Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion

Terms of reference


Programme: EAR Country: Rwanda

Dates: May-June 2024 (exact dates TBC)

  1. Context of the country

Rwanda is a small and landlocked country in east-central Africa, characterized by hilly terrain and fertile land. It shares borders with the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Uganda, and Burundi. Since the devastating 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, Rwanda has worked diligently to maintain political stability**.**Despite external challenges, Rwanda’s economy remains resilient. In the first three quarters of 2023, it achieved an impressive 7.6% growth rate. The country’s public-sector-led development model faces limitations, with rising public debt due to large investments. Additionally, external financing plays a crucial role, but promoting private sector dynamism is essential. Being landlocked affects Rwanda’s transportation costs and competitiveness compared to neighboring countries. In summary, Rwanda continues to progress economically and politically, while addressing critical challenges to ensure sustainable development and prosperity.

  1. Humanity & Inclusion in Rwanda.

HI presence in Rwanda started in 1994, in the aftermath of the genocide perpetrated against Tutsi. From 1994 to 1996, HI worked alongside many other NGOs to provide emergency assistance to a population plunged in extreme distress, misery and poverty. From 1996 to 2000, HI started to engage in long-term activities, aiming at improving the living conditions of people most at risk of exclusion, particularly those with mental health problems, and HIV / AIDS, by providing them with appropriate support. Since 2001, HI implements and supports development projects to prevent gender, disability and age based violence, to provide physical and functional rehabilitation, mental health and psychosocial support, to promote inclusive education and early childhood development. Finally, HI promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities in society by supporting organisations of people with disabilities and civil society actors. In these sectors, we support the national government strategies through our projects. HI is currently present in all 30 districts of Rwanda. Since 2021, regionalization with Uganda and Kenya is in place to facilitate decision making and provide technical support closer to our areas of intervention.

  1. Expertise France call for proposal.

Expertise France Published a call for proposal dubbed ‘’ Strengthening the role of key and vulnerable populations in relation to HIV, tuberculosis and / or malaria to improve their health and well-being. HI Rwanda send a Concept Note which has apparently been selected for a full proposal.

The consortium members are: HI Rwanda the lead, Play international, Rwanda Network for people living with HIV/AIDS(RRP+), the Umbrella of organisation of Persons with disabilities in the fight against HIV/AIDs and for health promotion (UPHLS).

The full proposal is expected to be submitted by 17th of June 2024.

  1. Objectives and expected outcomes of the consultancy

Global Objective:

  • To develop a full proposal and a budget
  • To develop a logical framework
  • To Complete the Project Application Form
  • To develop an activity schedule
  • To develop a risk management table
  • To fill the checklist for gender mainstreaming


  • A participatory project development process, involving consortium partners, has been organized together with HI involved staff
  • A logical framework is developed in consultation with partners
  • A coherent full proposal has been developed, in line with Expertise France guidelines, standards and formats
  • The budget is drafted in collaboration with the relevant financial staff (Rwanda finance team, regional finance manager, HQ)
  • Documents ready for timely submission to Expertise France
  1. Roles and responsibilities of HI and consortium partners
  • Provide the consultant with background documents relevant for the development of the proposed action and deliverables.
  • Provide and validate strategic, operational and technical inputs.
  • Confirm partners, due diligence and set up the consortium.
  • Support/facilitate the logistics of the consultant during the field visit (workshop organization, meeting with stakeholders).

Rwanda’s Operations manager will lead the process and be responsible of mobilizing the right persons at HI and consortium partner level, with the support of HI HQ

  1. Detailed responsibilities for the Lead consultant:
  2. Agenda/schedule/Clauses

Animate the proposal writing process and provide the following deliverables:

  • Retro planning for the development of the deliverables.
  • A full proposal respecting Expertise France guideline and validated by HI by Mid-June
  • A logical framework
  • Drafted budget

Broad activities split by number of days:


Literature review

2 days

Write shop

3 days

Designing of the intervention, development of theory of change.

5 day

Development of the full proposal and draft of budget

6 days

Total: 16

  1. Expected qualifications and skills
  • Having previously successfully drafted proposals
  • Relevant academic background and demonstrated relevant field experience
  • Demonstrated experience in facilitating consultations among different actors for proposal writing
  • Excellent English writing and editing skills
  • Ability to work under pressure and time constraints;
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work well within a team;
  • Excellent analytical skills
  • Proven oral and written communication skills
  • Experience working with people of different cultures; knowledge and experience of Rwanda is an advantage.
  • Competencies in drafting the necessary budget and other resource needs.
  1. Costs

The consultant should include the following costs in his/her proposition

  • Professional fees):
  • Mission return flight cost (if applicable)
  • Daily Living cost in Rwanda
  • Accommodation cost
  • Health coverage cost
  • Medical repatriation insurance cost
  • Civil insurance cost
  • Visa application cost
  • WHT 15 % (Applicable for non-residents only)
  • VAT 18 % (Applicable for Rwandan resident and non-Rwanda residents only)

HI will provide:

  • Movement transport within Rwanda. (the Consultant is required to sign HI Discharge responsibility form)

How to apply

  1. Applications (Administrative and technical annexes)

If you are interested in and qualified for the position, please submit the following documents on or before 14/05/2024.

List of items to be included in the submission);

  • Company Profile / Individual Freelance Worker CV
  • Technical proposal to meet the requirements
  • Financial proposal
  • Proposed start date

If the consultant is selected, the following documents will be required

  • Documents proving registration and any other documents certifying to the regularity of the company or his/her activity
  • Proof of personal health/hospital insurance
  • Proof of medical repatriation insurance
  • Bank details
  • Identification documents (Passport/ID)

The Proposal should be submitted to the following email**: [email protected],**

Contact person to respond applicant questions: Grace Kimani, [email protected]


Deadline: 14-May-24

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