Request for Proposals for Supply of Spare Parts, Repair and Maintenance of Boreholes In Isiolo, Marsabit, Wajir, Garissa And Turkana Counties.

  • Full Time
  • Kenya
  • TBD USD / Year
  • Millennium Water Alliance profile

  • Job applications may no longer being accepted for this opportunity.

Millennium Water Alliance

  1. Background and context

The Millennium Water Alliance (MWA) is a permanent global alliance of leading humanitarian, research, and business organizations that convene a trusted network and serve as a hub for collective impact, accelerate learning, and influence priorities and funding to scale sustained WASH services and resilience globally. MWA and its members collectively serve over 50 million people in over 100 countries and are leading advocates for greater water and sanitation commitments by governments and the private sector.

MWA is implementing the USAID funded DRIP FUNDI (Fixing Uptime Now and Decision Improvement) program in five Counties in Kenya: Marsabit, Garissa, Wajir, Isiolo and Turkana. The program seeks to increase the borehole uptime across 200 boreholes in the five counties with a goal of addressing the challenge of borehole non-functionality that is prevalent in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) of northern Kenya and rural areas of Kenya at large. Non-functional water systems make it particularly difficult for communities to cope with the recurrent droughts that the region experiences. The program will partner with respective county government borehole repair teams and private sector partners to facilitate the rapid repair of the boreholes. Further, it will also engage selected private sector partners for the provision of the spare parts required for borehole repair. Finally, the program aims to set up a carbon financing system to support the continued repair of the 200 boreholes beyond the program’s life.

With the above background, MWA is seeking qualified private firms who can supply spare parts, repair, and maintain 200 selected boreholes in Isiolo, Marsabit, Garissa, Wajir and Turkana Counties.

This Request for Proposals exclusively targets private companies. NGOs and public institutions are not eligible.

Complete set of Tender documents are available as from 26th February 2024. To receive the set of documents related to this Request for Proposal, please send an email to [email protected].

Issuance Date: 26th February 2024

RFP Reference Number: RFP MWAK 002/FY 2024.

Pre-Bid Conference Call: 7th March 2024 at 4:00 p.m. EAT via Zoom.

To access the pre-bid conference kindly register through the Zoom link;

Deadline for Submission: 15th March 2024, 05:00 PM EAT

Bid Validity Period: 90 Days upon submission deadline

DISCLAIMER: Issuance of this Request for Proposals does not constitute a commitment by MWA nor a guarantee to award a contract. This Request for Proposal represents only a definition of requirements. MWA has no contractual obligations with any firm, bidder or offeror based upon the issuance of this Request for Proposal.

For inquiries regarding this Request for Proposal, please contact Millennium Water Alliance via [email protected].

How to apply

Submission of bids will ONLY be via [email protected] with the subject line as ***“***RFP Supply of Spare Parts, Repair and Maintenance of Boreholes – Reference Number”.

County Reference Numbers:

Lot 1: Marsabit

Lot 2: Turkana

Lot 3: Isiolo

Lot 4: Garissa

Lot 5: Wajir

Deadline: 15-Mar-24

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