About Epicentre

Epicentre is a non-profit organization, created in 1986 by Médecins Sans Frontières, whose activities include research, field epidemiology and training. The Department of Research conducts primarily operational research focusing on population-based studies in nutrition, mental health, vaccine preventable diseases and diarrheal diseases

Jobs by Epicentre

      Logistics Team Leader (M/F)
      Data Scientist (M/F)
      Data Manager / Programmer (M/F)
      Finance and HR Coordinator (M/F), for its Research Center in Mbarara (Uganda), 12 months, renewable
      Responsable technique SI (F/H), CDD basé à Paris
      Coordinateur d’étude (H/F) – CDD 6 mois basé à Carnot, République Centrafricaine (RCA)
      Epidemiologist (M/F), based in Kampala, Uganda – FTC 6 months
      Juriste Recherche Médicale (H/F), CDD 5 mois basé à Paris - France
      Finance and HR Coordinator (M/F) For its Research Center in Mbarara (Uganda) 12 months, renewable
      Contrôleur financier/Contrôleuse financière Financements externes CDI basé à Paris
      Logistics Coordinator (M/F) - based in Uganda - 12 months
      Epidemiologist (M/F) - based in Monrovia (Liberia) for 3 months
      Coordinateur épidémiologique Intersection (H/F), CDD 12 mois, basé à Kinshasa-RDC
      Study Coordinator (M/F) - based in Khartoum (Sudan) for 12 months
      Epidémiologiste (H/F), CDD 6 à 12 semaines, basé en Guinée Conakry
      Epidémiologiste (H/F) Poste, CDD 2 à 3 mois, basé au Tchad
      Epidemiologist (M/F) - based in Juba (South Sudan) for 12 months