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Terms of Reference – Change Management and Organization Development Expert

Women for Women International

  1. Background

Women for Women International works in some of the most dangerous places to be a woman. We serve women survivors of war in conflict and post-conflict areas around the world including in Eastern DRC. Our core belief is that stronger women build stronger nations; and with access to knowledge, resources, and a support network, a woman rebuilds her life and improves her community. Our program works and we have the data to prove it. Learn more at www.womenforwomen.org.

Women for Women International began working in DRC in 2004. We have a head office in Bukavu and a sub office in Uvira with a total of 40 staff and a budget of over $2.8 Million. More than 100,000 marginalized women have graduated from our 12-month signature program of social and economic empowerment. Many women continue on with us as a part of our Change Agent program that supports graduates to work with one another and achieve change on their priority issues at the local and national level. We have also served more than 15,700 men in our Men’s Engagement Program.

The Women for Women International (WfWI) country office in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is seeking to immediately hire a consultant to lead a significant change process. This position offers an exciting opportunity for a skilled and experienced Change Management Expert to make a meaningful and important contribution to the lives of women, their families and their communities

Our program in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is in the process of a significant change process. At our 20-year anniversary, we seek to enhance the DRC country office’s operational efficiency, ability to adapt to changing market realities, and to effectively respond to emerging socio-economic dynamics affecting vulnerable women in the country. We seek to explore new modalities of working, including expanding meaningful partnerships with local organizations. To achieve this, WfWI is seeking a Change Management & Organization Development Expert (CMODE). This consultant will be responsible for driving and implementing strategic changes across the DRC country office departments and teams.

The CMODE’s primary role will be to work with WfWI’s leadership team to develop and execute a comprehensive change management plan for the DRC Country Office/Country Program. This plan will outline the steps and timing to achieve the necessary restructuring within a manageable timeline and in line with existing commitments. The consultant will also work closely with DRC senior management team and a central WfWI team leadership to ensure that all necessary organizational changes in the DRC are communicated effectively and implemented efficiently.

The successful candidate for this role will have a proven change management and organizational development track record. The consultant should demonstrate experience working with nonprofit organizations, particularly those operating in conflict-affected/protracted conflict areas and with experience in development programming. The candidate should have proven leadership and communication skills and keenness to work collaboratively across diverse teams, which may also include remote engagements.

2. Objective and Purpose:

The objectives of the CMODE are to ensure that the restructuring initiative in the DRC is successfully implemented by:

  • Building a process to assess if the current programming in North and South Kivu is fit for purpose considering the changing context and longevity of WfWI-DRC’s operations in these areas and incorporate that analysis in the draft DRC 3-year country office strategy (2024-2027.) After that analysis, align the strategic programmatic shifts to the requisite staffing needs to ensure the country office has the right staff with the right skills to respond to the programming and operational demands over the next three years.
  • Building out the portion of the strategy related to strengthening WfWI partnership approaches in DRC and determining the most effective programming locations.
  • Developing a 12-18 month change management and organizational development action plan in consultation with WfWI senior leadership.
  • Working closely with the Interim Country Director, DRC to develop and implement an employee engagement plan for the change process and contribute towards building a culture of adaptability and resilience among employees.
  • Facilitating an effective transition during the restructuring process by ensuring any legal and operational requirements are proactively recognized, discussed and addressed.
  • Ensure alignment between the broader organizational goals of WfWI and the ongoing change management process being implemented in the DRC.

3. Scope of Work:

The CMODE will be responsible for the following:

  • Become familiar with the current organizational structure, processes, and culture to confirm areas for change and improvement. This will be through documents review (DRC most previous (2020-2023) and current country strategy (2023-2027, the DRC CO organogram, current job descriptions, the HR employee manual, latest staff engagement survey results and action plans, etc) and through regular consultation with WFWI central leadership team members responsible for guiding the transition in the DRC.
  • Understanding the legal, operational and programming obligations and context in the DRC and the nature in which WfWI operates.
  • Assessing the alignment of the current organizational structure with the 3-year strategy and conduct a functional departmental review/gap analysis in job descriptions regarding required skills, positions and structure that are needed to deliver cost-effective programming in the DRC over the next three years.
  • Map the current workforce and available skills with the proposed organogram positions and proposed phases to consider in filling the positions.
  • Develop a comprehensive change management plan outlining strategies, tactics, and timelines for achieving the desired outcomes of the change management process.
  • Work with the restructure committee members from WfWI central leadership team to anticipate frequently asked questions and develop informative answers for stakeholder engagement and updates.
  • Providing guidance and support for the communication of changes to internal staff as needed and in coordination with WfWI senior managers as well as to external stakeholders as may be requested by senior leadership.
  • Identify what training and workshops are needed to equip employees with the necessary skills to navigate changes and provide proposal on change management support programs for affected staff based on the context.
  • Provide real-time monitoring and evaluation of the implementation progress, adapting strategies as needed.

4. Deliverables:

The consultant will be required to provide the following deliverables:

  • An Initial report recommending areas for change and improvement to be agreed with WfWI leadership.
  • A detailed change management and organizational development plan, including communication strategies, communication plan with consultative and implementation schedules, any necessary trainings or programs to support staff through the change management process, FAQs and Answers and monitoring mechanisms.
  • Progress reports at defined intervals outlining achievements, challenges, and proposed adjustments.

5. Timelines:

February – April 2024 developing the process; May-Dec 2024 facilitation/coordination of process with Interim Country Director DRC. A detailed timeline and milestones will be provided upon commencement.

6**. Reporting and Communication:**

  • Bi-weekly progress meetings with key stakeholders.
  • Monthly reports on the implementation progress and any emerging issues.

7. Essential Skills and Experience

  • A Master’s degree in Human Resource Management, Organizational Development, Change Management, Knowledge Management, or a similar field
  • Over 15 years of senior-level experience in Human Resources Management of culturally diverse international organizations.
  • Previous consultancy expertise and skills in Change Management, leadership development, and organizational development in a multicultural global institution is mandatory.
  • Previous experience and demonstrated ability to interact at very high levels in a multicultural international/global organization
  • Understanding of organizational culture and Diversity Equity and Inclusion subjects.
  • Proficiency in change management methodologies and frameworks
  • Experience working in Eastern DRC
  • Ethical behavior, integrity, and professionalism
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English and French is required or Kiswahili would be highly desirable

Consultancy Fee

Please provide your expected daily fee rate and estimated number of days you expect each deliverable would take to complete.

How to apply

Qualified candidates for this assignment should link on the link below to apply.

Terms of Reference – Change Management and Organization Development Expert – The Democratic Republic of the Congo | Women for Women International Careers

Deadline: 15 Mar 2024

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