assistant (Re-advertised)
      National Health Cluster Co-Coordinator-Afghanistan
      Program Intern West Africa Region
      Finance Officer
      Field Coordinator - East- Ukraine
      Learning and Development Expert
      Medical Advisor
      Protection Programme Manager- Iraq
      Program Manager / Head of Base - Lebanon
      Program Manager / Head of Base-Lebanon
      Medical Coordinator-Ukraine
      HR Manager-Moldova
      MEAL Coordinator - Afghanistan
      Senior Communications Officer
      Country Programme Coordinator-Syria
      Coordinateur/trice Médical-Plusieurs destinations possibles
      Protection Coordinator-Various Locations
      SC Supervisor
      Head of operations
      Head of operations
      Head of operations
      Chef de Mission-DRC
      Medical Doctor
      MIDWIFE - Ngala & Dikwa
      Programme Manager
      Grants and Compliance Officer
      Head of Mission
      Programme Coordinator
      Protection Unit Intern (Curricular)
      Emergency Unit Intern (Curricular)
      Country Finance Coordinator
      Logistics and Supply Intern (Curricular)
      Coordinateur.trice de la Logistique et de l'Approvisionnement
      Chef de base région EST
      Logisticien Base
      Chef de Mission
      Ware House Data Officer
      Logisticien Base
      Chef de Mission
      Chef de Projet (Sûreté et Sécurité)
      INTERSOS | HR ASSISTANT | Maiduguri Nigeria
      INTERSOS | Snr. HR Officer. | Remote
      Coordinateur/trice Finances Pays - RDC Goma - RDC avec des visites fréquentes sur les bases Democratic Republic of the Congo
      Expert Cash-RDC - Goma avec des missions fréquentes sur nos bases Democratic Republic of the Congo
      Rapid Response Mechanism Coordinator - Dnipro, roving across INTERSOS bases Ukraine
      Responsable Programme ITURI
      Responsable Admin/Finance Est Tchad
      Chef/fe de Projet - Est
      Field Pharmacist
      Gender/SRH Specialist Consultant
      Head of Programme-Ukraine
      Chef de Project Protection-Burkina Faso
      Programme Coordinator-South Sudan
      Responsable Programme Nord-Kivu
      Responsable Programme Sud-Kivu
      Responsable Programme Sud-Kivu
      Project Manager (Safety and Security)-Mali
      Project Manager (Safety and Security)-Mali
      Deputy Regional Director East and Central Africa Region-Rome/Nairobi
      Deputy Regional Director East and Central Africa Region-Rome/Nairobi
      CHEW - Konduga, Borno State
      Project Finance Officer
      Head of Mission - Lebanon
      Country Logistics & Supply Coordinator
      Grant and Reporting Manager
      Finance Intern
      Head of Programme-Nigeria
      Coordinateur/trice des Programmes
      Responsable de Protection (Protection Manager)
      Référent(e) Médical Projet
      MHPSS Specialist-Moldova
      Protection Coordinator - Moldova
      Education and CP Activity Manager - Lebanon
      Coordinateur (trice) Protection - Cameroun
      Project Manager
      Country Finance Coordinator - Ukraine
      HR Coordinator-Ukraine
      Regional Director, East and Central Africa
      Programme Medical Referent
      Warehouse Data Officer
      Country Logistics and Supply Coordinator - Ukraine
      Head of Base South- Ukraine
      RRM Coordinator- Ukraine
      Medical Coordinator - Syria
      Spécialiste GBV - Niger
      Human Resources Coordinator/ Moldova
      Country Programme Coordinator– Lebanon
      Information Management Officer HQ
      HR Admin Intern - HQ
      High-Value Donors' Assistant- HQ
      Coordinateur(trice) Programme - Cameroun
      Protection Coordinator - Afghanistan
      Safety and Access Coordinator- Afghanistan
      Country Medical Coordinator– Ukraine
      Country Programme Coordinator– Lebanon
      Deputy Regional Director for Emergencies- HQ
      Coordinatrice/eur des finances pays- RDC
      Chef de Mission- Burkina Faso
      Human Resources Officer
      Head of Mission - Iraq
      Programme Manager - Venezuela
      Medical Coordinator - Iran
      Project Manager - South Sudan
      Programme Manager - Yemen
      Partnership Manager - Libya
      Medical Coordinator - Moldova
      Country Programme Coordinator - Iraq
      Coordinateur(trice) Logistique - Tchad
      Information Management Officer HQ
      Corporate Fundraising & Events Officer - HQ
      Roving Internal Control and Oversight Specialist (ICOS) - Afghanistan
      Protection Coordinator - Afghanistan
      Roving Security and Access Manager - Colombia and Venezuela
      Medical Coordinator - Syria
      Grants and Reporting Manager - Afghanistan
      Cash and Voucher Assistance Expert - Ukraine
      Cash and Voucher Assistance Expert - Afghanistan
      Country Finance Coordinator - Afghanistan
      Deputy Regional Director East and Central Africa Region - HQ
      Protection Manager - Ninewa - Iraq
      Coordinateur (trice) Protection - Cameroun
      Programme Coordinator - Iran
      Country Finance Coordinator - Pais Venezuela / Colombia
      Coordinateur/trice des Finances Pays - CAR
      Partnership Manager - Libya
      Corporate Fundraising & Events Officer - HQ
      Spécialiste GBV - Niger
      Medical Coordinator - Venezuela
      Pharmacy Assistant
      Country Finance Coordinator - Libya
      Pharmacy Expert - Afghanistan
      Medical Coordinator - Venezuela
      Consortium Coordinator - Venezuela
      Roving Security and Access Manager - Colombia and Venezuela
      HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER (National Position)
      Country Logistics and Supply Coordinator - Libya
      Protection Specialist - Ukraine
      Country Programme Coordinator - Iraq
      Head of Mission Venezuela/Colombia
      Emergency Programme Manager - Syria
      Coordinateur(trice) Programme - Cameroun
      Coordinateur (trice) Protection - Cameroun
      MEAL Manager - Ukraine
      Regional Grant and Programme Officer - HQ
      Coordinateur Programme (Protection) - Niger
      Programme Manager Kharkiv - Ukraine
      Coordinateur Protection - Burkina Faso
      Country Finance Coordinator - South Sudan
      Intern support to Director of Programmes - HQ
      Liquidity Officer - HQ
      Deputy Finance Coordinator - Ukraine
      Programme Coordinator – Deputy Head of Mission / North - Yemen
      Country Logistics and Supply Coordinator - Ukraine
      Head of Mission - South Sudan
      Chef de Projet - Suivi de Protection Nord Kivu, Sud Kivu - Democratic Republic of Congo
      Country Finance Coordinator - Jordan
      Coordinateur(trice) Programme - Cameroun
      Coordinateur/Coordinatrice Sécurité - Plusieur destinations
      Chef de Programmes Nutrition - RDC
      Protection Manager - Salah Al Din - Iraq
      Coordinateur/trice des Programmes - RDC
      Coordinateur/trice des Programmes - RCA
      Human Resources Coordinator - Moldova
      Program Manager / Head of Base - Lebanon
      Head of Mission - Iraq
      Finance Manager - Maiduguri
      Protection Coordinator - Moldova
      Grant and Reporting Manager - Iraq
      Project Manager AICS - Iraq
      Regional Grant and Reporting Officer - West Africa Region - Chad
      Coordinateur/ Coordinatrice Programme - BURKINA FASO
      Country Logistics and Supply Coordinator - Libya
      Chef/fe de Projet ECHO - RRM - Tchad
      MHPSS Specialist - Iraq
      Programme Manager Poltava / Kharkiv - Ukraine
      HR Coordinator - Ukraine
      Project Manager Kharkiv/Poltava - Ukraine
      Programme Manager Dnipro - Ukraine
      RRM Coordinator - Ukraine
      RRM Coordinator - South Sudan
      Programme coordinator - Jordan
      Community Engagement Specialist - Iraq
      Coordinateur/trice Médical - DRC
      Programme Coordinator - South Sudan
      Deputy Regional Director East and Central Africa Region - Italy
      Coordinateur Programme (Protection) - Niger
      Chef de mission Adjoint chargé des Opérations - Tchad
      Programme Coordinator - Nigeria
      Protection Manager - Salah Al Din - Iraq
      Chef de Programmes Nutrition - RDC
      Chef de Projet - Suivi de Protection Nord Kivu, Sud Kivu - Democratic Republic of Congo
      Head of base - Afghanistan
      MHPSS Expert - Afghanistan
      Mental Health Activity Manager - Iraq
      Programme Coordinator – Deputy Head of Mission / North - Yemen
      MEAL Coordinator - Iraq
      Country Logistics and Supply Coordinator - Ukraine
      Country Supply Manager - Ukraine
      Area HR Coordinator - Middle East
      Coordinateur/trice ressources humaines pour le Tchad et le Cameroun - Tchad
      Grant Control and Compliance Manager - HQ
      HQ and Fundraising Accounting Officer - Italy
      Community Team Leader - Milano/Bologna
      Chef (fe) de Projet Education/Protection de l’enfance - DRC
      Lawyer - Baiji - (SAD/001)
      Logistics Officer - (Telafar/West Ninewa) - (NWA/008)
      Lawyer - Samarra - (SAD/002)
      Medical Coordinator - Moldova
      MHPSS Officer - Moldova
      Project Manager Kharkiv/Poltava - Ukraine
      Programme Manager Poltava / Kharkiv - Ukraine
      Deputy Head of Mission for Operations - Ukraine
      Chef de Programmes Nutrition - RDC
      Chef de Projet - Suivi de Protection Nord Kivu, Sud Kivu - Democratic Republic of Congo
      Coordinateur/trice Médical - DRC
      Protection Coordinator - Syria
      Chef de Projet Multisectoriel - Tchad
      MHPSS Specialist - Iraq
      Project Manager AICS - Iraq
      Project Manager - South Sudan
      Adjoint au Coordinateur des Finances - DRC
      Finance Coordinator - Nigeria
      Country Finance Coordinator - South Sudan
      Coordinateur Protection - Burkina Faso
      RRM Coordinator - Ukraine
      Project Manager - South Sudan
      Protection Project Manager - South Sudan
      Programme Manager - Venezuela
      Project Manager - multisector (WASH, Protection, H&N) - Yemen
      Programme Manager Dnipro - Ukraine
      HR Coordinator- Ukraine
      Programme Coordinator – Deputy Head of Mission - Yemen
      Protection Specialist - Yemen
      Chef de Mission - CAR
      Chef/fe de Projet - Tchad
      Head of Mission - Iran
      Coordinateur Logistique - Burkina Faso
      Country Logistics and Supply Coordinator - Ukraine
      Country Supply Manager - Afghanistan
      Country Logistics and Supply Coordinator - Yemen
      Country Supply Manager - Ukraine
      Coordinateur des Ressources Humaines - DRC
      Coordinateur/trice Ressources Humaines - CAR
      Grant and Reporting Manager - Iraq
      Coordinateur/trice des Finances Pays - Burkina Faso
      Programme Manager Multisector - Afghanistan
      MHPSS Expert - Afghanistan
      Programme Manager Multisector - Afghanistan
      Midwife/Nurse (National Position)
      Nutrition Activity Manager (National Position)
      Nutrition Activity Manager (National Position)
      MEAL Coordinator - Iraq
      Coordinateur Logistique - RDC
      Chef de mission Adjoint chargé des Opérations - Tchad
      Chef de Projet - Protection - RDC
      Chef de Projet - Suivi de Protection Nord Kivu, Sud Kivu - Democratic Republic of Congo
      Protection Coordinator - Moldova
      MHPSS Officer - Moldova
      Protection Specialist
      Head of base - Afghanistan
      Programme Coordinator – Deputy Head of Mission - Yemen
      Protection Coordinator - Syria
      Programme Coordinator - Nigeria
      MHPSS Specialist - Iraq
      Mental Health Activity Manager - Iraq
      Project Manager Kharkiv/Poltava - Ukraine
      Digital Communications & Fundraising Manager - Italy
      Grant Control and Compliance Manager - HQ
      Coordinateur/trice Médical - DRC
      HR Coordinator- Ukraine
      Field Officer - Moldova
      Security Coordinator - Nigeria
      Chef/fe de Projet Protection UNHCR - Niger
      MEAL Officer - Moldova
      Project Manager AICS - Iraq
      Protection Coordinator - Ukraine
      Safety and Access Manager
      Deputy Head of Mission for Operations - Ukraine
      Programme Manager Poltava / Kharkiv - Ukraine
      Project Manager - AICS - Jordan
      Project Manager - AICS - South Sudan
      RRM Coordinator - Ukraine
      Project Manager - Moldova
      Medical Coordinator - Moldova
      Coordinateur des Ressources Humaines - DRC
      Protection Manager - Salah Al Din - Iraq
      Chef de Projet - Suivi de Protection - Tchad
      Medical Coordinator - Nigeria
      Coordinateur/trice des Programmes - RCA
      Logistics Manager - Central African Republic
      Country Logistics and Supply Coordinator - Yemen
      Coordinateur/trice Logistique - CAR
      Coordinateur/trice Ressources Humaines - CAR
      Programme Coordinator – Deputy Head of Mission - Yemen
      Head of Base Dnipro - Ukraine
      Chef (fe) de Projet Education/Protection de l’enfance - DRC
      Protection Coordinator - Syria
      Programme Coordinator - Nigeria
      Coordinateur Programme (Protection) - Niger
      Country Logistics and Supply Coordinator - Ukraine
      Area HR Coordinator - Middle East - Jordan
      Grant Control and Compliance Manager - HQ
      Chef de Projet - Suivi de Protection Nord Kivu, Sud Kivu - Democratic Republic of Congo
      Chef de Programmes Nutrition - RDC
      Head of Mission - South Sudan
      Head of Mission - Libya
      Head of Base/Programme Manager - Lebanon
      Country Supply Manager - Afghanistan
      Community Engagement Specialist - Iraq
      Project Officer (National Position)
      Medical Coordinator - Various destinations
      Protection Coordinator - Ukraine
      Deputy Medical Coordinator Re-Advertised. (National Position)
      Roving Safety and Security Officer (National Position)
      Program Manager South - Afghanistan
      Project Manager - South Sudan
      Head of Mission – Iran
      MHPSS Specialist - Iraq
      Chef de Projet - Protection - RDC
      Chef de Projet Protection - Tchad
      Logistics Coordinator - Iraq
      Sprijin psiho-social pentru personalul național INTERSOS
      RRM Coordinator - Ukraine
      Chef (fe) de Projet Education/Protection de l’enfance - CAR
      Grant and Reporting Manager - Iraq
      Programme Coordinator – Deputy Head of Mission - Yemen
      MEAL Coordinator - Yemen
      Project Finance Officer - Ukraine
      High-Value Donor Manager - HQ
      Country Logistics and Supply Coordinator - Ukraine
      Programme Coordinator – Deputy Head of Mission - Yemen
      Education and CP Activity Manager - Lebanon
      MEAL Coordinator - Iraq
      Logistics Coordinator - Nigeria
      Coordinateur Programme (Protection) - Niger
      Area HR Coordinator - Ukraine emergency response - Moldova
      Finance Accounting Officer - Italy
      Country Finance Coordinator Administrador - Venezuela / Colombia
      Country Logistics and Supply Coordinator - Various Destinations
      Finance and Administration Officer - Poland
      Finance Coordinator - Nigeria
      Communication Officer - Moldova
      Head of Base/Program Manager - Lebanon
      Fundraising Coordinator - HQ
      Project Manager AICS - Iraq
      Coordinateur Logistique - RDC
      Chef de Projet - Protection - Tchad
      Programme Coordinator - Nigeria
      Chef de Projet - DRC
      COVAX LGA Supervisor (National role)
      Project Manager - AICS - Jordan
      Chef de Projet Protection - Tchad
      TSFP Service Provider
      Protection Specialist - Ukraine
      Project coordinator - Yemen
      MHPSS Specialist - Iraq
      Field Officer TSFP
      Project Finance Officer - Ukraine
      Chef de Projet Education - Plusieurs Destinations
      Head of Base Dnipro - Ukraine
      Head of Mission - Lebanon
      Head of Mission – Iran
      Gender Specialist - Iraq
      Protection Specialist - Yemen
      Logistics and Supply Officer - Moldova
      Grants and Reporting Manager - Ukraine
      Grants and Reporting Manager - Lebanon
      Field Communications & Advocacy Coordinator - Afghanistan
      Regional Finance Controller - Eastern and Central Africa
      Adjoint au Coordinateur des Finances - RDC
      Protection Advisor - HQ
      Protection Coordinator - Syria
      Protection Officer (national position)
      Reporting Assistant (National Position)
      Psycho-Social Support Officer (National Position)
      Protection Coordinator - Libya
      Protection Officer - Yemen
      Programme Coordinator – Deputy Head of Mission - Yemen
      MEAL Coordinator - Yemen
      Digital Communications & Fundraising Manager - Italy
      Human Resources Officer (National Position)
      Fundraising Coordinator
      High-Value Donor Manager
      Head of Mission
      Chef de Projet
      Security Manager
      Head of Base Dnipro
      Security Manager
      Project Finance Officer
      Regional Protection Advisor – Ukraine Crisis
      Head of Mission
      Grants and Reporting Manager
      Capacity building on trauma sensitive psychosocial counselling
      Psychologist studio/Staff Counselor - Consultant for Self-Care for international staff members
      Head of Base/Program Manager - Lebanon
      Education and CP Activity Manager
      Programme Manager - Vinnytsia
      External MHPSS consultant for technical support to mission
      MHPSS situation among Ukrainian refugees in Moldova, the first line responders in Moldova, internally displaced population in Odeska and the host comm
      Country Logistics and Supply Coordinator
      Deputy Project Manager
      Livelihood Activity Supervisor
      Chef de Projet Protection - Tchad
      Programme Manager - Kabul
      Country Logistic Coordinator - Cameroun
      Protection Advisor West Africa Region - HQ
      Protection Specialist
      Grants Manager
      MEAL Manager
      Projet Manager Poltava (AICS) - Ukraine
      Programme Manager - Ukraine
      Programme Coordinator - South Sudan
      Fundraising Coordinator - HQ
      Field Communications & Advocacy Coordinator
      Head of Protection Unit
      Regional Protection Advisor
      Protection Advisor
      Coordinateur de la Logistique et de la Chaine d’Approvisionnement
      Gender Specialist
      Coordinateur de Protection
      Operations Manager - Ninewa
      Country Finance Coordinator
      Programme Manager / Head of Base - Lebanon
      Project Manager - AICS - Jordan
      Country Medical Coordinator - Ukraine
      Regional Finance Controller - Eastern and Central Africa
      Programme Manager - Ukraine
      Programme Manager - Vinnytsia - Ukraine
      Country Programme Coordinator - Iraq
      Project Medical Referent - Moldova
      Head of Base Dnipro - Ukraine
      Head of Mission – Iran
      Head of Mission - Jordan
      MEAL Officer - Moldova
      Country Logistics and Supply Manager - Poland
      Protection Advisor West Africa Region - HQ
      Area HR Coordinator - Ukraine emergency response
      MEAL Coordinator
      Programme Manager - Ukraine
      Country Logistics and Supply Coordinator - Various Destinations
      Director of Programmes - HQ
      Protection Coordinator
      High-Value Donor Manager - HQ
      Operations Manager - Ninewa - Iraq
      Country Finance Coordinator - Iraq
      Deputy Medical Coordinator (national position)
      MHPSS Officer
      Chef de Projet – Protection
      Coordinateur/trice Médical - DRC
      Programme Coordinator - Afghanistan
      Coordinateur de Protection - DRC
      Head of Base Odessa - Ukraine
      Chef de Projet - Suivi de Protection - Tchad
      Programme Manager - Kabul
      Fundraising Coordinator - HQ
      Protection Manager - Iraq
      Recruitment Officer - Senegal
      Protection Officer (national position)
      Medical Doctor (POOL RECRUITMENT)
      Head of Protection Unit - HQ
      Veterinary - National Position
      Air Cargo Handler (national position)
      Country Finance Coordinator - Afghanistan
      Finance Assistant - National Position
      Protection Advisor - HQ
      Country Medical Coordinator - Ukraine
      Project Finance Officer - Ukraine
      Coordonnateur de la Sécurité - Burkina Faso
      Head of Mission - Lebanon
      Protection Advisor West Africa Region - HQ
      Project Manager (AICS project) - Iraq
      Protection Officer - Yemen
      Digital Communications & Fundraising Manager - Italy
      Driver - National Contract
      Emergency Coordinator - Ukraine
      Operation Coordinator - Ukraine
      Finance Accounting Officer - Italy
      Project Medical Referent - Moldova
      Medical Coordinator - Colombia y Venezuela
      Programme Manager Multisector - Colombia and Venezuela
      Emergency Programme Manager - Ukraine
      Medical Doctor - Moldova
      Coordinateur Protection - Burkina Faso
      Chef de Projet - Suivi de Protection - Tchad
      Head of Mission – Iran
      Area HR Coordinator - Ukraine emergency response
      Regional Finance Controller - YAI (Yemen, Afghanistan, Iran)
      Head of Mission - Yemen (via Humanitalents)
      Protection Coordinator - Yemen
      Coordinateur de Protection - DRC
      Head of Base Dnipro - Ukraine
      Project Manager - Ukraine
      Head of Mission - Jordan
      Fundraising Coordinator - HQ
      Protection Coordinator - Ukraine
      Grants and Reporting Manager - Lebanon
      Reproductive Health Expert - Afghanistan
      Adjoint au Coordinateur des Finances - RDC
      Country Finance Coordinator - Iraq
      Project Manager - Greece
      Protection Advisor West Africa Region - HQ
      Operations Manager - Ninewa - Iraq
      Field Officer - Moldova
      Project Manager - Moldova
      Sub-National Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator / Aden hub - Yemen
      HR Manager - Poland
      Country Supply Manager - Ukraine
      Recruitment Officer - Senegal
      Deputy Finance Coordinator - Nigeria
      Coordinateur/ice des Finances Pays - Niger
      Protection Coordinator - Yemen
      Regional Protection Advisor – Ukraine Crisis
      HR Coordinator - Ukraine
      Country Programme Coordinator - Iraq
      Coordinateur de Protection - DRC
      Protection Quality & Data Specialist - Lebanon
      Project Medical Referent - Moldova
      Regional Finance Controller - YAI (Yemen, Afghanistan, Iran)
      Programme Coordinator - Afghanistan
      Coordinateur/trice des Finances Pays - RCA
      Project Manager - Libya
      Pharmacy Assistants (National Position)
      Grants Manager - Yemen
      MHPSS Officer - Moldova
      Finance Accounting Officer - Italy
      Operation Coordinator - Ukraine
      Protection Manager (National Position)
      Recruitment Officer - Senegal
      Programme Coordinator - South Sudan
      MEAL Officer - Moldova
      Coordinateur/trice médical - Burkina Faso
      Head of Mission – Iran
      Area HR Coordinator - Ukraine emergency response
      Programme Coordinator – Deputy Head of Mission - Yemen
      Coordinateur/trice des Finances Pays - Cameroun
      Field Officer (GFD) - National Position
      Country Finance Coordinator - Ukraine
      Project Manager - Protection– Yemen
      Protection Coordinator - Iraq
      Chef de Projet - Monitoring de Protection - Tchad
      Regional Protection Advisor – Ukraine Crisis - Moldova
      Country Programme Coordinator - Iraq
      Head of Field Office (National Position)
      Protection Quality & Data Specialist - Lebanon
      Sub-National Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator / Aden hub - Yemen
      Programme Coordinator - Afghanistan
      Country Supply Manager - Ukraine
      Country Logistics Manager - Ukraine
      Base Logistics and Supply Officer - Ukraine
      MEAL Officer (National Role)
      Project Manager - Libya
      Coordinateur/trice des Finances Pays - RCA
      CBO Officer - Moldova
      Country Logistics and Supply Manager - Poland
      Deputy Head of Mission - Moldova
      Regional Finance Controller - YAI (Yemen, Afghanistan, Iran)
      Head of Mission - Yemen (via Humanitalents)
      Country Finance Coordinator - Ukraine
      CCCM Officer (National position)
      Protection Officer (Community-based)
      CCCM Focal Point (National Position)
      Warehouse Pharmacist (National Position)
      Programme Coordinator - Ukraine
      HR Manager - Moldova
      Medical Coordinator - Colombia y Venezuela
      Programme Manager Multisector - Colombia and Venezuela
      Chef de projet Protection - Cameroun
      Coordinateur/trice des Finances Pays - Cameroun
      Coordinateur/ice des Finances Pays - Niger
      Safety and Access Coordinator - Ukraine
      Health & Nutrition Coordinator - Yemen
      Protection Project Manager – Yemen
      Deputy Finance Coordinator - Nigeria
      PSS/GBV Specialist (National Position)
      COVAX Activity Manager (National Position)
      Pharmacy Manager (National Position)
      Coordinateur/trice Médical - DRC
      HR Manager - Poland
      HR Coordinator - Ukraine
      Protection Coordinator - Iraq
      Grants Manager - Yemen
      Protection Coordinator - Ukraine
      Safeguarding policy review consultant - Italy
      Country Logistics and Supply Manager - Poland
      Protection Coordinator - Yemen
      Sub-National Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator / Aden hub - Yemen
      Country Programme Coordinator - Iraq
      Medical Doctor - Moldova
      Coordinateur de Protection - DRC
      Coordinateur/trice Logistique- RCA
      Deputy Head of Mission - Moldova
      Emergency Coordinator - Ukraine
      Protection Manager - Iraq
      Project Manager - Protection– Yemen
      Coordinateur de protection - Niger
      Coordinatrice/eur des finances pays - RDC
      Reproductive Health Referent - Afghanistan
      Country Finance Coordinator - Ukraine
      Country Supply Manager - Ukraine
      Country Logistics Manager - Ukraine
      Base Logistics and Supply Officer - Ukraine
      Emergency Medical Coordinator - Ukraine
      Protection Coordinator - Iraq
      Coordinateur/trice Médical - DRC
      Emergency Programme Coordinator - Ukraine
      Project Manager - ECHO COVAX - Nigeria
      Regional Protection Advisor – Ukraine Crisis - Moldova
      Programme Coordinator - Afghanistan
      Programme Manager - Ukraine
      PSS expert consultant - Niger
      Medical Implementation Manager - HQ
      HR Manager - Poland
      Medical Doctor - Moldova
      HR Coordinator - Ukraine
      Coordinateur de Protection - DRC
      Coordinateur/trice des Finances Pays - RCA
      Protection Coordinator - Yemen
      Country Programme Coordinator - Iraq
      Protection Coordinator - DRC
      Project Manager / Jefe de Proyecto - Colombia
      Protection Coordinator - Ukraine
      Project Manager - ECHO COVAX - Nigeria
      Coordinateur de protection - Niger
      Sub-National Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator / Aden hub - Yemen
      Regional Protection Advisor – Ukraine Crisis - Moldova
      Reproductive Health Referent - Afghanistan
      Coordinateur/trice Médical - DRC
      Regional Logistics Coordinator North, East and Central Africa - HQ
      Community Engagement Specialist - Iraq
      Programme Coordinator - Syria
      Programme Manager - Ukraine
      Base Logistics and Supply Officer - Ukraine
      Country Logistics Manager - Ukraine
      Country Supply Manager - Ukraine
      MEAL Officer - Yemen
      Project Manager - Moldova
      Country Programme Coordinator - Iraq
      Programme Coordinator – Deputy Head of Mission - Yemen
      Grants Manager - Yemen
      HR Manager - Moldova
      Programme Coordinator - Afghanistan
      Protection Coordinator - Lebanon
      Protection Coordinator - Ukraine
      Information Management Officer - Moldova
      HR Manager - Poland
      Regional Protection Advisor – Ukraine Crisis - Moldova
      Project Manager - ECHO COVAX - Nigeria
      Field Officer - Moldova
      Project Manager - Poland
      Field Officer - Moldova
      Project Manager - Poland
      Protection Coordinator - Yemen
      Protection Coordinator - Ukraine
      MHPSS Specialist (national position) - Lebanon
      HR Manager - Moldova
      Head of Mission - Yemen
      Protection Coordinator - Afghanistan
      HR Coordinator – Afghanistan
      Chef de Projet Sécurité Alimentaire - Chad
      Coordinatrice/eur des finances pays - RDC
      Emergency Coordinator - Roving
      Consultant PSS - Niger
      Emergency Medical Coordinator - Ukraine
      Reproductive Health Referent - Afghanistan
      Project Manager - Libya
      Medical Implementation Manager - HQ
      HR Coordinator – Various Locations
      Emergency Programme Coordinator - Ukraine
      Head of Mission - Yemen
      Protection Coordinator - Afghanistan
      HR Coordinator – Afghanistan
      Chef de Projet Sécurité Alimentaire - Chad
      Emergency Programme Coordinator - Ukraine
      Protection Manager - Iraq
      Protection Coordinator - DRC
      Logistics and Supply Coordinator - Poland
      Accountability Officer (National Role)
      Head of Mission - Yemen
      Protection Coordinator - Afghanistan
      HR Coordinator – Afghanistan
      Chef de Projet Sécurité Alimentaire - Chad
      Coordinatrice/eur des finances pays - RDC
      Emergency Coordinator - Roving
      Consultant PSS - Niger
      Emergency Medical Coordinator - Ukraine
      Reproductive Health Referent - Afghanistan
      Project Manager - Libya
      Medical Implementation Manager - HQ
      HR Coordinator – Various Locations
      Emergency Programme Coordinator - Ukraine
      Female Protection Monitor - Baa'j - (NWA/ 022)
      Case Worker - Telafar - (NWA/037)
      Case Management Officer - Telafar - (NWA/036)
      Project Manager - Greece
      Coordinateur/trice Médical - DRC
      Country Logistics and Supply Coordinator - Ukraine
      Country Finance Coordinator - Ukraine
      Programme Coordinator - Syria
      Coordinateur/trice Logistique- RCA
      Health & Nutrition Coordinator - Yemen
      MHPSS Specialist - Iraq
      Head of Mission - Poland
      Psycho-Social Support Facilitator (National Role)
      Case Worker (National Role)
      Coordinateur/trice Logistique - Plusieurs Destinations
      Medical Activity Manager - Ukraine
      Protection Specialist - Ukraine
      Head of Mission - Ukraine
      Computer skills trainer - Suliaymaniyah- (VOL/033)
      Marketing and customer services trainer - Erbil- (VOL/032)
      Salon (hairdressing, manicure and pedicure) trainer - Suliaymaniyah - (VOL/035)
      Cooking and backing course (Sweets and meals) trainer - Suliaymaniyah (VOL/036)
      Cooking and backing course (Sweets and meals) trainer - Erbil - (VOL/031)
      Community Outreach Volunteer - Suliaymaniyah - (VOL/039)
      Salon (hairdressing, manicure and pedicure) trainer - Erbil - (VOL/030)
      Marketing and customer services trainer - Suliaymaniyah - (VOL/037)
      Computer skills trainer - Erbil - (VOl/028)
      Literacy (English and Arabic) trainer - Erbil - (VOL/029)
      Literacy (English and Arabic) trainer - Suliaymaniyah - (VOL/034)
      Reproductive Health Referent - Afghanistan
      Emergency Coordinator - Roving
      Reproductive Health Referent - Afghanistan
      Medical Doctor - Moldova
      Head of Mission - Moldova
      MEAL Consultant
      Regional Logistics Coordinator North, East and Central Africa - HQ
      HR Manager - Moldova
      HR Coordinator - Ukraine crisis
      Head of Mission - Iran
      Program Manager - DRC
      Recruitment Officer - HQ
      Recruitment Officer - HQ
      Health & Nutrition Coordinator - Yemen
      Protection Coordinator - Yemen
      Community Engagement Specialist - Iraq
      Consultant PSS - Niger
      MHPSS Specialist - Iraq
      Deputy Program Manager - Telafar (West Ninewa) - (NWA/006)
      Deputy Program Manager - Mosul (East Ninewa) - (NWA/005)
      Psychologist (national position)
      Psychologist (national position)
      Head of Mission - Lebanon
      MEAL Consultant - HQ
      Regional Logistics Coordinator North, East and Central Africa - HQ
      Deputy Program Manager - Mosul (East Ninewa) - (NWA/005)
      Deputy Program Manager - Telafar (West Ninewa)) - (NWA/006)
      Accountability Officer - KRI (Erbil) - (KRI/012)
      Driver - Baa'j - (NWA/034)
      Driver - Mosul - (NWA/032)
      Driver - Rabia - (NWA/035)
      Driver - Telafar - (NWA/033)
      Data Entry Clerk - Telafar - (NWA/029)
      Finance / HR Volunteer - Tikrit - (SAD/009)
      Program Manager - DRC
      Health & Nutrition Coordinator - Yemen
      Coordinateur/trice de protection - Niger
      Coordinateur/trice de protection - Niger
      Programme Coordinator - Nigeria
      Programme Coordinator - Nigeria
      Legal Intern - Erbil - (VOL/022)
      Protection Project Manager – Yemen
      Protection Project Manager – Yemen
      Grants Manager - Yemen
      Clinic Supervisor (national position only)
      MEAL Manager (national position)
      Coordinateur/trice des Finances Pays - RCA
      Coordinateur/trice des Finances Pays - RCA
      Chef de Projet – Santé Publique - RCA
      Coordinatrice/eur des finances pays - RDC
      Protection Coordinator - Syria
      Emergency Coordinator - Iran
      Emergency Coordinator - Iran
      WASH Supervisor (for nationals only)
      Protection Coordinator - Yemen
      Protection Coordinator - Yemen
      Sub-National Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator / Aden hub - Yemen
      Chef de Mission - Niger
      Chef de Mission - Niger
      Chef de Mission - Niger
      Head of Mission - Iran
      Chef de Mission - Niger
      Supply Manager - Afghanistan
      Programme Coordinator - Nigeria
      Chef de Projet Sécurité Alimentaire - Chad
      Programme Coordinator - Nigeria
      Recruitment Officer - HQ
      Deputy Regional Director East and Central Africa - HQ
      Head of Mission - Yemen
      Head of Mission - Yemen
      Protection Coordinator - Afghanistan
      Protection Coordinator - Afghanistan
      MEAL Officer (for nationals only)
      PSS Officer (for nationals only)
      Regional Finance Controller - Eastern and Central Africa
      Legal Community Outreach Volunteer - Erbil urban area - (KRI/018)
      Female Protection Monitor - Rabia- (NWA/ 023)
      Case worker - Baa'j - (NWA/027)
      Female Protection Monitor - Baa'j - (NWA/ 022)
      Protection Monitoring Team Leader - (Telafar & Rabia) - (NWA/024)
      PSS Worker - Rabia - (NWA/019)
      Education Monitor - Erbil - (KRI/007)
      Female Psychologist - West Ninewa - (NWA/021)
      Female Protection Monitor - Samarra - (SAD/007)
      Legal Officer - West Ninewa - (NWA/017)
      Legal Officer - Erbil - (KRI/006)
      Protection Monitor - Baiji - (SAD/006)
      Legal Team Leader - Baa'j - (NWA/018)
      Female MHPSS Team Leader - Telafar & Rabia - (NWA/020)
      Regional Grant and Reporting Officer- Middle East
      Policy and Advocacy Advisor - Afghanistan
      Policy and Advocacy Advisor - Afghanistan
      Program Manager - Iraq
      National Project Manager (Nigerian nationals only)
      Program Manager - Iraq
      National Project Manager (Nigerian nationals only)
      MEAL Officer - Tikrit - (SAD/005)
      MHPSS Team Leader - Jaddah Camps - (NWA/014)
      Finance Officer - Telafar
      Female Psychologist - Mosul & Jaddah Camps -(NWA/015)
      Female Case Worker - Jaddah 1 Camp (NWA/016)
      Medical Activity Manager Assistant ��� Erbil