Regional Human Resources Coordinator

  • Contractor
  • México City, Mexico
  • TBD USD / Year
  • MSF profile

  • Job applications may no longer being accepted for this opportunity.


Médicos Sin Fronteras en México A.C.



to work in for the Central America and Mexico Integrated Offices (CAMINO)


  • Define, adapt, plan and supervise the implementation of human resources policies in the Mission, ensuring they are in line with the context, the operational challenges and the strategic HR
  • Being a strategic partner to Operations contributes to the definition and implementation of the mission’s objectives and ensures the HR capacity required, sizing and improving people capabilities, contribution and active participation in order to achieve mission goals effectively. This will be done according to MSF human resources vision and values
  • Is responsible of ensuring that MSF is a Responsible employer in the mission, supports proper management of HR across the board and assumes full accountability of all Administrative and legal issues in the Mission


  • Is an active member of the Mission Coordination Team (MCT), contributing to the mission’s objectives definitions and missions strategic plans, ensuring its alignment with CAMINOs institutional objectives and strategies at any time
  • Is responsible for all human resources management and administrative issues of the whole mission, ensuring they are aligned with legal requirements, HR vision and Responsible Employer frame
  • Together with HoHR, ensures alignment of mission’s objectives with HR institutional objectives beyond the mission (related with future HR capacity of the organization such as supporting development of staff beyond missions roles, promoting spaces to train new staff (first missions) or staff under development plans, detachment, etc…)
  • Together with HoHR, contributes to planning and definition of Human Resources in the Mission, analyzing local capacities and supporting on identifying the optimum team set-up to properly achieve Mission’s objectives and identifying key indicators in order to follow up the results, and revise the HR plan accordingly
  • Provides advice and technical expertise to the Mission Coordination Team, in order to design job profiles, organisational charts and decision-making channels
  • In close collaboration with the Mission Coordination Team, plans HR operational and budget needs in order to efficiently ensure the required HR sizing and capabilities of the mission. Is responsible for the follow-up of the HR budget and plan and accountable for both
  • In collaboration with HoHR, defines HR strategies at mission level to ensure the mission counts with the capacities and competences needed, in the short, mid and long term (recruitment, remuneration, management and learning development plans)
  • In collaboration with HoHR and other HRCOs in the Region, defines local policies defining or adapting MSF standard policies to the mission. Ensures implementation of all HR Policies and Management Guidelines
  • Ensure that local and regional staff in the Mission is properly recruited and that all staff is managed according to MSF HR vision, policies and values, and provides support and technical advice to MCT in order to grant fulfilment and coherence
  • Identify the best source of recruitment according to the needs and objectives of the mission, and in collaboration with Talent Manager when need be, define recruitment strategy based on the analysis of labour market with the objective of recruiting professionals and people with potentials to develop within the mission/organization
  • Supports and coach as an Expert all MCT members in their role of people’s managers
  • Is accountable for HR and Administration related issues at Mission level (recruitment, management and development of teams, contracting of national and regional employees’, remuneration of local and regional staff, etc.), and actively collaborates with CAMINOs Technical Referents (i.e. Talent Manager, Career Advisor, PAM, PDM, etc.) to achieve optimal goals
  • Is responsible and supervises all human resources and administration team in the Regional Mission Coordination
  • In close collaboration with the Regional PDM, ensure the proper implementation of the Performance Management System (PMS) throughout the Mission, and the provision of the necessary technical support to the coordination team and the Administration Managers in implementing and detecting training needs, in accordance to operational requirements, in evaluating people performance and in implementing the associated action plans in order to improve people’s capabilities and their end results contribution to mission goals
  • In close collaboration with the Regional PDM, define, approve and/or coordinate the implementation of career development programs to high potential collaborators in order to increase long term commitment and contribution
  • In collaboration with HoHR and OCGs Technical Referent, define and coordinate the local implementation of a fair rewarding policy in the Mission in accordance to MSF policies and local regulations checking monthly calculations of salaries and taxes, in order to ensure internal equity, adequate competitiveness and legal compliance
  • Define and coordinate the internal communication policy, in collaboration with CAMINO’s Communication Department and with the MCT, organising personnel meetings and broadcasting MSF values and vision, in order to boost people commitment, active participation and adherence to MSF values
  • In collaboration with Talent Manager and Admin Transit, ensures systematic briefings and induction of all staff in the Mission (International, National and Regional)
  • Supervise administrative processes for all staff and ensures the management of conflicts when they appear, in order to ensure labour legal compliance and to improve employer branding awareness
  • Ensure a good knowledge of labour market: in terms of profiles available, level of qualifications, specificities, lead or request labour market studies and benchmarking studies
  • Is responsible to make sure that Internal regulations and all HR related policies, procedures and administrative documents (i.e. employment contracts, payslip, etc.) are within the national legal framework
  • Promote internal (interprojects ) and external (intermissions) mobility of key staff identified and support the development of plans to ensure mobility
  • Develop the mission mobility policy according to the needs and the context and in respect with policies and standards
  • Ensure, in close collaboration with the medical team, the implementation of safety/security/medical protocols in order to ensure healthy and risk-free working conditions for all staff in the Mission
  • Provide expertise to coordinators/supervisors/activity managers on how to manage HR (team management, conflict management, stress early detection, communication, meetings…)
  • Detect potential conflicts among Mission staff and intervenes directly in conflict solving when necessary and/or possible. Is responsible to look for a viable solution in case a direct intervention is not possible
  • Make sure that cases linked to behavioural issues are prevented, detected and managed
  • Is responsible for the correct use of HR Systems in the Mission and systematically ensures the quality of data and the monthly closing
  • Ensure, in close collaboration with Logistics department and the Admin Transit, that all international and internal movements in the Mission are properly managed (visas, tickets, per diem when necessary, dates of arrival/departure, etc.), and ensures proper accommodation conditions (i.e. room, food, etc.) by informing all relevant people/departments
  • Reports on HR indicators to MCT and HoHR in order to feed decision making, planning and fine tuning of mission’s and project’s strategies
  • Ensures proper end of assignment, debriefing and capitalization of experiences at mission level and shares it with HoHR and MCT
  • Represents MSF in meetings with Authorities and other NGOs for HR or Administration related issues, when referred to the Mission and delegated by HoHR

Due to the particular structure of CAMINO, the Regional HRCO:

  • The position is hierarchically under the Head of HR, who acts as HROP (HR Referent to the Desk) and CAMINO’s HR Director
  • Integrates a Regional vision and HR Management in its work, definition of strategies, staff mobility, etc
  • Is responsible to open, share and manage the vacancies of Internationally Mobile Staff in the Region, being in regular direct contact with OCGs Pool Managers
  • Actively collaborates in the definition, consolidation and maintenance of the EPREP component in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean
  • Works in coordination and close collaboration with the Regional HoM, and acts as his/her HR referent at any time
  • Works in close collaboration with the Regional PDM (hierarchically under the Talent Manager) to ensure all Mission staff is properly supported in the area under responsibility of PDM (L&D, appraisals, capacitations, talent detection, etc.)
  • Actively collaborates with HoHR in the definition, design and implementation of synergies with other offices and/or missions in the Region (staff mobility, capacitations, mutualisation, etc.)
  • Leads the implementation in the Regional Mission of delegated transversal projects (i.e. DEI, Anti-Racism, etc.)


Education and formation

  • Essential, degree in Human Resource management or administration related studies


  • Essential, working experience of at least 2 years in relevant and similar jobs in MSF or comparable Humanitarian Organisation
  • Essential, previous experience of at least 24 months in similar management positions in MSF or in another comparable organisation such as HRCO o Deputy (Personnel Development Manager or Personnel Administration Manager)
  • Solid understanding of Human Resource humanitarian context and challenges in the Region


  • Essential, Spanish (C1) & English (B2)
  • Desirable, French


  • Mature, with excellent organizational and communications capacities
  • Committed with Diversity, Inclusion and Equity vision
  • Clear operational focus and solutions’ oriented
  • Excellent capacity to set priorities and ability to take responsible decisions


  • Strategic vision
  • Leadership
  • Initiative and Innovation
  • Planning
  • Teamwork




SALARY RANGE: between 900K MXN to 1,080K MXN GROSS / YEAR ($53,553 MXN MONTHLY GROSS), split into:

  • Seniority bonus: 2% base salary increase per year (recognition of internal experience)
  • Benefits of law: 25% days of vacation per year, 25% vacations bonus, 30 days of Christmas bonus, Social Security
  • Additional benefits: reimbursement of basic medical consultations, limited annual expenses, economic support in case of death

CONTRACT: MEXICAN, FULL TIME (also for foreigners)

START: MAY 1ST 2022 (flexible)


DURATION: From 3 (minimum) to 6 years (maximum) commitment





MSF is an equal opportunity employer. MSF considers all applicants on the basis of merit without regard to race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.

MÉDICOS SIN FRONTERAS EN MÉXICO AC, with address at Fernando Montes de Oca, number 56, Col. Condesa, 06140, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City, will process your personal data to carry out recruitment, selection, hiring, supply and administration activities. personal; create personnel files; verify and confirm your identity and data; management and operation of HR processes within the organization. For more details, please review the full version at:

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