Proposal and Budget Development Consultancy on `Urban Livelihoods & Development from Neighbourhood Approach in Lebanon

  • Contractor
  • Lebanon
  • TBD USD / Year
  • Acción contra el Hambre profile

  • Job applications may no longer being accepted for this opportunity.

Acción contra el Hambre

1. Background:

Action Against Hunger (ACF) has been working in Lebanon since 2006, supporting the most vulnerable communities and individuals in South of Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley through integrated programs with humanitarian support and services. Since the explosion on the 4th of August, ACF has been present and in close coordination with all humanitarian partners in Beirut, where its main office is located.
As part of the Food Security and Livelihood program, ACF acquired extensive experience with cash programming during the past five years through the implementation of several projects which include cash assistance to support the most vulnerable families in the Bekaa and the south of Lebanon, and ACF is already conducting cash-assistance projects in different areas of Beirut to respond to the emergency needs following the Beirut explosion. The modalities used by ACF’s cash-programming differ from one project to another based on the existing needs in the community. As such, ACF in Lebanon has provided cash-assistance in various forms including Multi-Purpose Case Assistance, Emergency Cash Assistance, Food for Training and Food for Assets, Cash-for-Work, Fresh Food Vouchers (using the ACF-developed cash transfer system known as the KACHE). As part of its Food Security & Livelihoods portfolio, ACF also implements Cash for Work Project in the Solid Waste Management Sector in Bekaa and South Governorates. In 2020 December, ACF started to implement a agricultural livelihoods project in Bekaa and South, whose aim is to improve the profitability of small-scale farmers and increase technical knowledge and management skills of agricultural cooperatives.
The project activities in Beirut consists of several cash interventions and the emergency support to MSME that have been heavily affected by the Beirut Port Blast. These activities allow people to meet their basic needs in a flexible and dignified manner right after the shock while stimulating the local market and economy. However, in order to ensure a real sustained change and prevent further asset depletion leading part of the population to destitution, the support strategies need to transition to the recovery phase through a longer support intervention.
Due to COVID19 critical situation in Lebanon, the ACF interventions focus on awareness raising on Covid19, preventive measures and good hygiene practices in the facilities. ACF is one of the main NGO working in the field of WaSH and supporting the prevention and control of the COVID-19 spread I Lebanon. It has been doing this kind of activities in different parts of Lebanon since the beginning of the pandemic and currently expands the intervention.
As its core mandate, ACF has been implementing nutrition awareness one-on-one and group sessions in Bekaa and South, targeting vulnerable Lebanese and Syrian refugees. ACF has led baby-friendly programs since 2014, focusing on infant and young child feeding practices through supporting caregivers of infants and young children to care for themselves and their families, especially in relation to nutrition, health, and mental health – both at the community level (informal settlements, collective shelters, community groups) but also supporting ministerial entities to improve nutrition services at the health care level. As such, ACF has already developed nutrition and psycho-social support –focused awareness modules, activities and approaches that engage caregivers, amended based on feedback from caregivers targeted in previous programs, all while allowing professional counselling and peer-to-peer support and making sure the community is well-engaged.

2. Consultancy:

In 2019 and 2020, the financial crisis that stroke Lebanon was amplified by the COVID19 outbreak and its disastrous impact on the world economy. Those successive shocks have deeply impacted the Lebanese economy and its labour market, threatening to throw hundreds of thousands of Lebanese and refugee households in poverty.
In 2020, the livelihoods of people residing in urban areas, deeply impacted by the Lebanese Pound devaluation and price inflation (food inflation rate for the past 12 months above 360%; 56% fall in volume sales for high end food products between 2019 and 2020; 240% increase in consumer price index…), worsen, putting the MSME owners, people working in these MSMEs and people in wage employment at risk, as MSME owners and wage employers started to face difficulties to sustain their business and employability. Rapid urbanization coupled with poor management and uneven development of urban areas have contributed to the growth of informality and the creation of underserved urban neighbourhoods around major cities in Lebanon. Poverty in Lebanon in urban pockets surrounding major cities such as Tripoli, Beirut, Saida, and Tyre has been hitting both refugee and host communities since the onset of crisis in early 2020. Additionally, problems of access to basic services, adequate and affordable housing and health facilities constantly haunt the urban poor.

In the frame of the MINKA initiative for Middle East, The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) will launch call for proposals (CfP) for projects supporting the urban livelihoods and development from neighbourhood approach in Lebanon to mitigate the vulnerabilities generated by population displacements and strengthen the resilience of Lebanon. In that regard, sustainably improving the living conditions of vulnerable people in urban areas and supporting them to access to essential services such as drinking water and primary heart care have an utmost importance to increase the resilience of urban poor in these four cities. Besides, it will also crucial to support the vulnerable segments of population through educational support, skills development and job creation/referral.
The project is expected to focus on the following thematic areas:

1) Structuring Activities (Medium-term activities)

Structuring activities on urban services/infrastructures; activities supporting socio-economic inclusion; comprehensive response to specific vulnerabilities and differentiated needs (gender-based vulnerabilities, youth issues…etc.) Some of the activities that are relevant to medium-term interventions are (1) improvement of essential urban services such as water/sanitation, road, drainage, energy/electricity, transportation, waste management, (2) socio-collective facilities for health, education, (3) structural interventions on buildings/housing, (4) creation or rehabilitation of public/green/sport services.

2) Tangible Activities for the populations in the first 6 months (short-term activities)

Quick urban interventions; visible activities supporting socio-economic inclusion; rapid responses to more urgent and differentiated needs (gender-based vulnerabilities, youth issues…etc.). Some of the activities that are relevant to short-term interventions are (1) minor housing repair/housing improvement works, (2) garbage removal with labor-intensive programmes, (3) social and legal assistance activities for vulnerable populations.
The CfP will target projects to be implemented from 3 to 4 years for a budget around fourteen million (14,000,000.00) Euros.
In this scope, ACF will form a Consortium with two local and one international NGO to design a project responding to the needs of this sector for all populations, regardless of their status in all regions of Lebanon.
This proposal will dwell on the experience of all partners of the Consortium in this field of expertise and on all other relevant programming.

Given the above background, the consultancy will present an evidenced-based analysis of the current context (needs, gaps, trends and stakeholders) taking into consideration the recent events in the country (economic turndown, covid-19 outbreak, Beirut port Blast). He/she should identify potential threats and opportunities that will affect the Consortium programs and target groups.
He/she will be expected to coordinate with the partners to produce:

  • A context analysis:
    The Consultant will produce a thorough analysis of the vulnerable neighbourhoods in aforementioned cities and socio-economic context in the targeted zones of intervention through secondary data review, market analysis, local political economy mapping, data collection and mapping, value-chain identification… to ease the type of activities included in the project. The context analysis will be gender and age sensitive and do-not-harm approach will be the basis of the project.

  • A consolidation of the different assessments produced by the partners in the preparation of the CfP:
    In coordination with ACF, the Consultant will be responsible for collecting and consolidating existing assessments and data, analyse gaps, and elaborate an action plan accordingly.

  • Conduct technical needs assessments in the planned areas of intervention
    Following the above-mentioned consolidation, the Consultant will prepare and conduct additional rapid need assessments in Tripoli, Beirut, Saida and Tyre, focusing on the 3 main Minka objectives:

    • Support socioeconomic insertion through education, vocational trainings and jobs
    • Reinforce the recovery of areas affected by the crisis via infrastructures, economic sectors and social links.
    • Sustainably improve living conditions and access to essential services

In line with the results of rapid need assessments and the specific objectives of the project as outlined above, the Consultant will develop an gender-sensitive urban livelihoods & development programming based on neighbourhood approach, that details all the activities, outputs and outcomes that will yield to achieve 3 main objectives of the Call.

  • Identifying relevant stakeholders and conducting key informant interviews

The Consultant will identify, map, and conduct key informant interviews with relevant local, regional and national, private and public political and socio-economic stakeholders, including municipalities and unions of municipalities, local associations, chambers of commerce and industry, Lebanese Water Establishment, relevant ministries, business clubs and vocational trainings centres…etc.

  • A Theory of change
    Based on the analysis, the Consultant will elaborate a Theory of change on which the proposal will be built upon.
  • Redaction of a Proposal and all related annexes, including a logical framework and a MEAL plan
    In cooperation with ACF and other consortium members, the Consultant will draft a project proposal addressing the gaps and changing needs identified in the targeted areas. The approach developed will adopt a gender, age and nationality and ecology sensitive lens. Among the annexes, the proposal will include a logical framework detailing Minka’s general objectives, results expected, and indicators. This logical framework must be accompanied by a Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning plan enabling ACF and other members of consortium to ensure the quality of their intervention, and to be accountable to local population, relevant stakeholders, as well as to the donor. The project must address both short-term and medium-term needs of the people in these 4 cities, and plan for a 3 to 4-year implementation.
  • Budget Development
    In coordination with the relevant departments of the consortium members, the Consultant will be responsible for drafting and consolidating the proposal’s detailed budget. This document will be based on the template provided to the consultant and accompanied by a budget narrative justifying each and every expense. The budget should be around 14.000.000 Euro.
    The assignment is expected to last for an equivalent of 35 full days (7 weeks), following the launch of a call for proposals. The call is expected to be launched in mid-May, 2022; therefore, the last day of the consultancy is expected to be in the first week of July, 2022.

• 1 presentation organized
• 1 full proposal delivered, including relevant annexes and budget (Logical framework, Theory of Change KIIs, MEAL plan, Context analysis and assessments…).

The duration of the assignment is from mid-May, 2022 to the beginning of July, 2022.
The Consultant will submit a budget based on the number days worked and assigned to each task. It will be up to the Consultant to manage the time and output over the duration of the assignment period.

Beirut (Lebanon)

ACF will provide an overall financial offer to the selected Consultant. All costs incurred during the assessment (transport, insurance, accommodation, data collection, procurement, translation, etc.) should then be covered by the Consultant.

• The Consultant will report to ACF’s Food Security & Livelihoods Coordinator.
• The Consultant will work closely with other representatives of consortium members (Field Coordinators, Livelihood Technical Advisor, Technical Coordinators)

Educational and Professional Background of the Applicant: 30 %
Experience in Similar Consultancies & Projects: 40 %
Quality of Financial Proposal and Offer: 20 %
Feasibility of workplan & timeline: 10 %

The total amount for the consultancy will be paid within 30 days after submission of project proposal and budget.


• Post-graduate degree in Sociology, Social Sciences, Business, Economics, or related field.

• Demonstrated experience conducting labour market analyses and chain value assessments in similar environments.

• Advanced knowledge in sustainable livelihoods and employment promotion for refugees and host communities

• Advanced knowledge in gender-sensitive programming and neighbourhood approach in urban livelihoods interventions.

• Technical and financial proposal development experience

• Experience in consultancies with NGOs in similar fields

• Communication and facilitation skills (leading groups discussions, workshops)

• In-depth knowledge of quantitative and qualitative research methods

• Good analytical, research and presentation skills

• Knowledgeable in the use of digital data collection technologies preferred

• Excellent knowledge of the Lebanese context

• Excellent English writing skills.

• Well organized and attention to details

• Reliable and rigorous

• Fluent English and is mandatory (spoken and written)

• Arabic is a plus


All documents related to the assignment/consultancy shall remain the sole and exclusive property of ACF and may be used for any purpose whatsoever without the need to consult with the author.

How to apply

Please submit the following to Procurement department at [email protected] – Most recent CV of the consultant (and other team members)

  • A financial proposal detailing budget breakdown including daily rate expected and time allocated to each expected deliverable.

The deadline for submission is the 27th of May 2022.
The contract between ACF and the winning bidder will be with one consultant. However, bidders are encouraged to assemble a group of local and/or international team members as per their methodology and team design.

Incomplete and CV-only applications will not be considered

For more details on this consultancy please contact Action Against Hunger’s Procurement department at [email protected]

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